Tag: war
American “Preacher of Hate” to Tour UK
Fundamentalist and rabid Zionist fire and brimstone preacher John Hagee is taking his ‘mission’ to Birmingham, UK on 18-20 August 2011. From his jail cell in Birmingham, Alabama, Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. confronted his "fellow clergymen" and the willfully ignorant.
Failures of Intelligence
This citizen of conscience for U.S. House of Representatives 2012 asserts that America’s ugly side is rooted in failures of intelligence, heretical Christianity and a lack of true patriotism, for "Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the president or any other public official." -Theodore Roosevelt
Put Away The Flags / There Is Nothing Natural About War
The so called “War on Terror” is rationalized economic rape with Iraq and Afghanistan as the prime examples.
Common Sense on Afghanistan: Raja Mujtaba Talks on the War
The US blames Pakistan for not doing enough it simply sounds ridiculous and insulting. Pakistan has suffered much more casualties in human lives and virtually a complete collapse of economy due to this war.
What Do They Mean Winning a War?
The following will be the opening commentary on the "Connect the Dots" program on KPFK this Monday, June 27th, with guests Daniel Ellsberg, Ca. Assemblyman Mike Feuer, and LA City Councilman Bill Rosendahl.
Resistance: No Warrant No Entry No Knock No Mercy
America is a violent country. It was founded in violence, in revolution against a violent England. It expanded to its present size in just over a century by violent conquest.
Korea: Buried Toxic Herbicides Threaten
Veterans-For-Change, respectfully request that both Houses of Congress hold hearings immediately to call the Department of Defense, Department of the Army and the Department of Veterans Affairs to explain toxic waste dumps
Haunting Legacy: Vietnam and the American Presidency from Ford to Obama
What a terrific book! Scrupulously researched and beautifully told, Haunting Legacy proves that try as they might, our past seven presidents have—one after the next—failed to exorcize the ghost of Vietnam.
War on Mexico Brainwashes Unsuspecting Innocent Americans
Mexico under attack by mainstream US media again and Americans are the biggest losers, as usual! Duped and beaten into submission.
UPDATED : U.S. Taxpayers Raked Over The Fake War Coals Again...
The American Dream and Great American Economy were both built on one gigantic and unstable fault line. And the core is trembling!
I Have Zero Respect For The Mainstream Media
Our independent websites and blogs are far more informative than the mainstream media. Collectively, we provide a source of information that people can trust, and we are rapidly becoming the main source of information.
Afghanistan Memorial Day Demonstration Commemorates Deaths in Violent Demonstration
On 28 May 2011, approximately 1000 supporters of General Dustom the Uzbek leader in Sheberghan city of Jawzjan province staged a demonstration commemorating the death of those who were killed on 28 May 2007, when Juma Khan Hamdard was the Governor of Jawzjan province.
A Clarion Call to Military Leadership
The American people have had enough of war creating more enemies abroad while killing our domestic agenda here at home. Our nation simply cannot afford another war, economically, diplomatically or spiritually. Congress must find its voice and the American people must call upon Congress to take the Administration off the war path
Readout of Secretary Napolitano’s Trip to New Delhi
Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano visited New Delhi on May 25-27 to launch the first-ever U.S.-India Homeland Security Dialogue—a critical step forward in the ongoing partnership between the United States and India to strengthen homeland security and counterterrorism collaboration and ensure the safety and security of both nations.
Youth Peace Movement Grows in Brooklyn
The day was downcast, but the wonderful high school seniors from Brooklyn Collaborative School standing in the rain on Fifth Avenue were not. You could say they were upcast.
Late-onset Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
On February 15, 2001, Sonia Reich fled her home in Skokie, Illinois, insisting that someone was trying to kill her -- to "put a...
Operation Purple Heart
If you answered Iraq or Afghanistan you would be wrong. More Americans died in 2010 from friendly fire wounds received during the Vietnam War (1961-75) from Operation Ranch Hand than were killed in Iraq or Afghanistan. In fact more Americans died in 2010 from wounds received during Operation Ranch Hand than were killed in all other theatres of war combined in 2010. Even more startling is the fact that more Americans have died each year, since 1980, from wounds received during Operation Ranch Hand than were killed in all other theatres of war combined.
