Tag: netanyahu
Bibi crashes 9/11 plane into grassy knoll
The insane war party (the neocons) and the relatively restrained war party (the realists) are trading threats – by referencing the two most infamous (and most obviously true) "conspiracy theories" of the 20th and 21st centuries.
The Dirty Dozen MPs who want to prolong the Palestinians’ misery…
In the local newspaper where I used to live somebody wrote in demanding to know why local MP Jonathan Djanogly was one of the 12 who voted to deny Palestinians their statehood and right to self-determination in the recent House of Commons debate.
Israel changes name to Judaic State (JS)
Is Judaic State (JS) imitating Islamic State (IS) - or the other way around?
Israel PM fears war crime charges: Analyst
- “What he [Netanyahu ] is asking the Congress to do is to aid and abet Israel getting away with these war crimes that they have been committing,"...
Israel Has Lost Big Over Gaza War: Analyst
Press TV has conducted an interview with Gordon Duff, senior editor of VT from Ohio, about a survey finding that support for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has fallen by 20 percent.
Are the Zionists done mowing the lawn in Gaza?
- Gaza Ceasefire begins at 0500 GMT - Talks to begin in Cairo
Israel: A Cornered Rat
Israel's leaders know that time, history, and demographics are working against them.
America: Who Is The Boss?
When 65,915,795 Americans and I voted for Barack Obama for a second term we did not know we were elected a second banana and we thought we were voting for the President of the United State, the most powerful man in America if not the world.
Child-killing sociopaths of Israel
Killing children is the de facto official policy of the Israeli military.
Mr. President, What Are You Waiting For?
I am writing to you this personal letter, because you, perhaps more than any other person on this earth can make a difference between war and peace, between justice and injustice, between right and wrong and you as leader of this great nation can steer America back to its principals and ideals as a world leader standing for freedom and justice for all.
Any West moral claim shattered in war on Gaza: HD video
- "Press TV had Gordon and I on together for rolling coverage on Gaza. We got some good licks in not just on Israel but the pitiful weakness of the UN response."
Gaza Attack: Team People Winning Battle for Humanity
Humanity is Rejecting Mass Murder as a Tool for National Ambition while Social Networking and Alternative Media Continue to Lead in Exposing War Crimes. Follow Johnny Punish as he outlines the reality that Israel is facing in promoting mass murder as a means to justify its security.
Netanyahu Wins Larry Silverstein Award for Chutzpah
The murderer is trying to blame his murders on the victims. Now THAT'S chutzpah.
A Six-Step Program to Prosecute the Zionists Who Support Genocide and...
Neta Golan: “We, as concerned Israeli citizens, need to tell the world that military cooperation and diplomatic and trade ties with Israel must stop immediately until they [Israel] respect international law”
Gaza: The Consequenses of Voting While Muslim
The Palestinians of Gaza are guilty of that new post-Cold War misdemeanor: voting while Muslim. The punishment for this crime has been eight years of economic hardship, international isolation, and periodic Israeli bombardments.
Obama ambushes Muslim invitees at White House iftar
“Lying about the most basic fact about the occupation of Palestine – that the Zionists are the aggressors, and the Palestinians are defending themselves, their homes, their land, their children, and their honor – is a war crime.”
al-Sisi’s TV whores celebrate genocide in Gaza
Egypt's Zionist-deep-state media - the al-Sisi propaganda apparatus - is cheering Israel's genocide in Gaza.
Zio-Nazis run wild in Occupied Palestine
Both Nazis and Zionists believe themselves a “master race” or “chosen people.”
Iraq Crisis Made in Israel
The Iraq war is just one facet of Israel’s Oded Yinon plan to balkanize the Middle East.
Dear “Jewish Defense League”: Why aren’t I on your death list?
The JDL's refusal to recognize my achievements is killing me.
Israeli Prime Minister Insults Intelligence of U.S. Christians
In Response to Watershed Historic Presbyterian USA Vote to Divest from Israel, Prime Minister Netanyahu Appears Unopposed on NBC Meet The Press to Send Condescending Message to U.S. Christians
More Threats From Palestine’s Nasty Neighbor
US-brokered negotiations with Israel, which started on 29 July 2013 and were to last nine months, are nearing their ignominious end.
