Tag: Medical Care
VA Quality Data Released to Public on CMS Hospital Compare Web...
Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) medical centers are now included in the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS) Hospital Compare Web site, which measures hospital quality based on what matters most to patients – the outcomes of care.
The Crisis Point For Gulf War Illness
It is 20 years since the Gulf War 1990-91, Operation Desert Storm(US), and our British Coalition Forces that are suffering with Gulf War Illness/es stood tall in London and welcomed the other coalition members that served and are also part of the unfolding health crisis of Post Gulf War Service. This crisis involved the largest ever number of veterans that have been affected by their service in the most Hazardous Toxic Soup of Environmental Exposures in any war.
Marines Delta Battery 20 Years Gulf War Reunion
Again the ill Gulf War Veterans are the ones doing the outreach and getting the word out, it is a shame they don't even provide grants for outreach work nor rooms for veterans to use when attending VA RAC GWI meetings. Nor do they encourage interaction and sharing of important health care providers and research being done at annual type meeting for Gulf War Researchers both Civilian and VA. Much less having Civilian and VA Providers also involved fully in caring for Gulf War Veterans. There is a need for these type meetings and meetings should be open to veterans. These meetings also need videoconferencing live and archived and available openly on the internet!
Military Ethics: ‘Do the Right Thing’
(SALEM, OR) - The Navy and Marine Corps are faced with the choice of ‘doing the right thing’ by supporting legislation to provide medical care and compensation to those injured from exposure to environmental hazards while on active duty or facing the backlash of a public outcry for not doing so, including lawsuits from dependents and civilian workers that could run into the billions of dollars.
Gulf War Veterans : Second Urgent Medical Alert for February 2011
Dr Chia research article from Journal of Clinical Pathology on enterovirus and a cancer needs to be shared widely at the Department of Veterans Affairs and circulated to all health care providers. Our only chance with beating cancer is TIME. Adequate diagnostic tests to rule out cancers for our Desert Storm Veterans and our newest veterans from OIF/OEF is a must and we all must be proactive and knowledgeable and that includes our patients and their family members!
Desert Storm Veterans Get in Line and Volunteer for VA Funded...
Desert Storm Veterans with gulf war illness being recruited for a medical study on their irritable bowel problems. Gulf War illness is real and the research is finally directed in the right direction to find answers. Twenty years but the old broken system is finally responding. The old cranky battleship of a broken system has made war repairs and is being set right on course. Now veterans are being asked to help. Medical researchers and medical care providers are being asked to help get the information to gulf war veterans 90-91 that are sufferring!
By Joe "Ragman" Tarnovsky STAFF WRITER
Veterans are patriotic to a fault. Even when we see and hear politicians and bureaucrats...
Important Research Studies That Point to Hope for Chronic Fatigue
Fourteen studies that give hope to Gulf War Veterans with Chronic Fatigue
Fourteen studies over a year that are helping to lead the way to...
Operation Desert Storm 20 Years Later Situation Reports
Gulf War Veterans 90-91 Need Help -
Calls for National Collaboration to all Scientist, Researchers, Universities and Government Agencies
Gulf War Veterans both deployed and some...
Shinseki and VA Need to Move on VA Benefits, It’s Hamsters...
Veterans fighting to gain the benefits and care earned, deserved, and decades long over due!
Veterans-For-Change Weekly Report
Senators Propose TRICARE Dependent Coverage Extension Act
A bill introduced to the U.S. Senate April 14 would, if passed into law, enable the dependent children...
The Small City of Canal Fulton, Ohio
The small city of Canal Fulton, Ohio, rolled out the “red carpet” and flag waving crowds swelled along the streets in anticipation. May 17,...
Veterans-For-Change Report
Nearly 3,000 Individuals Have Responded to the CalVet Survey To Help Prioritize Services to California’s Veterans
Sacramento – Nearly 3,000 individuals have responded to the...