Tag: Wikileaks
Obama’s Setback in Beijing
The Transpacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) is a secret free trade treaty Obama is negotiating with eleven other Asian Pacific countries (US, New Zealand, Australia, Malaysia, Japan, Chile, Peru, Canada, Mexico, Vietnam, Singapore and Brunei).
Veil of Lies, Snowden and Wikileaks
The Selling of "Snowden"
The Selling of Snowden
By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor
We are told, "and how" we are told, aided by every discredited media hack on the planet, that poor Snowden is flying to Russia where he will either be given "safe passage" or "considered" for asylum.
Google, Beyond the CIA: Insurgency and Espionage Factory
Intercepted emails expose Google as an intelligence contractor openly involved in aiding terror organizations throughout Africa, Asia and the world, working well outside any official oversight and authority, far beyond even the CIA’s wildest abuses.
Redefining Anti-Semitism, Reviewing Mark Glenn’s Startling Video
In December, 2012, John's Hopkins published a genome study on the Jewish people clearly indicating, if we choose to find humor in such things, that the average "knuckle-dragging white supremacist" is more Jewish than any Israeli Jew.
Redefining Anti-Semitism, Reviewing Mark Glenn's Startling Video
In December, 2012, John's Hopkins published a genome study on the Jewish people clearly indicating, if we choose to find humor in such things, that the average "knuckle-dragging white supremacist" is more Jewish than any Israeli Jew.
Grinding Bradley Manning, the silencing
Grinding Bradley Manning, the silencing
US Army Private Bradley Manning (2nd R) is escorted during his arrival to military court on the first day of...
Press TV Ban Tantamount to Human Rights Violation
The recent EU move to take Press TV off the air is to be seen as part of a continued process of media violation against this alternative channel.
Assange Takes Credit For Sparking Embassy Violence
WORLD NEWS TOMORROW – WikiLeaks has been accused of crass self-centredness after it intimated that its founder Julian Assange’s current refuge inside the Ecuadorean embassy in London in part explained or even justified Wednesday’s attack on the US diplomatic mission in Benghazi which killed the ambassador, Chris Stevens, and three other Americans.
9/11 Whistleblowers Upstage Assange
Rip up the veil of secrecy, start a nonviolent revolution, restore the Constitution!
Assange “Witch Hunt” Dupes Activists, US Extradition Claims Bogus
Assange, for those, many my own friends, who are too dumb to find their cars in their own driveway, is wanted for sex crimes in Sweden, not even a NATO country. After all these years, there has been no legal action against Assange in the US, none threatened, none planned, all just made up.
Talking Truth About Assange and Vanunu by Noble Laureate and a...
‘Who next?’ and ‘where goes freedom, human rights and justice?’-Mairead Maguire, NOBEL PEACE LAUREATE
Wikipedia Cleansed of Spy Info, Hiding “Nuke Market”
The Special Control Service (SCS, direct English transliteration – SSK) is an autonomous intelligence organization within the main structure of the 12 Chief Directorate of the Defense Ministry of the USSR. It is also known as a “v/ch 46179”.
Justice? Law and Order? My Ass!
Don't we live in a Constitutional Republic and traditionally pride ourselves that we are a law-abiding people? We are, but we did not pay attention as we surrendered to evil.
Talking Torture: Mordechai to Manning
“If you had free reign over classified network...and you saw incredible things, awful things…things that belonged in the public domain...what would you do?”
Assange: Pentagon Attempts to Stifle Reporting With Espionage Charges
The Pentagon is attempting to quash coverage of its activities by alleging that any reporter seeking classified information is collaborating with the source and guilty of conspiracy to commit espionage, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange says.
Pilger and Assange, The Theatre of the Absurd
- I woke up today faced with a John Pilger piece defending Julian Assange. Simply put, if Pilger told me the sun was out and it was nice outside, I would get a flashlight and umbrella. Assange was, long ago, exposed as a professional stooge of intelligence agencies. Then, why would someone try to resurrect him? Do we all forget that two consistent tales Assange stuck with were that 9/11 investigations are a waste of time and that all Muslims are evil.
Bibi, Obama, Nobel, Peres, Manning, Mordechai and George
This Monday's talks between President Obama and Prime Minister Netanyahu maybe the most consequential encounter yet between the U.S. and Israel and the focus is all on Iran.
Wikileaks and Stratfor, Israel Busted Again
It's almost like a Sherlock Holmes story. My first sign, that a mixed intelligence, disinformation campaign or worse was in the works was last week.
WikiLeaks – War on Terror No Problem for Israeli Crime Bosses
As such Israelis who are known to work for or belong to OC families are not automatically ineligible for travel to the United States
Libyan WMD – VT and Wikileaks Were Right
We were right and they were wrong...And the Libyan people will be the final judge of both.
Gaddafi’s “Pet Journalists” 5 Star Prison
Some are real journalists but others are highly paid "guests" of Gaddafi. They were brought into the country to "seed" propaganda.
Rupert Murdoch Doesn’t Eat Humble Pie
While testifying before British Parliament on what he called “the most humble day of my life,” Rupert Murdoch nearly took a pie in the face.
