Tag: veterans today
Uncle Gordy’s Mid-Week Reality Check, May 23, 2012
One problem we are all ignoring, while we are told to worry about Iranian nukes that do not now nor never will exist, is that the money in your pocket is toilet paper, your home is worth less than yesterday and probably belongs to someone who lost the paperwork and has been bankrupt themselves for 30 years.
Japan’s Broke – Highest Debt Ratio of Any Industrialized Nation
While massive debt in the US has been in the world news and the failure of austerity measures to stabilize the Euro have been continually reported, Japan has gone under.
Today, Fitch lowered japanse foreign currency rating to near junk bond status. Japan had previously fallen to AA and is now down to "A," a level unacceptable to a nation that most still consider a world "super-economy."
Intel Dump, May 18, 2012
Not sure where to start with this. "Blabbing" by government intel operatives has become such a huge habit, perhaps I am seen as amusing, that operational common sense goes out the window.
America’s Phony Election, the Polling Fiasco
Darkest Ohio - (VT) President Obama was elected to end the Bush wars, disband Homeland Security, find our friendly TSA workers something more useful to do and to sell the billions of dollars of unused airport scanners back to Michael Chertoff and Israel.
Intel Dump, May 9, 2012 (updates)
The top stories of the day won't be the ones you think nor will I have the pleasing and complete answers that the liars are so good at.
Engdahl on Putin, "The Putin Tape" (Video)
F. William Engdahl on the world with Putin back as Russian President: Engdahl explains US Missile Defense it is not Ballistic Missile Defense; it is Ballistic Missile Offense--a trigger to possible nuclear war.
New FBI Claims – JT Ready’s Email Prediction of Doom (Updated)
The FBI has announced through spokesman James Turtal that J. T. Ready was under investigation as a "domestic terrorist.
Reality Check on Christian Roots and Mid-East Reality
What you think you know about Christianity is a lie. The gospels we use now are "rehashed" Roman Empire propaganda, not the pure word of Christ. As much of Christ's real words as possible were destroyed. The real Gospels, Nag Hammadi, Thomas, Magdalene, some from the Dead Sea Scrolls, never to be released or translated, kept like nuclear secrets, Christianity today is a game.
Make "May Day" a "Truth Day"
A bit ago, Obama was celebrating the imaginary death of Osama bin Laden. A simple and inexorable fact: bin Laden was US agent for years and died while working for the US, well over a decade ago. I have debriefed his CIA handler, interviewed his ISI associates and now recommend him for a Presidental Medal of Freedom for his work in fighting communism and ending the Cold War. His CIA files have been altered, paragraphs added to make him look like a terrorist, wrong type face, "cut and paste." Shameful.
Raw Reports, Nuclear Threat from Germany (updated)
I will keep this short as possible. A single nuclear weapon has "gone missing" as of last week, one of four missing but this one "more missing" than the others.
Duff, Fetzer on Press TV – US fighting imaginary enemies in...
"We’re pretending that al-Qaeda is there (Yemen). In reality, we’re interfering in internal politics and we are assassinating political enemies of our friends in Yemen to maintain power.
Intel, Disclosures and Gossip Such as Not to Spoil Your Tea
Few understand the American election, even those who live here.
A Chat With Duff on VT
What do I mean by that? I recruit and train writers, do private lectures on history, give some intel access where "allowed" and write when I have time.
UFO Forensic Analysis, Photos, Korea 2012 (UPDATED)
Please enjoy these. They will not be available often. These are certified, classified and as submitted. For those familiar, this is incontrovertible.
Washington’s Bizarre Kosovo Strategy Could Destroy NATO
In one of the more bizarre foreign policy announcements of a bizarre Obama Administration, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has announced that Washington will “help” Kosovo to join NATO as well as the European Union.
Duff on Press TV: Americans ashamed of troops atrocities in Afghanistan
These last three incidents and in particular, the killing of 18, which has been a more of a shock in the United States than anyone is aware, is that Americans are so ashamed.
Oil Prices, Peak Oil or Speculation?
Since around October last year, the price of crude oil on world futures markets has exploded. Different people have different explanations.
Sunday Notes – Nuttyahoo Invades Washington, Man Eats Own Head
Netanyahu will be heading to Washington with the backing of wealthy American supporters, some quite respectable but most 2nd generation members of organized crime families involved in heroin, human trafficking, murder and extortion.
