Tag: saudi arabia
Middle East Tsunami and the Death of Israel
Judenstat and Sykes Picot are dying quickly being replaced by a multi-polar new world culture that will no longer see race and bigotry as reasons to separate and control.
NEO – Sanction-Drunk West Forgets to Target ISIS Sponsors
- "We have entered into an era where diplomatic immunity has to be put squarely on the table for a 21st century review. Is it just too dangerous?"
NEO – Saudi Arabia: New Policy Restart
- Viktor Mikhin - Whatever action is taken by Saudi Arabia and its allies, the region is teetering on the brink of a major war.
NEO – Washington Massages Riyadh and Tehran
- "Mark my words, when “they” feel it is necessary, they will start killing us, too...again.
They got a good start on 9-11, and took our measure."
US, Israel, KSA trio back ISIL violence: Analyst
- “Intelligence sources tell us that this trio, hiding behind the ISIL, is waging a corporate war across the Mid East, a surrogate war backed by corporate billions.”
NEO – We are All East Ukrainians Now
- "The people of East Ukraine have spoken and they have chosen freedom from being ruled over by a foreign-backed Western coup for its own selfish goals."
NEO – Persian Gulf: Is the Crisis Over ?
- I was happy to learn from Viktor Mikhin that the Saudis have had some convictions already against those supporting terror operations in Syria.
Saudi Arabia arming, financing lunatic militants
“If there is one autocracy in the Middle East that is crying out for regime change, it is Saudi Arabia.”
PressTV: Saudis using Religion as Smoke Screen
- "Everybody is exploiting religion for their own greed and this could backfire on Saudi Arabia.”
NEO – Saudi Arabia – Cosmetic Measures or a Change of...
- Viktor Mikhin..."The pace of Geo-political changes in the Mid East is picking up with the big diplomatic fight Qatar is having with the other Gulf States."
Ex-CIA Bin Laden chief Michael Scheuer speaks out
The Zio-cons "are defending, in many respects, a position that's absolutely treasonous to the United States, and incompatible with being an American citizen."
The Party Begins – Iran will sue Saudis for terrorism
- I have been wondering for a long time why the current perpetrators of terrorism in the MidEast and their sponsors were not facing legal action
Tel Aviv, Riyadh form bizarre alliance
Al-Qaeda has always been a false flag operation, designed to sow discord and violence and keep the Middle East in chaos.
9/11 truth vs. Takfiri terror
The myth of the "magnificent 19" who brought down three skyscrapers with two planes has got to go.
Why would AIPAC protect Saudis from 9/11 probe?
AIPAC doesn't want you to know which foreign intelligence agency planned and executed the 9/11 attacks.
9/11 attacks carried out by US, Israel and Saudi Arabia
“Saudi intelligence was used by the real perpetrators of Sept. 11 to create a legend, to set up the patsies who would be blamed for this event.”
Takfiris threaten Islam – and the world
Takfiris are to Islam what Zionists are to Judaism.
US Suspends Non-lethal Aid to Syrian Rebels
According to the BBC, both the US and Britain have suspended “non-lethal” aid to northern Syria. The decision follows the seizure of Western-backed Free Syrian Army bases by Islamist rebels.
Saudi Arabia, Israel panic over Syria recovery
"As peace starts to break out, the Israelis are panicking."
Saudi Arabia Anti-Iranian Position Highlights Need for Middle East Union
Saudi Arabia's recent rant against a USA deal with Iran on nuclear production highlights the old antiquated go nowhere Sunni versus Shite battle for hegemony in the Middle East that hurts everyone. It's time for a new vision
Middle East Union Coming in 2050
Global citizen and Visionary Johnny Punish proposes a new way forward for the suffering peoples of the Middle East in the new Middle East Union slated to take hold in 2050. Get the facts!
Gaza is Dying Under Israel's Siege: Will It's Children Ever Eat...
Out of Fear of Jewish Power The World Is Indifferent to Israel’s Siege and Inhumanity Against Gaza’s Living Souls
By: Mohamed Khodr
“The Jews, I find...