Odd Connections: Murdoch, Wikileaks and Everything
Of Murdoch's "assets," his most lethal "stinger" has been Julian Assange and Wikileaks. Their secret love affair is subject to continual obfuscations and denials though they are the political sweetheart team of all time, a veritable "Dr. Evil and MiniMe" of journalism.
London UFO Scare: Intelligent Lifeforms Threaten BBC
What we do remember is the promise of released documents, one set about UFOs and another outlining lots of "bad things" about Israel. Neither materialized.
In fact, it is almost as though Julian Assange has dematerialized.
Has he, in fact, been beamed up?
Mainstream Media Is Establishment Tool
The only antidote for the shameless propaganda and hypocrisy of the Mainstream Press is transparency and the truth ~ which the Obama administration and the establishment continually avoid ~ because Americans don’t demand it or perhaps don’t want to hear it.
A strange and very disturbing tale that exposes the pedigree of a not so real "man of the people" and "advocate for truth." VT calls this video found by our good friend Tony Lawson both revealing and yet terrifying.
How Obama and Trump Imprison Voters — and How To Break...
A group of demonstrators recently got into an Obama fundraiser to protest the imprisonment of Bradley Manning, the alleged source of the WikiLeaks cables.
Wikiweael 3, “Wikiweasel-Goes-Whacky”
...disinformation campaign against the US, Pakistan and Libyan rebels
By Gordon Duff STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor
Wikileaks is like the Hydra...
EXCLUSIVE TO VETERANS TODAY : Lebanon – Wiki-Cables Tell of Treason,...
Exclusive to VT
Interview with Franklin Lamb in Beirut on the latest Wilkileaks from US Embassy Beirut and the Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL)
"locking up Bradley Manning is like giving out speeding tickets at the Daytona 500."
By Gordon Duff STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor
Am I the only...
Denying Manning Exercise: A Ploy To Muddle His Mind
Taking away one's freedom to exercise is one of the subtlest and most debilitating tortures that can be inflicted on a human being. Yet that is how the Pentagon's Robert Gates, with the backing of President Obama, is punishing PFC Bradley Manning. The Army intelligence specialist's alleged offense is to have turned over confidential files to WikiLeaks in part to expose the arbitrary killing of Iraqi civilians and Reuters journalists in Baghdad on July 12, 2007. They were mowed down from an Army Apache helicopter gunship. Rather than welcoming the infamous “Collateral Damage” video proof Manning furnished of this massacre and punishing the actors, Gates, a former CIA director with apparently no scruples, is punishing Manning.
Assange Terrified Of “The Jews”…Today’s Laugh
“We preferred not to publish anything about Israel in the first week of the “Wikileaks” publications because this would have caused considerable problems – stated Julian Assange, the owner of the popular leaks website, in an interview with the French newspaper “AgoraVox” which is published in the area of the City of Strasburg.
By Gordon Duff STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor
Videos by Anthony...
Death Sentences and Supervised Chores
The U.S. government is clearly signaling that murdering, raping, mutilating and assaulting are not nearly as serious as allegedly making available to the public, documents that reveal embarrassing and/or criminal actions of senior government officials.
Hillary Clinton: Beware of the Mini Pharaoh in our own backyard
Political donation laundering-rechanneling (PDLR) is a business in its own right, whether it is for pre-election donations or post-election maintenance contributions. In most cases, PDLR requires savvy strategists and planners, quick-witted implementers, friends and enablers in high-places, and a high degree of creativity, almost to the point of being artistic.
CONGRESSMAN RON PAUL: Classified Cable Proves US Ok’d Saddam’s Kuwait Invasion
Editor's note: Though Ron Paul totally sidesteps his previous statements on 9/11 and the role...
Updated: Ken O’Keefe: Rise People Rise – The Global Revolution...
".....once in a generation...we get a chance for freedom...this is our chance.."
"I have for many years lived with the knowledge that we, the masses,...
Richard Falk Reponds to The Lobby’s Vilification
By Richard Falk in Foreign Policy Journal
Because my blog prompted by the Arizona shootings has attracted many comments pro and con, and more recently...
Updated: Richard Falk Is Right on 9/11—Will Obama and Friends Forsake...
Richard Falk, UN Special Rapporteur on human rights in Occupied Palestine, is under fire for writing what is obviously true about the U.S. government and...
GORDON DUFF: Wheeler, Cyber War Guru, Death Dubbed “Professional Hit” (Video)
By Gordon Duff STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor
Video credit to Fox News
Lt. General Tom...
Nihilists of The World Unite: Wikileaks Is The "Cognitive Infiltration" Operation Demanded by Cass Sunstein
By Webster Tarpley at www.tarpleynet.com
Awareness is growing around the...
Zahir Ebrahim: WOW – Israel Shamir Works for Wikileaks!
WOW: Israel Shamir Works for Wikileaks - And He Did Not Tell Us About This When He Called Us 'Denier'!
By Zahir Ebrahim | Project...