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Tag: Nuclear Weapons

Iran, Human Rights, and the Nuclear Issue

Compared to Iran, the P5+1 nations are nuclear rogues and, arguably, human rights outlaws.

NEO – Has the US Nuked Syria?

- "My guess is it is a test for micro nukes of some type, also called “uranium deuterium triggers.” ...Jeff Smith, ex-IAEA Non-Proliferation investigator.

NEO: 9/11 Plus Thirteen Years – A Decline Into Madness

- The American congress is willing to vote away constitutional rights, authorize insane wars using illegal WMD - including tactical nuclear weapons - in what they openly admit is a religious crusade.

Nuclear Roundtable: America's Nuclear Arsenal

Below are responses to questions and statements made in a roundtable. These are in answer to a US Navy nuclear weapons officer's comments and questions.

VT Nuclear Education: Mossad/N. Korea Links, MOX

The materials below were selected from a huge archive I have been given, some public, some less so, to publish. In general, minimally, it exposes the US government as dangerous, incompetent and deceitful in its handling of both nuclear materials and our national defense.

Black Sun Rising Part 4

In 1974 I had seen a family I grew up with slaughtered in their beds while they slept the sleep of the dead. My best friend, even though he was only fifteen years old at the time, was suspected of being the perpetrator, until the drug-addled surviving son confessed.

PressTV: Iran nuclear deal foils Israel financial scam: Analyst

Iran’s groundbreaking nuclear deal with the six world powers thwarted Israel’s efforts to bag money by brandishing fabricated threats over Iran’s peaceful nuclear energy program, an analyst says.

Avenge JFK – Send Weapons Inspectors to Dimona!

The Iran "nuclear crisis" is over. So now let's deal with the Israel nuclear crisis.

Saudis Nuclear Weapons Program Revealed

A week ago, Israeli intelligence leaked stories to the media that Pakistan was to supply Saudi Arabia with nuclear weapons. That story was false.

Israel Behind US Pressure on Iran

The whole so-called crisis over Iran’s nuclear programs is really a gigantic hoax.

Syrian Crisis as Opening to Global Disarmament

Up the Ante by demanding World's Most Powerful Hand Over Their Arsenals of Chemical Weapons Too.

Jericho Ballistic Test, Saudi Missiles, and an IDF Brave New Plan

On July 12, 2013, Chanel 7 reported that the IDF carried out successfully a test flight of a new ballistic engine.

Al Gore Lied

"All that was necessary was to, literally, fool most of world. That and intimidate the rest. All people had to do was “To Believe;” or, at least not speak up...."

Did Syria Sink an Israeli Submarine?

A story out of Syria claiming it sunk a German built nuclear armed submarine operated by the government of Israel has not only been partially confirmed, but that a fully confirmed nuclear attack on Syria is now believed to have been Israeli retaliation for that sinking.


As I revisited this whole nuke thing after all these years and was mulling over the photos of all those singed and bent vehicles, my friend Connie Smith — a long-time 9/11 researcher some of you may know — dropped me a note reminding me of something I’d completely forgotten about: the fascinating case of EMT Patricia Ondrovic.

Intel Drop: Thursday, May 16, 2013

It is time we differentiated hard intelligence and rational analysis from conspiracy theory addiction. Remember, it was Fox News and the Limbaugh crowd that created the addiction for wild conspiracies and fabrication.

Leader’s fatwa on nuclear weapons binding for Iran: Foreign Ministry

Leader’s fatwa on nuclear weapons binding for Iran: Foreign Ministry Iran’s Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast "There is nothing more important in defining the framework for...

North Korean EMP Attack Could Destroy U.S.A.

North Korea now has an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) capable of delivering a nuclear weapon to the United States, as demonstrated by their successful launch and orbiting of a satellite on Dec. 12.

US-Israel alliance and nuclear follies

"In fact, the actual origin of Israel’s nuclear arsenal is, in fact, credited to stolen weapons grade uranium and plutonium from the United States, France, and Britain."

The Despicable Washington “Pest”

Other than Jeff Stein, a genuinely funny guy, the idea of actually touching a "Washington Post" without gloves and a mask is not recommended, not for humans at least.

Press TV: United States bent on eventual destruction of Russia

The only answer, the only way of pushing the program forward, however, is a nuclear war.

Press TV: US Builds Israeli Nuke Bunkers and Bio-War Labs

Legally, the law, based on the disputed Oslo Accords, which expired in 2000, would require the dismantling of the “Gaza Wall,” a project no different than the Warsaw Ghetto, the Berlin Wall or Buchenwald.

What are efforts to contain Fukushima? None.

- The VeteransToday recommended fix of putting the reactors under water has not been done by the US Government.

1992 Breaking News – Netanyahu Says Iran Close to Nuclear Weapon

What many of us may not recall is that this drumbeat about Iran’s alleged nuclear weapons program began many years ago. Netanyahu is on record as early as 1992 claiming that Iran was “close” to having a nuke.