The American Problem
There is something wrong in the American make-up. A fatal flaw in the American mentality. It’s always been there, from the very beginning, and it’s still there, as we see in bootleg videos from Iraq, from Guantanamo Bay, from American airports and from the dashboard cameras of police cars.
Family Affair
VT includes many posts regarding Israeli/Arab/Palestinian conflict. The venom expressed in some of the posts struck me as worth time and effort devoted to research on what motivates people – to take a position on Middle Eastern warfare. Of course this topic could and does fill libraries.
Another Day Another Self Inflicted Calamity By US Empire Delivering Democracy
Self inflicted morose and despised crumbling US empire ratchets up domestic and global calamity in a race with the 24 hour clock to the dark abyss and bottom of collapse.
World Russia Forum 2011: Is “Reset” Enough?
It is never boring at the World Russian Forum (WRF), a two-day conference of politicians, business people, and scholars from Russia and the U.S. who have been meeting annually since 1981 with the intent of improving U.S.-Russia relations. WRF was created by Eduard Lozansky, a former Soviet nuclear physicist and dissident who emigrated to the U.S. during the Cold War and is now a U. S. citizen. Since the collapse of the U.S.S.R., he has been running the American University in Moscow (AUM) which co-sponsors the Forum. Discovery Institute of Seattle and the Eurasia Center of Washington joined Lozansky’s effort in people’s diplomacy.
When science fiction becomes battlefield reality…
Since the Vietnam war military tactics have been transformed into something even more sinister and horrendous.
Libya’s Open Ended Fiasco
President Obama made a televised address from the National Defence University in Washington to explain why he took action against the forces of the Qaddafi regime that had begun attacking civilians for protesting against the regime.
Perpetual War
“American combat missions are ending today” (April 3, 2011 – MSNBC) MSNBC made mention of a stalemate “on the ground” in Libya. Print media reports that Rebel forces in Libya are beginning to organize into military units. Included are former members of Libya’s military forming volunteers into behind the lines military units and providing them with weapons and military subjects training. The experienced Rebel soldiers are also prohibiting the very enthusiastic volunteers from access to the front. Requiring them to remain in “the rear” in support, training and reserve roles. (AP April 3, 2011 in the Alpena News)
Initial Libya Mission Complete, Successful, Gates Says:
...and, when homeless vet activists asked for his support (not money) he answered...
Libya’s Blood For Oil: The Vampire War
Who are we kidding? The United States, Britain and NATO don't care about bombing civilians to contain rebellion. Their militaries bomb civilians every day without mercy. They have destroyed most of the community infrastructure of Iraq and Afghanistan before turning their sights on Libya. So what's really going on here?
Libya – Is Regime Change the End Game?
The diplomatic process of bringing everyone on board the UN resolution dragged the process out to where France had to jump the gun on the initial airstrikes because Gaddafi had launched an armored attack on Bengahzi last Saturday morning.
Obama, Third Impudent War on Libya, Shrills OUT! “War on...
Obama, Third Impudent War on Libya, Shrills OUT! "War on Humanity"
'War on Humanity' moniker perpetuated and expanded by Mr. Obama, Nobel peace prize laureate,...
World War III?
The United States wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya are legal under United States law! O.K., at the very least there has not been a finding the wars are not lawful in a court of record with authority of declare any of the ongoing wars illegal. Lotta of people use the words and phrases that include: “…illegal…immoral, etc.”
Stop Bombing Libya
Since Saturday night, the United States, France, and Britain have been bombing Libya with cruise missiles, B-2 stealth bombers, F-16 and F-15 fighter jets, and Harrier attack jets. There is no reliable estimate of the number of civilians killed. The U.S. has taken the lead in the punishing bombing campaign to carry out United Nations Security Council Resolution 1973.
Revealed: America’s Hidden Hand Behind The UN Resolution For A No-fly...
"The resolution establishes "a ban on all flights in the airspace of the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya in order to help protect civilians." It also authorizes UN member states to take "all necessary measures ... to protect civilians and civilian populated areas under threat of attack in the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, including Benghazi, while excluding a foreign occupation force of any form on any part of Libyan territory."