Israel, KSA most active terrorist organizations: Jim W. Dean
- Western Intel agencies have always had co-opted segments of various terrorist organizations that they could flick a switch and have an 'event' happen
Obama Vision: U.S. Middle East Policy
Washington Leadership Struggles with 21st Century Middle East Foreign Policy Vision; adrift, who's to blame? Or is this a paradigm shift in power for the 21st century
Saudi-Israeli liaison will come to nothing: Duff
Plots by Saudi Arabia and Israel to destabilize Syria and the Middle East are doomed to failure due to the recent developments in the region and beyond, a political analyst tells Press TV.
PressTV: Al-Qaeda Syrian Militants Coming to America and UK
- It appears that the Al-Nusrats have a stealth airforce to help them deploy as paratroopers here.
Saudi Arabia to Obtain Pakistani Nukes as Last Resort
Saudi Arabia Could Order Nukes from Pakistan An agreement between Saudi Arabia and Pakistan could see the Gulf state deploy ready-made nuclear warheads in the event that Iran crosses the nuclear threshold.
Saudi Arabia: Bandar/Bush Furious at America
Harsh words passed, this week, between US Secretary of State John Kerry and Prince Bandar al Sultan, known in Washington circles as “Bandar Bush” because of his close ties to the Bush family.
US/Al-Qaeda threatened Olympics through Saudi proxy
426 children were killed as a pretext to invade a country...these are obviously, monsters of historic proportion.
Al Qaeda Surges Ahead in Syria
While the major powers behind the proxy civil war in Syria go through the motions of working out a diplomatic solution, rebel forces have begun fighting each other, rather than the Assad regime.
Bandar bin Sultan: Prince of Terrorists
Is Prince Bandar the real operations chief of al-Qaeda - the CIA data-base of its Arab legion of mujahideen militants?
President Obama Why Have You Become a Warmonger?
President Obama, you're not attacking Syria because of an alleged and unproven Chemical attack, You're doing so because ISRAEL demands it of you, and once you destroy Syria, Israel will want more blood, next it will be Iran.
SAUDI ARABIA: Israel’s and America’s Chief Ally Against Islam and Muslims
Freedom and Democracy in the Muslim world means never threaten, oppose, or criticize the hegemonic agenda of this Evil Axis to invade, occupy, slaughter, steal, plunder bribe, corrupt, and manipulate any Muslim nation or organization.
Saudis’ Unprecedented Break with Washington over Egypt
One of the least commented aspects of ousting Egypt’s Morsi is the defiant act of the Saudi Royal House in backing the ouster of the Brotherhood and supporting the military restoration.
Jericho Ballistic Test, Saudi Missiles, and an IDF Brave New Plan
On July 12, 2013, Chanel 7 reported that the IDF carried out successfully a test flight of a new ballistic engine.
‘Syrian National Council’ unfit to rule'
The Syrian “National Council” is a very different kind of animal, neither snake nor rat nor vulture but parts of all, and not the best parts by far.
Saudi Arabia and Qatar ratcheting up sectarian and ethnic tensions in...
- Saudi Arabia and Qatar, if they cannot have all of Iraq back, they are hell-bent on taking part of it for now.
Scapegoating Iran
Likudnik Israelis, as well as some Arabs, are making Iran the scapegoat for their own societies' troubles.
Iran’s media wages truth jihad
Since all forms of tyranny and oppression are ultimately based on lies, "the best (defensive) jihad is a word of truth flung in the face of a tyrant."
Why Arab States align themselves with Israel against Shias?
On tenth day of Ashura Muslims and in particular Shias commemorate the martyrdom of Imam Hussein, the Prophet Mohammed’s grandson about whom he said “Hussein is from me and I am from Hussein”.
Bulldozing Islam: Israelis and Saudis target holy sites, while Burma’s Buddhists...
It isn't just Israeli Zionists and Burmese Buddhists who are bulldozing Islam - the Saudis are doing their part.