Tag: sheldon adelson
Uri Avnery – Chickenshit
- "Uri has written another skillfully-nuanced piece designed to poke the eagle, but Americans want to serve Israel divorce papers."
Will Gambling Oligarch Sheldon Adelson be indicted?
- We have a huge ongoing scandal in the US, the non-prosecution of what are referred to as “protected entities.” These are not just the very rich, but those who are very powerful, or who have very powerful friends.
Israel – a Sanctuary for Nevada Gambling Boss?
- Sources at the US DoJ say Adelson is a suspect in laundering $364 million dollars, much of which went into the pockets of Israeli friendly politicians.
Secular Anti-Humanists take the pulpit!
The First Church of Leo Strauss, Secular Anti-Humanist, is coming to YOUR town.
The Gambling Boss That Runs America
The most powerful man in America, in what America loves to call “the Free World” isn’t the President of the United States, not even close. Sheldon Adelson runs America.
Uri Avnery – The Monster on the Hill
- Uri..." There is no way to roll back the corruption of the political process in the US or Israel, without completely changing the electoral system."
Welcome to Zionism…Now Bend Over (Part I)
U.S. ambassador David R. Francis: “The Bolshevik leaders here, most of whom are Jews and 90 percent of whom are retuned exiles, care little for Russia or any other country but are internationalists, and they are trying to start a worldwide social revolution.”
Redefining Anti-Semitism, Reviewing Mark Glenn's Startling Video
In December, 2012, John's Hopkins published a genome study on the Jewish people clearly indicating, if we choose to find humor in such things, that the average "knuckle-dragging white supremacist" is more Jewish than any Israeli Jew.
Redefining Anti-Semitism, Reviewing Mark Glenn’s Startling Video
In December, 2012, John's Hopkins published a genome study on the Jewish people clearly indicating, if we choose to find humor in such things, that the average "knuckle-dragging white supremacist" is more Jewish than any Israeli Jew.
Bibi Bombs with Romney – Uri Avnery
- Are the Israelis Ready to Put the Romney Kabosh on Netanyahu?
9/11 Perps Still in the Saddle: Killers of 3,000 Americans Run...
The real perpetrators of the 9/11 attacks are still at large, running the campaign of presidential candidate Mitt Romney.
Friday September 28, 2012, What We are Not Told
- Frankly, more than a few members of America's congress are terrified their cut from the Afghan heroin trade would end if the killing stopped.
Press TV: The Romney Conundrum, Loved in Israel and Hated by...
Romney’s has to enormous problems, he is drowning in Jewish money, legal donations from Las Vegas gambling “magnate,” Sheldon Adelson, a man who has spent years ducking criminal charges and the Koch Brothers, suspected of orchestrating fuel and food shortages which, during an election year, he hopes will drive voters to suicide.
Army: “OPSEC” Political Group Violating OPSEC Protocols
- Time for OPSEC to ask about drugs and money laundering, things they know about personally, the only secrets they seem willing to keep.