Tag: Ronald Reagan
Iran and the Israeli-Americano Imperium
The issue of nuclear energy provides the pretext for addressing internationally a fuller array of crises putting Persian civilization once again at a crucial cross-roads in the making of global history.
Sex assaults at US colleges stem from cultural decline
Joe Biden doesn't understand that campus sex assaults are a symptom of America’s cultural and moral decline.
ISA-Ukraine (Part II Update): The Cold War Continues Contrary to the...
In Part I, it was revealed that at the end of the Cold War, a binding General Agreement on Cooperation was negotiated between The Council of Ministers of the Russian Socialist Federative Republic...
ISA_Ukraine: The Cold War Continues Contrary to the Destabilization of the...
Editor's note: ISA is the Intelligence Support Agency set up by President Ronald Reagan, William Colby, Bill Casey, William French Smith and General Vernon Walters by hand selecting the cream of the crop from the CIA.
High Speed Rail
In the second half of the 19th century, the Atchison Topeka & Santa Fe (AT&SF) Railway took to heart Horace Greeley’s advice go “Go West, young man, go West.”
Was Ronald Reagan the Last Duly Elected President?
Did the United States of America, a Constitutional Republic, Cease to Exist on January 20, 1989 when a foreign-based criminal syndicate seized power illegitimately?
Obama Should Emulate Reagan’s Cry For Nuclear Free World
This president, who campaigns like a progressive and governs like a reactionary, is about to modernize a costly nuclear arsenal that President Ronald Reagan, in his shining moment, called "totally irrational, totally inhumane, good for nothing but killing, possibly destructive of life on earth and civilization".
Obama Should Emulate Reagan's Cry For Nuclear Free World
This president, who campaigns like a progressive and governs like a reactionary, is about to modernize a costly nuclear arsenal that President Ronald Reagan, in his shining moment, called "totally irrational, totally inhumane, good for nothing but killing, possibly destructive of life on earth and civilization".
The Perverse Core of Christian Zionism (Part II)
Ronald Reagan was also a product of Hal Lindsey’s The Late Great Planet Earth and other apocalyptic frenzies. Reagan told Christian Life magazine back in 1968, “Apparently never in history have so many of the prophecies come true in such a relatively short time.”
Bush to Congress – Patriot Act or Martial Law
Since the United States government won't allow me to pay my repatriation civil income taxes, apparently the ony way to receive my personal income and property is to go through Austria where I am a taxpayer in good standing.
Christ at the Checkpoint and Up Against The Apartheid Wall
This week in Bethlehem, the second international Christ at the Checkpoint Conference concluded with a “major breakthrough in the evangelical world” and was attended by over 600 Evangelical Palestinian Christians, Christian Zionists and Messianic Christians.
John Hinckley, Jr. – Manchurian Candidate For Who?
I've come to realize that I'm the topic of more than a little conversation...Hinckley to Jodie Foster.
American People Being Flimflammed, Bamboozled, and Horswoggled by GOP
At the very outset I’d like to make an unequivocal assertion - entrusting our economy and the well being of the poor and middle class to the GOP is like entrusting the well being of a child to a convicted child molester.
CIA Opens Books with Surprises for Lee Wanta, Libya and More
The fist interviews ...will outline relations between President Reagan and Emil Lee Wanta, letting a few into the dream world of White House insiders.
The Holocaust, Israel’s Most Powerful PsyOps Weapon
Take a look at the current offerings of the widely viewed and popular “History Channel” on TV, with its distorted image of American History.
American Awakening, Can it Happen Here?
On the surface it was a classic divide and conquer strategy based on the long history of feuding and fighting tribal factions going back to biblical times.
Anthony J. Hall: Racism, Cover-Up and Corporate Fraud in the...
The Fukushima nuclear disaster shows every sign of becoming the most serious industrial accident in history. Thus the failure to properly internationalize the response to this catastrophe is mind boggling. One month after 3/11 a corrupt little company in Japan, TEPCO, is still being left in charge of dealing with an emergency that is quite literally poisoning the planet on a scale that we may not have ever seen before.
I haven’t Totally Given Up on Obama, but as My Late...
I’m an Obama supporter, but I’m not an Obama cheerleader. While I agree that President Obama has done more for this country in the short time he’s been in office than any president since Franklin Roosevelt, presidents are not only assessed based on what they do, but also what they fail to do. So in spite of the fact that he’s saved America from a second Great Depression, his success in that area pales in comparison to what he’s failing to do - aggressively confronting America’s most insidious domestic enemy and the most serious threat to our democracy since the civil War, the current GOP.
GWENYTH TODD (Clinton Advisor on Libya and the Middle East): “At that meeting (State Department), one of the agenda items that came...
The State of the Union Is On, Pass the Remote
It wasn't always this way. Although not required to report to congress in person, George Washington set the precedent by inflicting a speech. Taciturn by nature, John Adams' address was less than 2000 words but Jefferson had the good grace and gentle mercy to deliver his address to the congress in writing. That method was deemed adequate by every subsequent president until Wilson resumed the inhumane practice of formal speechifying with which we are mutually afflicted every January.
Wikileaks is like a TV show that never gets off the ground. We started with a "shoot 'em up" in Iraq, the helicopter slaughter soon forgotten and move on to, well, what? We got a deluge of material from Afghanistan, carefully gleaned to point fingers at Pakistan. When it came down to backing any of it up, it went nowhere.
Standing Up for Helen Thomas
Long-time White House correspondent Helen Thomas was right to apologize for a stupid remark she made about Israeli Jews leaving Palestine, but another ugly part of this incident was how her “mainstream” colleagues quickly turned on this 89-year-old icon.
Revisionaries: How a group of Texas conservatives is rewriting your kids’...
This bled into a rant about American history. "The secular humanists may argue that we are a secular nation," McLeroy said, jabbing his finger in the air for emphasis. "But we are a Christian nation founded on Christian principles. The way I evaluate history textbooks is first I see how they cover Christianity and Israel. Then I see how they treat Ronald Reagan -- he needs to get credit for saving the world from communism and for the good economy over the last twenty years because he lowered taxes."