Evacuate Tokyo and All US Forces From Japan
Tokyo station is as contaminated as the mandatory evacuation zone in Fukushima. It's a Death Sentence for US Troops if they stay.
Weekly Reality Update
I could rattle on endless conspiracies, historical misconceptions and how television and phony news is mind control for hours. I am lying. I could do it for weeks.
Fukushima – 350 Times Maximum Annual Radiation Dose Permissible?
Is an Unsuspecting Public Being Sacrificed?
Fearless Leader Speaks – Reader Driven News
We just quit the war in Afghanistan with no notice at all.
Your God’s Will Die With You
- One of the things we learned is that American Christian Evangelists, give billions to Israel.The amount is staggering, conservatively over $30 billion a year.
Tidbits: What is Being Held Back from You
Out there somewhere is a photograph of Osama bin Laden and George H. W. Bush, shaking hands in the White House. It exists.
Kill Democracy Before It Kills Us
Let's alienate as many people as possible right away. Nazi Germany was more "democratic" than America is today.
Weekly Intel Report, January 14, 2012
after wide consultation, some with ranking Army and intelligence officials, current and retired, Ron Paul is candidate for president of universal choice, both left and right and Jesse Ventura is "acceptable" as candidate for vice president.
Lessons in American History: Scapegoating
In the real world, people change religion. Most of my Jewish friends are married to Christian women and raise their kids as either Atheists or Christians. They tell me they find "Jewish culture and religion" stifling and inane.
To that I usually answer, "American culture is different?"
America the “Bad Guy,” a Lesson in Historical Hypocrisy
I could have done 5 years in prison...though I think I behaved in a civilized manner toward the Vietnamese I didn't kill.
Integrity to Indecency: The Hyena Bares Its Fangs
Caught lying? Is this the best way to put it? Something worse, perhaps, working for a foreign government against the United States while pretending to "stand up for the little guy?"
The Crisis of Misdirection, Time to Get Off the Bus
For the past two weeks, I have had out feelers in the intelligence community, trying to verify stories about secret deals between Israel and Iran.
OCW Primer: Uniformed Thugs Are Not Legally Police
Occupy Wall Street: Carrying, loading and firing weapons without legal standing is a crime in every state in America. When done by the police, it's criminal.
Iraq: Panetta’s Immunity Request Not Protection from ICC
Hundreds of Americans Troops/Contractors Face War Crimes Accusations.
America: More Than a Failed Dictatorship
In America, you can pick any period and decide that's the one, where we became like Russia, that the press quit digging for the truth and started playing "lapdog" to a government that, itself played "lapdog."
Obama Proves Zionism Rules US and He is NOT on The...
CTJP=Compassion, Truth, Justice, Peace. President Obama's speech today at the UN drew immediate praise from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for his efforts to dissuade Palestinian leaders from pushing for a United Nations vote on statehood, calling Obama’s actions a “badge of honor”.
Brzezinski: The Last American Cowboy "Spills the Beans"
No wonder Dick Cheney has asked Hillary Clinton to offer a primary challenge to President Obama. As Obama has finally begun to take the grips of state, offending Israel with realistic foreign policy and demanding that wealthy Americans begin paying for their decades of failed "Reaganomics" free ride, Cheney, biggest lunatic of them all, works to divide.
Fukushima: Japan Goes to WAR
Destroy the RadGas Generators, Mr President. The building sized tents, concealed and armored chimneys and high velocity air pumps constitute armed and firing nuclear weapons aimed at the United States.
Video: Israel and the Upcoming Nuclear War (Gordon Duff and...
My thanks to Heretic Productions for their effort. The piece itself, was never intended for wide audience.
Pro-Israeli Group Calls Pro-American Veterans Group Extremist!
The ADL, a non-government organization, a Zionist agent embedded in the USA posing as a philanthropic group calls VT out as Extremists. VT calls ADL a "threat to U.S. citizenry everywhere"!
Iron Sky: The Movie
Okay, for the record, before I lose my scalp: I personally have never seen a UFO. I have never been “contacted”, much less abducted.
Exclusive: Real Terror Threat? Fox News Phony Reporting!
Real terror warnings never come in. There can be no feeling of "terror" if citizens trust in their own government, see it competent and caring.
More Corroboration, Gaddafi Nanny Torture
When Shwygar Mullah, nanny to the children of Hannibal and Aline Gaddafi, was found burned over 70% of her body, bloggers claimed she was faking her injuries part of a conspiracy to discredit the Gaddafi family.