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Tag: kevin barrett

ISIL Israeli mercenary army

ISIL claims to be a Muslim liberation movement - yet it never attacks Israel or its supporters.

Islamic State name meant to shame Islam

“They've created the name 'Islamic State' (IS) for this group to try to discredit political Islam and the Islamic Awakening."

Israeli regime committing suicide over land grab

"The stereotype that Zionists are pushy doesn't even begin to describe Richard 'the Dick from Washington' Hellman."

9/11, JFK Assassination, Holocaust Debated at US University

- The issue is not what happened to a small fraction of the 60 million people killed in World War II...but whether we are free to question history.

Utterly pointless correspondence concerning false-flag terror

In which I send false-flag terror emails to Bartleby's dead letter office.

Zionist war in ME not in US interest: Analyst

The Zionists want a big Mideast war so they can finish the genocidal destruction of Palestine.

Lying Zionists cover up Sharon’s horrific words, deeds

- Professional liars are trying to rehabilitate the image of the brutal Zionist butcher Ariel Sharon.

US completely infiltrated by Israeli spies

- Why does American media refuse to cover this huge, decades old, national security scandal? Might it be they are working with the Zionist Lobby?

Israel/CIA vs. Mandela! Dynamic Duo TV news shreds the myths

Israel and the CIA were Madela's worst enemies - but the mainstream media won't tell you that!

New book “Dynamic Duo” celebrates American resistance

This book kills fascists.

New book "Dynamic Duo" celebrates American resistance

This book kills fascists.

Only Israel Benefits From Syria War

Who benefits from the destruction of Syria?

Controversy Stalks Sunday’s 9/11 Truth Conference

Angry nay-sayers are threatening to disrupt this Sunday's Midwest 9/11 Truth Conference in Urbana, Illinois.

Controversy Stalks Sunday's 9/11 Truth Conference

Angry nay-sayers are threatening to disrupt this Sunday's Midwest 9/11 Truth Conference in Urbana, Illinois.

Jews Raid Congress for al-Qaeda; Muslims defend Constitution

A Jewish extremist group has raided Congress for al-Qaeda, while Muslims flock to DC in America's defense.

Zionist loses it on-air: “Shut it Mr. Barrett!”

Zionist Charlie Wolf - who reacted to Rachel Corrie's murder by calling her "scum" - got very angry with me on Press TV's "The Debate" yesterday.

Zionist loses it on-air: "Shut it Mr. Barrett!"

Zionist Charlie Wolf - who reacted to Rachel Corrie's murder by calling her "scum" - got very angry with me on Press TV's "The Debate" yesterday.

David Ray Griffin, Gilad Atzmon take the United Nations!

Priceless! Israeli flack Hillel Neuer unwittingly promotes 9/11 truth and anti-Zionism at the United Nations.

"Al-CIA-duh" in Clash of Civilizations

The correct translation of "al-Qaeda" is "The CIA Database."

“Al-CIA-duh” in Clash of Civilizations

The correct translation of "al-Qaeda" is "The CIA Database."

Israel, US Arm Al-Qaeda to Break Syria Into Pieces

Why is the US government arming and training al-Qaeda?

My Latest Press TV Slug-Fest with a Zionist Idiot

"This is about the lamest excuse for an attempt to debunk a conspiracy story that I’ve ever heard and I’ve heard a lot of them."

A real Jew, a Zionist, and a truth jihadi walk into...

Kenneth Katzman says he'll boycott Press TV if they keep featuring guys like me who blame Israel for 9/11.

Al-Qaeda operates on behalf of Israel, West (Press TV)

Funny how "al-Qaeda" never kills Israelis.

Double Standards?! Who, US?

The real force behind the war is the Likud Zionist Party in Israel, which has an agenda to destabilize the Middle East.

What is Really Happening in Syria

Was the Houla massacre a false-flag op?

Barrett: Wisconsin Revolution Has Only Just Begun!

It's time to revolt against the controlled demolition of the middle class, and the transformation of the USA into a fascist banana republic.

9/11 Coup d’etat Triggered Pre-Planned War on Islam

What would happen if US officers called for a total war against Jews, on the order of Dachau and Auschwitz?

Bahrain Democracy Movement Is The Real Thing

The US, which has its Fifth Fleet based in Bahrain and which uses the Saudi dynasty to maintain corporate bankster control of the world dollar and oil system, doesn't mind watching a democracy movement get slaughtered.

My Exchange With Morgan Reynolds, Re: WTC Demolitions

I recently had Morgan Reynolds on my radio show to explain/debate his article "WTC Destruction: Five Facts Falsify Five Theories."

Gordon Duff on Kevin Barrett, January 17, 2012

A few years ago, I made national news by telling an AP reporter that comparing Bush to Hitler would be an insult to Hitler. After all, Hitler was tragic, while Bush is farcical.

If Herb Caen, I Can Too

"Larry Silverstein, please report to the 64th floor. Your necktie has been found and is waiting for you at the front desk."

Gordon Duff with Kevin Barrett on “No Lies Radio”

Gordon will discuss his new article Patriot Missiles Seized, Sold To China by Israelwhich states: “During a routine search of the MS Thor Liberty, a ship flagged by the Isle of Man, at the Finnish port of Kotka, authorities found 69 Patriot missiles of a type capable of intercepting ICBMs, the most modern available and America’s most sensitive military technology.” The cargo was apparently heading for China.

Shut Up and Teach! The Perversion of Free Speech on Campus

The neocons who planned 9/11 and the ensuing regime of "fascism lite" (see Luttwak's Coup d'Etat: A Practical Handbook) foresaw opposition from several quarters.

Gordon Duff and Kevin Barrett on Truth Jihad Radio, 12/5/11

Another amphetimine driven marathon session with VT Senior Editor, Gordon Duff and Truth Jihad Radio host and VT staffer, Kevin Barrett. The combination of politics, hard intelligence, conspiracy theory and, most important of all, "little green men" is sure to delight the casual listener and enrage more than a few.

“My Dad Helped the CIA Kill JFK!” Part 3

Below is the lightly-edited transcript of part three of my interview with Saint John Hunt, recipient and custodian of father E. Howard Hunt's confession to participating in the LBJ-approved, CIA-orchestrated murder of JFK.

“My Dad Helped the CIA Kill JFK!” Part 2

Who killed JFK? The truth is out there - but the truth is still being kept "out there," away from most of the people.

My Dad Helped the CIA Kill JFK !

Of all the big lies told about the JFK assassination, perhaps the biggest is: "I guess we'll never really know what happened." Bullshit! We do know!

The Crisis of Misdirection, Time to Get Off the Bus

For the past two weeks, I have had out feelers in the intelligence community, trying to verify stories about secret deals between Israel and Iran.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming!

This set of videos prepared by Kevin Barrett exposes The programming techniques that really need to go viral on the Internet. People must see this.


TRUTH JIHAD RADIO INTERVIEW  "WIKILEAKS ON STEROIDS" Foreword by Gordon Duff Senior Editor VT Audio editing by Edward Rynearson There are few more controversial figures than...

Dear Geraldo Rivera: 9/11 Murder is NOT a Joke

This week, Geraldo Rivera was foiled in his attempt to "contain" the 9/11 movement, something exploding around the world. A Herald Sun poll in Australia the week before, 10,000 respondents, showed 78% support for 9/11 being an "inside job." A reasonable estimate for Americans is likely to approach the same figure.