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Top 6 Scientific Discoveries Made by Students in 2019

A good government always supports researchers, providing talents with grants and giving all means needed for their growth. Science is arguably one of the best investments in a country or the whole world’s development.

Defeating AEGIS, the US Naval Boondoggle

- Its simple; phased array antennas such as use on the spy-1 S-band radar system are easily jamable when confronted with a two point jamming signal that is out of phase and widely spaced. It usually uses two jamming antennas spaced about 35 feet apart mounted on the wing tips of the jet. See the attached Chinese paper on cross eye jamming and how it works.

VT Science: The Farnsworth Fusor

- Hot fusion was the cold war quest. Besides the space race, fusion was the socio scientific dream. The loss of hope ... the loss of myth ...

Fusion: Junk Science For Rubes

- Today Lockheed announced that it will have fusion reactors running American warships in 20 years. Based on our publications on negative buoyancy this month, we don't even begin to know how to respond.

Is the Brain a Sense Organ of Consciousness?

Our sense organs detect different frequencies of energies or vibrations. The ears detect sound. The skin detects vibration. The eyes detect light.

Ayn Rand, Usury and Capitalism, and Goldman Sachs (Part II)

“The first thing you need to know about Goldman Sachs is that it's everywhere. The world's most powerful investment bank is a great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money.”

The Art and Science of Agriglyphology: The problem Lies in the...

Those mysterious agriglyphs that crop up almost routinely in (mostly) British farmland cannot escape the same kind of critical analysis applied by seasoned critics to various products of creativity -- exploring the how and the why of the product's elements by focusing, in part, on its style.

Government Documents Link Global Warming to Advanced Military Climate Modification Technology

Documents from 1966 reveal the mission of the military and federal agencies to modify the climate

Psychobabblers on Parade – Testing for Loss of Religious Belief

Science is the journal of the American Academy for the advancement of Science. It is peer-reviewed, hence it is ‘authentic,' and ranks second to the London published Nature, as a general scientific source. Both are published as slick magazines weekly.

A Chat With Duff on VT

What do I mean by that? I recruit and train writers, do private lectures on history, give some intel access where "allowed" and write when I have time.

Lynn Margulis, Truth Seeker, 1938-2011

We've lost one of the best people on the planet - Lynn Margulis, National Medal of Science winner, the most eminent scientific voice of 9/11 truth.

Faith Crashes Into Science Exploding Both

War of the Worldviews is a debate book which puts spiritualism against science and explodes on both

It’s Really Quite Simple – It’s All About Love

Science will surely remain one-eyed and lacking in depth-perception until it acknowledges the equal validity of subjective, sensory and spiritual experience.

The Spark Of Life Is Love Not The Higgs Boson

What if infinite love and not the speed of light was the absolute constant of the Universe? My own personal experience and work as a psychotherapist, particularly in my work with veterans with PTSD, has demonstrated this great truth a truth that all human beings sense and respond to at their deepest level of consciousness.

SRC Now Offering New Careers To Vets

SRC is now offering rewarding careers to US Veterans. They have recently teamed up with Hire Veterans in order to find highly qualified Veterans to help build up their already prestigious company. SRC currently has dozens of jobs offered to Veterans which can be found on Hire Veterans Online Job Board.

ALLEN L ROLAND: Hadron Collider Reveals Universal Urge To Unite

The current uprisings in Egypt and the Middle East of oppressed people seeking freedom is, I would venture, the gradual surfacing of a world wide innate need to unite in a collective state of social cooperation and altruism ~ the driving force of evolution. The latest advances in science could well be revealing this very same phenomenon is the basic stuff of molecular matter.

Attention All Medical Researchers World Wide: Help Gulf War Veterans...

Calling all medical researchers the DOD CDMRP GWIR(Department of Defense- Congressionally Directed Medical Research Program on Gulf War Illness) has announced a short response...

History Revised, Teachers Sacked: The Book Wars in Texas and Beyond

It's been a brawl for years, this education culture war that seems to take on a particularly vicious turn in the heart of Texas. The latest and most important round, a drastic revision of the social studies curriculum standards to put a conservative spin on history and economics textbooks, was given preliminary approval after a series of heated meetings of the Texas Board of Education that didn't do much to improve the image of the nation's second largest state as a sometimes small-minded political and educational backwater.