Tag: obama
Outrageous: President Wants Billions More for War
This is a follow-up on Tom Barnes post Obama wants record $708 Billion for military next year – Washington Post
Veterans and military families speak out
We are people who had little to no opportunity to get a college education. We are people who wanted to take our children to the doctor without going bankrupt. We are people who wanted to avoid joining the masses of unemployed and underpaid. Many of us believed the lifetime of indoctrination that told us the U.S. military protects our families here at home, and helps the poor and oppressed abroad.
JEFF GATES: Will Israel Assassinate Barack Obama?
To assassinate an American president with impunity requires pre-staging. For Israel to succeed would require an Evil Doer on whom the deed could plausibly be blamed. The emerging fact patterns suggest that such pre-staging is well underway and that a Pakistani could be the perceived culprit. The recent history of Evil Doer branding offers insight into what to expect.
Obama wants record $708B for military next year – Washington Post
President Obama, the Nobel Peace Prize Winner, the man I worked hard to elect to the Presidency is going to ask for $708 billion dollars for defense spending next year. I give up all delusions of change. I just plain give up.
In an article entitled Obama wants record $708B for military next year in today's Washington Post, we learn that nothing has changed relative to our defense spending insanity in Washington. It is business as usual.
Caeser has crossed the Rubicon Empire Now in Turmoil
by CWO3 Tom Barnes, USCG (Ret.)
In this morning's Washington Post, we find an article entitled A test for the blocks needed to rebuild a...
Obama’s Fictional Nobel Prize Statement
Can President Obama be serious when he says he accepts the Nobel Peace Prize as “an affirmation of American leadership on behalf of aspirations held by people of all nations”?