Sons and Daughters
Sons are treasured. Moms and Dads heap love, affection, money, devotion, property, the perfect girl for them, new cars, education and any conceivable advantage they can provide their sons with. Mom and Dad do not want their sons at war. Most American Moms and Dads however understand the world is not a nice place, that real peace is not attainable and that men must be prepared to defend their loved ones and country. Many Moms have a special mother – son relationship, time honored and very special. I know tough Soldiers - real men that proudly proclaim “Yeah, I’m a moma’s boy, I love my moma!”
That 1861-1865 war: What would you call it?
I got the expected responses on my first Sesqui article on the 'correct' name to use for The War. My attempt to walk the tightrope successfully by using the three most common got me chewed up anyway :-)
Evil Muslims are Everywhere! Boo!
In the spirit of Rep. Peter King's Radical Muslim Committee Hearings which seek to get American Muslims to out "radicals" to the government and with today's Christian suspect in the MLK bomb arrested, it begs the question "Which religious community is more radical"?
War Drums at the VA
Wonder if Senator McCain or Senator Kerry hang around VA waiting Rooms? Or even visit them? (I know – dumb questions.) Interesting events play out in VA waiting rooms. The waiting room includes two functions for Vets. It is an end point and a way-point for our Nation’s Vets. The good senators are musically inclined guys. As of March 8, 2011 both of them are beating war drums, blowing bugles for assembly and preparing to signal CHARGE! * Get a guy with a flute and the good senators can form their own fife and drum corp.
The Shores of Tripoli Beckon Once Again
As we watch the Libyans in their desperate and bloody fight for freedom, the world watches America. Our President and our country are being judged by the opinion of people and nations round the globe. Let us not fail to respond with the honor of freedom loving men and women. Now is the time for President Obama to show bold leadership in the little people's quest for democracy. With one masterful stroke, he has the opportunity to positively change the way the Eastern world views the United States of America.
Ugly American at Heart of US Pakistan Dysfunctional Relationship
Contemporary world has witnessed new heights of coercive diplomacy. A public statement by President Obama declaring Raymond Davis a diplomat and asking Pakistan for his repatriation was overkill; indeed it was a diplomatic faux pas. American media was forbidden to mention the killer’s connection to CIA; ‘free and fair’ media faithfully obliged the government, until British media spilled the beans.
War Criminals Head “Arizona Civility Center”
Supreme US war criminals, former presidents of corrupt and occupied criminal government apparatus announce opening of Arizona Civility Center. Mr. George Bush Sr and Mr. William Jefferson Clinton parlay great crimes into great fortunes by heading new Civility Center in Arizona. Two supreme global war criminals who represented governed and manufactured America into the greatest militaristic threat to global peace, death, destruction, and humanities total annihilation. “Behind every great fortune lies a great crime!" The quote is a paraphrase from a line in Honoré de Balzac’s tragicomic.The cue-tipped odd-couple continues to parrot a 21st Century tragicomic subjective discourse to generate great wealth stream fortunes simultaneously perpetrating great crimes. By officiating U.S. politic parodies, perpetuating false social civil moral law narratives, and deflecting from the bowels of lower Manhattan's great crime organization.
The Great American War Machine Rolls On Under Obama
Under President Barack Obama's new budget for fiscal year 2012, the Great American War Machine just rolls on and on. “As it is, we're pumping...money into sustaining a fighting force that's orders of magnitude larger than anything retained by any other country,” observes Ezra Klein of The Washington Post February 14th. So when Defense Secretary Robert Gates warned that major cuts in military spending would be “catastrophic,” Obama settled for chopping $78 billion in cosmetic cuts Gates recommended over the next five years, Klein wrote, adding, “I bet there are more than a few Cabinet secretaries who wish they had that kind of power over the president's recommendations.” Some observers, by the way, think the Pentagon is, in fact, already running the show. Chalmers Johnson wrote in “Blowback”(Metropolitan/Owl) that the Pentagon is “close to being beyond civilian control; that it “more or less sets its own agenda” and that it “monopolizes the formulation and conduct of American foreign policy.”
Vets for Peace Demands Apology from Hilliary Clinton
George Washington University, Washington D.C., February 15, 2011.
Just minutes after...
Proportionality and Restraint
Controversy over American military efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan is common. America has been at war for over ten years. Children of troops that fought America’s enemies in the first days of the war on terror are now fighting too. There is no end in sight. Very well intended people like to point out that The United States failed to comply with what has become to be called the “Powell Doctrine” after General Colin Powell.