Obama’s Gold – 94.6% Pure, Bomb Grade Plutonium

...the country very nearly lost the state of South Carolina. Those deadly Plutonium cores were jerked out of those three big Duke Power reactors so fast it would make your head spin.

Press TV: US Used Micro-Nukes in Afghanistan and Iraq Wars

There is evidence that those weapons have been used in Iraq and Afghanistan. Studies have found uranium 235 to be in the bodies of the population there

Alexander Cockburn and the hypocrisy of ‘Non-Proliferation’

Alexander Cockburn ripped through mealy-mouthed platitudes about “the urgency of non-proliferation” the way George Orwell ripped through earlier examples of double-speak.

SECURITY ALERT: “Stupid Spies and Silent Supporters”-Mordechai Vanunu

"The restrictions now renewed for the 9th year. My Lawyer Avigdor Feldman is trying to deal with the Israel authorities to find any solution to end this case, either by appeal to the court or by meeting with them.

Former High U.S.Defense Official Warns Against Attacking Iran

“A unilateral preventive attack” on Iran by the United States would be viewed by many countries “as a breach of international law,” a former high American Defense Department official has warned his country.

Nuclear Whistle Blowers Appeal Denied, Israels Nuclear Apartheid and The Real...

Today from east Jerusalem, Mordechai Vanunu issued the following Global invitation:

 The court hearing June 6 on Wednesday at the Israel Supreme Court. It is open for all. See you there.

New Face in NYC and New Voice from Florida

Last week it became official that this author and reporter will be on the 2012 ballot for US HOUSE of Representatives, District 5 in Florida. Last week, this image also flashed during rush hour in Times Square, NYC...

Israel to Rule on Nuclear Whistle Blower’s Appeal to Revoke Citizenship

Mordechai Vanunu wrote, "The court hearing [cancel Israel citizenship] is June 6th." In a separate email, he added...

Target Iran: America and Israel to Officially Unleash MEK Terrorist Cult

A couple of months ago, one of those dubious leaks made by “unnamed US officials” caught my eye. US media did something it doesn’t often do; it publicized ‘secret’ Israeli government policy.

A Mother’s Day Manifesto and about Shimon Peres

Anna Jarvis, organized a day to raise awareness of poor health conditions in her community and 15 years later, Julia Ward Howe, organized a day encouraging mothers to rally for peace. Today, Grant S. Smith offers us this Mother's Day opportunity to speak Truth to Power regarding a Master of War.

TO: Mossad/Shabbak RE: Your Vendetta against Israeli Nuclear Whistle Blower, Vanunu...

On the 1st of may, Israeli Nuclear Whistle Blower, Mordechai Vanunu deactivated his Facebook Wall and Twitter Account after writing, “Today they sent first notice, they will renew the restrictions..."

Thanking 60 MINUTES and Begging for More

"When Hillary Clinton visited Jerusalem and said the wall was not against the Palestinian people, she killed us too! Christians who do not care kill us too!"

Latest Message from Israel’s Nuclear Whistle Blower TO: Obama, Peres and...

"My message to Obama, Vanunu is very supporting Obama policy, Obama Ideology of a Middle East Free from all Nuclear weapons. Vanunu is ready to help Obama in this. Diplomacy Now!!! Freedom Now!!"-Mordechai Vanunu, 24 April 2012 from east Jerusalem

A Day in The Life at Strawberry Fields and IMAGINING a...

The good news is that the restrictions that have denied Mordechai Vanunu his inalienable human rights expire before June 1st, but the bad news concerns continuing failures of Corporate Media to report on Israel's Nuclear Whistle Blower.

Political Milestone: Iranian Leader’s Fatwa against Nuclear Weapons

The fatwa issued by the Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei forbidding the production, proliferation and use of nuclear bombs is to be considered a political milestone in Iranian history and one which can salvage the Islamic nation from the spate of external threats and plots.

Duff on Press TV – ‘Entire Iran nuclear issue, theatrical’

- Our VT nuclear reprocessing and weapons expert, Clinton Bastin, former 40+ year DOE engineer...Iran ever enriching uranium to weapons grade is a fantasy

To: President Obama, New York Corporate News Desks and my Cyber-Attackers

A few hours after "21 April 2012: Global Call to Free Mordechai Vanunu, Israel's Nuclear Whistle Blower and a New York Event" PRWEB Press Release went live, I received my first of the usual cyber attacks that have come at me since I went online in 2005, and I seize this opportunity to address them once again.

Money Changers, The Resurrection and Israel’s Dimona: WMD Facility

“What I did was sacrifice my life for the truth. In prison I really began to feel like Jesus and Paul. When Jesus threw the moneychangers out of the temple, it was like me in Dimona exposing the Israelis dirty secrets. I felt like Paul being thrown in prison for speaking the truth..."-Mordechai Vanunu