Tag: PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)
More bad numbers hidden in spin: 2010 is highest of U.S....
This sounded too good to be true because it is. The Marines have been changing their attitude on PTSD and depression so deeply felt...
Suppressing Dissent: “The VA is not the place to talk politics”
Psychologist Dr. Johanna (Hans) Buwalda is a therapist providing Mental Health advise and assistance as one of Vietnam Veterans Against the War's Military Counselors. This presentation covers several suggestions that could make VA Mental Health accessible to more Veterans of all wars, IF the VA would stop using these these eight words, “this is not a place to talk politics” the hidden intent is to suppress dissenting views on WAR!
DoD Faces Growing Mental Health Problem of Active-duty Personnel
(Via Government Executive Magazine) - During the past decade 767,290 active-duty military personnel have received a diagnosis for a mental health disorder, according to...
Court Case on Denial of Help to Veterans Won’t Bring Relief
Don't expect much help for veterans from Henderson v. Shinseki, (No.09-1036).
via mal
Most of the members of the United States Court of Appeals for Veterans...
Where is Waldo
We can all remember searching for Waldo as he goes from one adventure to another. He is a face in the crowd but in...
Rates of PTSD Among Veterans Still Rising; BrightHub Flubs Stats
(BrightHub.com) - The rates of PTSD in Iraq war veterans are high, and these numbers will only increase. Furthermore, they don’t include the number...
PTSD Troops Get “Trauma Avoidance” Instead of Care
When we read about all the advances being made, the programs the DOD has come up with to "help" the troops recover, there is always something that does not add up because at the same time we read about what they are doing, somewhere hidden from our eyes, problems lurk in the darkness like a bad horror movie.
Great Medical Mystery is Why This Guy is Called an Expert
An "expert" just came out and set us back 40 years on PTSD. He thinks there is no effective treatment and that time will take over. In other words, "get over it" leaving veterans to think there is no hope again. Here we have a major line of BS from an "expert" on PTSD.
Filmmaker David Lynch Introduces Veterans to Meditation
When you tell a Marine they need to do yoga or meditate, they think you're the one with the problem. Yet when they understand...
Basic Training
"Freedom triumphant in War and Peace" is a nice thought but often impossible to find, yet we are only willing to glorify the victories...
U.S. Sen. Jon Tester Gets It Right on PTSD and Vietnam
Sen. Jon Tester called PTSD the “signature injury” of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans, and said the nation failed its Vietnam-era veterans on mental health care.
Book Review: “Lethal Warriors” by David Philipps
David Philipps’ new book, Lethal Warriors: Uncovering the Tragic Reality of PTSD, is an essential and heartbreaking account of the failures in preparing our soldiers and our society for the transition more than 2.1 million from combat in Iraq and Afghanistan to civilian communities at home.
Fort Drum Doctor calls PTSD “behavioral health condition”
Sounds bad to start off with but it ended up getting worse.
Hammond mother fights to get son treated for PTSD
When Rene Schwappach’s son Gerald...
Staff at Tampa VA learn to not wake up PTSD patients
This has been fairly big news down here in Florida. A wounded 22 year old veteran out of Cape Coral wanted to recover closer...
Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today’s News
From the VA:
1. Shinseki Commemorates Veterans Day. In continuing coverage, the CNN (11/12) website says, "Americans around the world," including US Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric...
This Veterans Day, 18 will die by their own hands
This Veterans Day, yesterday, the day before and all other days ended with 18 veterans no longer here. They were not among the veterans...
Veteran Veteran’s Wife
"Caregivers often experience stress, burnout or feel overwhelmed" is putting it mildly! Still as we talk about the strength, courage, commitment our veterans have,...
Veterans Advocate for Improved Care at Boston U.
- Keeping up the pressure -
By Lisa Chedekel via 91Outcomes
(Boston, Mass. – Boston University) -- Some of the wounds of war are invisible to...
Amy Goodman on War’s Hidden Death Toll
- As of this month, over 5,700 American soldiers have been killed in Iraq and Afghanistan. -
That count does not include those veterans who...
Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today’s News
From the VA:
1. Shinseki Maps Broader Attack On PTSD. The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (11/7, Fuoco, 205K) begins a four-part series on the mental health challenges for...
Vets for Common Sense: Shocking New Mental Health Stats Obtained Under...
