Tag: Middle East
Dear Mr. Beck: I Shook Hands with the Antichrist
Earlier this week, Michael Lind wrote an article for Salon about the misplaced energy in demeaning alarmists like Glenn Beck.1 Having friends and family who often revere the inflammatory rhetoric of Beck, Palin, Limbaugh, and others as a light in the darkness, the temptation to dwell on and ridicule these figures, ones that have even caused divisions between conservative commentators, is strong. Lind’s point is crucial though: the question is not primarily whether or not Beck’s theories are sane. Actually, the less sane they seem, the more likely it is that these theories are moves of desperation and the more important it is that we should stay focused on the actual issue.
Wisconsin, America’s Egypt? [video]
Massive protests continue for the second day in Wisconsin as the GOP controlled state senate is set to vote on bill introduced by Gov. Scott Walker which will sharply curtail the collective bargaining rights of the public employee unions.
DR. ASHRAF EZZAT: Mubarak Regime Orchestrated the Church Blast to Please...
New insights into the latest bombing attacks on the Alexandria church which took place on the New Year Eve and killed 23 and wounded more than 90 innocent people are suggesting that the police apparatus of Mubarak has been covertly involved in the orchestrating of this hideous terrorist attack which at the time smelled like another Mossad operation carried out to serve Israeli interests which in a way it did.
SIBEL EDMONDS: Let It Cut Both Ways-US Foreign Aid & State...
In June 2010 our rights and liberties suffered a major setback. The United States Supreme Court upheld the broad application of a federal law making it a crime to provide "material support" to designated "foreign terrorist organizations" (FTOs). Under this law individuals face up to 15 years in prison for providing "material support" to FTOs, even if their work is intended to promote peaceful, lawful objectives. "Material support" is defined to include any "service," "training," "expert advice or assistance" or "personnel." This setback should cut both ways, that is, if we had a bit more application of justice and a tad less of hypocrisy, and of course, far more straight forward information delivery. What do I mean by having this setback cut both ways? Terrorism is not limited to individual(s), groups, organizations; it includes nation states. A bunch of ego-driven scholars or a few anal-retentive political analysts may want to split hairs as to whether or not ‘state sponsored terrorism’ constitutes terrorism, but hey, since 2002 their elected presidents have been accusing nations of being terrorists or axis of evil, and for this, for now, I am going to go with that.
ALLEN L ROLAND: People Power vs Decaying Old World Order
The Egyptian Tsunami of people power is moving so rapidly that the walls of the Old World Order, based on control and military force,...
US Media & Egypt Coverage: Dodging the Real Issues & Fudging...
$60 Billion US Aid to Egypt=$60 Billion Current Net-worth of Mubarak Family
With all eyes and attention on Egypt, the unsavory ‘US Foreign Policy’ has...
US FOREIGN POLICY CRISIS: Gordon Duff speaks with Jonathan Azaziah on...
Senior VT Editor Gordon Duff interviews staff writer Jonathan Azaziah on the greater geopolitical issues facing the USA and its role in the Middle East theatre.
Netanyahu & Co. must be proud of Mubarak and his thugs
For many years I believed that Israel’s leaders have...
ALLEN L ROLAND: Egypt Uprising is a Two Minute Warning For...
Egypt’s current uprising is a two minute warning for the old world order which controlled the populace by force and US military aid but...
According to the Israelis. Whether that's so or not, some of us fear that...
Iraq is a Self Cleaning Oven
Lawyers who are specialists in the International Law of Armed Conflict, War Crimes Law to the rest of us, say the uranium smoke, dust and shrapnel must be able to be turned off when the battle is over. Too bad. Uranium gas is a radioactive and electrically charged poison forever.
By Gordon Duff STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor
"Hate" is a commodity, I can even go further, it's an element, like...
As I have written and said on more than a few occasions in the past, Zionism’s key players know how to play the cards...
Why haven’t we had another 9/11 yet?
The world has not witnessed another 9/11 since 9/11.This is something no anti-terrorism apparatus should take credit for. Whoever pulled the 9/11 operation got what he wanted and has no need for another major attack of the sort yet.
September 25, 2010
Gandhi's Wisdom
SURFING THE television channels, I came across an interview with the grandson of Mahatma Gandhi on an American...