Israel’s New Ethnic Cleansing Laws
Israel's obsession with Jewish ethnic purity has led to the enactment of open ethnic cleansing by the current Netanyahu government.
Netanyahu’s Silicon Valley Visit A Lost Opportunity
Silicon Valley, to my mind, is about equality, empowerment and equal access. Consequently, it's been very disturbing to see technology companies such as Apple and WhatsApp meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu while disregarding that his country treats its non-Jewish population like second-class citizens and implements harsh military rule on Palestinians living in the West Bank and Gaza.
NEO – John Kerry’s Mid East Puzzle – Chances of Success
- We welcome Victoria Fradkova on her first article for VT, part of our arrangement with NEO to exchange work from East and West.
Abbas, Promises Kept, Promises Broken.
With no hopes in sight for ending the Israeli Occupation, let alone ending the ever-expanding settlements, certainly for a “two states solution” time for Mahmoud Abbas to keep his often-stated promise (last one on December 28, 2012) to disband the PA/PLO and hand over the Keys to Bibi Netanyahu, Barack Obama and John Kerry.
One-gun salute to Washington, DC?
Will Americans build giant middle finger statues to protest the post-9/11 police state?
Israel to solidify control of Mediterranean gas fields
- Would Israel use its military and WMD threat to steal a bigger share of these gas fields? You bet your booty!
Israel: A significant shift in U.S. public opinion…?
A recent public opinion poll asked Americans which of two options they would favour if a two-state solution to the Israel/Palestine conflict was no longer on the table.
Avnery – God Bless Putin
- With the world distracted by Ukraine's upheaval, Bibi Netanyahu’s prayers have been answered.
‘Al-Qaeda, asset of Zionism in destabilizing Mideast’
"George are you a former US diplomat? You sound more like you are a former Israeli diplomat! "
Latest Snowden leak: Obama’s UNEDITED remarks to Netanyahu!
What Obama really thinks of Netanyahu.
Netanyahu: “Peace? No Thanks But I’ll Accept The Box of Chocolates”
I have long thought that Dr. Hanan Ashrawi, a senior member of the PLO’s Executive Committee and the Palestine Legislative Council, is the most articulate spokesperson in Israeli occupied territory for her cause. Her latest comment is a bleak assessment of the prospects
Confessed 9/11 terrorist Silverstein “helps NYC shine”
How much did 9/11 perp Larry Silverstein have to pay to place this sickening PR puff piece?
Zionists celebrate occupation of USA
If you want to protest AIPAC's faltering death-grip on America, do it this year.
Ex-CIA Bin Laden chief Michael Scheuer speaks out
The Zio-cons "are defending, in many respects, a position that's absolutely treasonous to the United States, and incompatible with being an American citizen."
Is Netanyahu Getting Back at Putin with Volgograd Bombings?
As the Russian Sochi Winter Olympics date approaches, a wave of suicide bombings in Volgograd (formerly Stalingrad, site of the decisive resistance to German invasion in 1942), have wreaked death and uncertainty in the region.
US military hijacked by Israel since 9/11
“Israel has really hijacked the US, and used the US military as its surrogate to fight these wars and destabilize the Middle East and make the Middle East safe for Israel.”
Palestine Peace Talks – All Smoke and Mirrors, plus Stacking the...
- There will never be peace in Palestine until it is imposed by outside forces. But no one wants to buy that tar baby, not yet anyway.
Israel-Palestine: Is Peace Possible On Obama’s Watch?
The answer to my headline question could be, not necessarily would be, “Yes” IF President Obama was prepared to put America’s own best interests first and use as necessary all the leverage he has to oblige Israel to accept that peace with the Palestinians requires a complete end to its occupation of the West Bank.
Will US Senate crown Netanyahu emperor?
Fifty "US" senators want to make Netanyahu their Commander-in-Chief. Maybe they're representing the wrong country?
Israel and It's U.S. Congress Demand Americans Pay and Die For...
Iran launches a nuclear attack on Israel with its single nuclear bomb devastating Tel Aviv and causing tens of thousands of deaths among Jews, Christians and Muslims.