Tag: zionism
The Zionist Protection Racket
The Zionist infrastructure has been a racket since its inception, and politicians like John Kerry had to find that out the hard way.
The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia
The Secret History of the Khazarian Mafia (KM) and its evil plan to hijack the whole World is now revealed for the first time.
Islamic Churchill: His Greatest Quotes
Churchill's great lines rally Muslims against the New World Order.
Iran and the Bomb
Iran does not want the bomb, but the Neoconservatives want to bomb Iran anyway because Iran upsets their political and essentially Talmudic worldview.
Avnery – My Glorious Brothers
Jim W. Dean..."Amazingly, in this piece Uri seems to be advocating a celebration of terrorists -- the-end-justifies-the-means people who will do anything for their cause du jour."
Obama: “I’m a SOUL Jew!”
Obama's profession that he is a "soul Jew" opens up new vistas in ethnic cuisine.
Oy vey! Top ten reasons why Israel shouldn’t be training American...
Do we really need Israeli-militarized American cops driving star-of-David-decorated tanks down our streets, setting up ethnic-ID checkpoints and dropping white phosphorus and cluster bombs on our neighborhoods?
US war on terror is war on Israel’s enemies
"Israel’s American assets murdered 3,000 Americans, blew up the twin towers, destroyed World Trade Center [Building] 7 and the entire World Trade Center, attacked the Pentagon, America’s military headquarters, and then deceptively blamed 'Muslim terrorists."
Hardly A Debate – Gilad Atzmon vs. Geoffrey Alderman
I prefer to deal with hard core Zionists and Israeli Right wing ideologues rather than with the so-called ‘anti’ and their culture of deceit. At least with Zionists, I know exactly what I am up against.
The Palestinians Have Managed to Topple Another Israeli Government
- The Israelis want to see a conclusive victory -- buckets of Arab blood. Bibi didn’t provide the goods and in the eyes of many Israeli patriots he was a softie.
ISIL Israeli mercenary army
ISIL claims to be a Muslim liberation movement - yet it never attacks Israel or its supporters.
The Incorrigible Sam Harris and Zionist Group-Think
"We possess several hundred atomic warheads and rockets and can launch them at targets in all directions, perhaps even at Rome."
The Tragic Case of Denis Rancourt and Arthur Topham
Denis Rancourt: "I was publicly critical of the [University of Ottawa's] president’s paid trip to Israel."
Will Zionist ISIL bomb al-Aqsa?
Powerful right-wing leaders inside Israel conspired to bomb Masjid al-Aqsa in 1980. If they try again, it's World War III.
If You Think You Had Enough of Jewish Left Just Follow...
Natali Cohen Vaxberg, provides a devastating picture of Jewish cosmopolitanism as well as a glimpse into the clear chasm between Jewish Left ‘art’ and any notion of beauty.
Israelis kill Americans with impunity
Israel is a nation of child-killers. That is no "blood libel." It is the simple truth.
Cognitive Elite – The Jewish Ghetto, Gaza and Detroit
- "A Study of Jewish Identity Politics offers a theory of cognitive ability distribution to explain Zionism, Jewishness, anti-semitism..."
Is It Haskalah Or Culture Of Deceit?
- Haskalah planted a deeply deceitful mode at the heart of Jewish existence. Although motivated by a yearning for integration and assimilation, it insisted on retaining the notion of ‘tribe.’ Haskalah Jews tried to boost their popularity while remaining part of the tribe and celebrating their culture in a clandestine manner.
Iran and the USA: A history of deceit
Zionist deception, including false flag terror, has been wrecking US-Iran relations for decades.
What Is Wrong With Gareth Porter – An Interview
Who is Porter trying to appease? Is it possible that veteran progressive journalist is breaching every journalist ethical principle just to convey the image that he is committed to Jewish primary interests?
Uri Avnery – Decent Respect
- "Uri confirms what we all know, the worm is beginning to turn on the free pass the Zionists have had in the treatment of their Palestinian hostages."
Lenin, Stalin, and Mao’s Willing Executioners
"What had taken the German nation over two millennia to build, had taken its enemies a mere six years to destroy"
Save Sheikh al-Nimr – expose 9/11
"Saudi" Arabia is a disgrace to Islam - just as Zionist Israel is a disgrace to Judaism.
Expose 9/11, put them out of business.
Richie Allen Speaks With Gilad Atzmon About The Last Gaza Conflict
"The Palestinians are devastated, but the Israelis are the big losers following the bombardment of Gaza."
Israel: An Inconceivable Concept
- Israel has now officially entered its final terminal phase. The catastrophic situation has entered into Israeli collective awareness. Israelis are now running for their lives and they have good reason to believe that Europe will soon close its gates to avoid the Hebrew tsunami.
The Kosher ‘Philosopher’
Jews and philosophy have had a pretty troubled relationship. The collision between ‘the tribal’ and ‘the universal’ or, more accurately, between Athens and Jerusalem, is inevitable.
NEO: 9/11 Plus Thirteen Years – A Decline Into Madness
- The American congress is willing to vote away constitutional rights, authorize insane wars using illegal WMD - including tactical nuclear weapons - in what they openly admit is a religious crusade.
Tehran truthfest panics Zionist thought police
Israeli agents in American media are throwing "unlovely terms" at their critics - just as Edward Luttwak told them to in his 9/11 guidebook "Coup d'Etat."
Gilad Atzmon On Muhammad and Friends ( Nation of Islam TV)
ISIS, Jewish power, Israeli brutality, Jewishness, the Zionisfication of America, Expansionist Wars, Palestine vs. Solidarity, George Soros and the Left being a controlled opposition apparatus.
Intellectual Perversity and Zionist Mumbo-Jumbo
Andrew J. Bacevich: "Rudderless and without a compass, the American ship of state continues to drift, guns blazing."
ISIS, Scotland and The Politics of Mimicry
But the current outburst of tribalism suggests that our society is changing direction. Society may never be the same, and this may be a very positive occurrence.
9/11 truth, Palestine TKO Zionist gatekeepers
9/11 truth and anti-Zionism are winning the slugfest.
Hamas, Hezbollah fighting Israeli, ISIS terror: Pundit
Hamas and Hezbollah are fighting the world's most brutal terrorist organization: ISrael.
ISIS: Muslim plot to take over the world
"Everything about ISIS fairly screams 'false flag operation.' But that's just the cover story."
Neocons confess: “We did 9/11-anthrax”
Every September, the neocons hype a series of public relations stunts designed to magnify fears of "radical Islam" and reinforce their crumbling 9/11-Anthrax cover story.
Alice Cooper covers the Bob Dylan song “Isis”
I was "captured" by "ISIS" on the fifth day of May,
Knew my head wouldn't stay on my neck very long...
Israeli regime committing suicide over land grab
"The stereotype that Zionists are pushy doesn't even begin to describe Richard 'the Dick from Washington' Hellman."
Did Israel Nuke America on 9/11?
There are two issues here: "Who did it" and "how they did it."
Zionist Bloodbath and Irrationality
“Lies are much more plausible, more appealing to reason, than reality, since the liar has the great advantage of knowing beforehand what the audience wishes or expects to hear”
Israel, ISIL have a lot in common
ISrael would be a paradise for people who like to shoot children and cut off heads.
Chased by a Klezmer
I am not just an anti Zionist, I am actually critical of all forms of Jewish politics, both Zionist and Anti. I contend that all forms of Jewish politics are ethno-centric and to a certain extent, racially driven.