Tag: Pope Francis
Pope Francis, Alison Weir and the Sanhedrin
With all these Sanhedrin courts pouring their wrath on the Goyim, the time to form a Goyim Defense League (GDL) is overdue.
The Revolution is being Televised: Pope Francis in Bolivia
This posting reproduces the July 9, 2015 radical speech of Pope Francis, as originally posted by Vatican Radio.
Goodnight America: Cuba Has Cancer Vaccine
Respect the Robot- Turkish Mayor Builds Giant Robot Only to Replace It With Giant T Rex, Cuba Has Cancer Vaccine, Fidel Castro Compares NATO to Nazis, Raul Castro Meets Pope Francis, ...
A challenge for the Pope: seize the chance for religious ‘renewal’
During his May 2014 visit to the Holy Land, Christianity's top man was (presumably) prevented from bearing witness to the human suffering in Gaza.