The Economy is Just a Symptom – it’s Hypocrisy, Stupid!
It was "Christians" who enslaved and lynched Black people in the South, so does that mean that Black people should burn Bibles and prohibit Christian churches from being built in the 'hood?
Hamas Re-positioning Themselves as American Solidarity Grows
- As world-wide resistance to the terror state of Israel grows, so too does American solidarity for Middle-East justice groups fighting off Israeli oppression...
Obama Signals Complete Surrender to Zionism and Its Lobby
He was speaking at the White House the day before the start of the new round of direct talks between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas, after he had met with them and Egypt’s President Hosni Mubarak and Jordan’s King Abdullah II. (In my last post I anticipated Obama saying at the point of his complete surrender that “America can’t want peace more than the parties.” He also said that – ahead of schedule!)
The State and Local Bases of Zionist Power in America
Any serious effort to understand the extraordinary influence of the Zionist power configuration over US foreign policy must examine the presence of key operatives in strategic positions in the government andlocal Zionist organizations affiliated with mainstream Jewish organizations and religious orders.
The Iraq Legacy: Tell It Like It Is
By Medea Benjamin (opednews.com)
With the withdrawal of U.S. combat troops from Iraq, the administration, the military and the media are trying to put a...
Maybe I’m Dumb, but Could Somebody Please Tell Me the Difference...
How can you go into your neighbor’s home and kill his family, then call him the aggressor? And now they’re talking about invading Iran! It’s all about racism and greed. Think about it-- as bad as the Germans and Russians treated the Jews over the years, you’d think the Jews would have been given part of one of those countries. If they’d done that, European Jews wouldn’t have even had to leave home. But White folks don’t play that - no matter how much they hate each other.
Invaders of Today and Crusaders of Yesterday
In their attempt to seize the Holy city, the Crusaders may have unwittingly precipitated the growth of extremism in Islam
In a quick and brief...
Time to End American Occupation of Middle East
For the last decade, America has been shuffling its entire military, including hundreds of thousands of private contractors, in and out of the Middle East on little more than a "snipe hunt." Time for a reality check. Iraq never attacked the US. Reports say Al Qaeda may have fewer than 30 men in Afghanistan.
Obama Mistaken for a Pharaoh
Can Obama stick to his Cairo speech and deliver on his promises
Four months after he took office, and in what seemed as a spontaneous...
Bennis and the Progress Report on Israel’s Massacre
Israel may believe she can do whatever she wants, wherever she wants. But this latest outrage will come at a political cost.
Phyllis Bennis and...
Gordon Duff: The Arms Circus, Israel Keeping The World In Turmoil
By Gordon Duff STAFF WRITER, Senior Editor
This week, newspapers around the world received reports...
Chomsky: A Middle East Peace That Could Happen (But Won’t)
Peace will have to forced on to the region through some combination of divestment, international pressure and who knows what else. But the United States...
PTSD, infertility and other consequences of war
There is a Middle Eastern country that requires all 18-year-olds to join national service for several years. This country even has a roughly comparable health care system to America for a population of 7,233,701, according to the CIA World Factbook. The country is Israel.
U.S.-Israel Political Maneuvers Go Deep and Dark
Steve Clemons at the Washington Note has a piece observing a new development in the increasingly adversarial U.S.-Israeli relationship: More secrecy.
As AIPAC boasts on its...
Was Israel Ever Legitimate ?
The history of Israel as a geopolitical fraud will fill entire libraries as those defrauded marvel at how so few deceived so many for so long. Those duped include many naive Jews who—even now—identify their interests with this extremist enclave.
Netanyahu Returns to Israel After Diplomatic ‘Hazing’ by Obama
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu returned home to media derision on Thursday, having failed to resolve a bitter row with Washington over the building of Jewish settlements. One publication even called it a diplomatic "hazing" by President Obama.
Inside Israeli land grabs
Over the weekend, Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu reaffirmed the Israeli government's support of the settlement movement by planting a tree in each one of the three biggest settlement blocks in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Despite the Israeli government's support, funding, and approval of settlers, they are often presented in the media as in conflict with the state and the army.
Obama Fanning War Flames to Engulf the Middle East
By Sherwood Ross
As President Obama steps up the war that is inflaming ever wider sectors of the Middle East, USA continues its rapid slide...