- Costs of wars are huge and tragic. Will GOP and Tea Party refuse our veterans and families? -
By Jamie Reno
San Diego, CA (Home Post)...
PTSD: Another Adversary to Defeat
Coming Home Returning from Hell These Men and Women Just Want to Get Back to Their Normal Lives
by Chaplain Kathie
When the men and women...
Many veterans with PTSD struggle to find supportive employment
- Experts say simple accommodations can greatly improve their success in the workplace, but many employers are still wary of hiring those with mental disabilities....
NYTimes Columnist Deplores Afghan War’s Effect on Soldiers
- Deserting our veterans -
From the VA:
New York Times (10/23, A21) columnist Bob Herbert, in a column entitled "The Way We Treat Our Troops,"...
Gap growing between military and civilians
Military- Demarcation Line - U.S. Military Isolation Grows
In John Paul Stevens, the Supreme Court lost its last veteran. Since World War II, the proportion...
Veterans for Change News
- A Voice of the Veterans -
By Jim Davis at Veterans for Change
Take the Hill
Come November 2nd there will be 30 members of the...
Fixing the VA and VBA: An Ongoing Campaign
- Following a string of successes ranging from PTSD to expanded Agent Orange presumtives, the fight to creating new veteran-friendly agencies continues. Faster than...
Troops with combat stress discharged, not treated, Senator Bond charges
he military has been discharging troops who are suffering from combat stress, instead of providing treatment, according to Missouri Sen. Christopher "Kit" Bond and several veterans advocates
Afghanistan and Iraq Vets Call for End to Deployment of Traumatized...
- Veterans launch historic campaign on 9-year anniversary of Afghanistan War -
WASHINGTON DC - On October 7th, the 9-year anniversary of the Afghanistan War,...
Advancing Science and Promoting Understanding of Traumatic Stress
The National Center for PTSD has an update featuring resources advancing understanding PTSD.
The Center's quarterly journal also alerts readers to the VA's new PTSD homepage...
Army Failed to Notify Family of AWOL Status, Leading to Apparent...
- Shane Barrett said the Army never told the family his brother Brandon was AWOL, although Army officials apparently told the Tucson Police Department (TPD) the...
PTSD Victims Have More Physical Ailments
By Leah Jones
Christian Web News - According to research published in the Journal of General Internal Medicine finds, what veterans know, U.S. soldiers with...
Push-back Against Veteran Initiatives Launched, Anti-Vet Critics: Benefits Are ‘Quite Extreme’
It's not war that is costly, about which lawmakers have no reservations about spending. No, it's those damn veterans who should go away or at least die.
Insider: The DoD and Brass Don’t Know and Don’t Care about...
- " was going to be different, and that it was going to be house-to-house and urban combat. And that type of warfare requires...
Doctor Treats PTSD With Injection To Block Memories
The procedure you are about to read could be a breakthrough in treating post traumatic stress disorder(PTSD). In which a local anesthetic is injected at the base of the neck. the medical procedure is called stellate ganglion block (SGB).
Vets for Common Sense and Religious Freedom Org Slam Christian Proselytizing...
- Attempts to reverse the Dr. Sally Satel-Dallas Theological Seminary School of Treatment for PTSD—stressing belief in a Christian God over disability benefits and professional medical...
Another casualty of war, another suicide; Will no one blame the...
- Another soldier’s suicide underscores the VA’s enormous challenge: Keeping veterans alive, as the U.S. Army last week in a maddeningly obtuse report blames "high...
Virtual Iraq/Afghanistan: How its helping Troops and Vets with PTSD
Back in May 2010, we ran an article Virtual Reality Combat Simulations as a Treatment for PTSD that resulted in a heated debate about...
House Committee Investigates How to Connect Injured Veterans with Innovative Treatment
Washington, D.C. – On Wednesday, July 21, 2010, House Veterans’ Affairs Committee Chairman Bob Filner (D-CA) led a roundtable discussion to review innovative treatment...
Veterans Administration Needs to Take Charge and Become Advocates for Change
- President Obama: “Whether you left the service in 2009 or 1949, we will fulfill our responsibility to deliver the benefits and care that...
No More Neocon Twaddle about the ‘Potential for Fraud’ on PTSD
via mal contends - Servicemen and women take an oath to uphold and defend the U.S. Constitution, but their word on how they're doing afterwards is...
Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today’s News
From the VA: "Soldiers killed themselves at the rate of one per day in June making it the worst month on record for Army suicides......