Tag: judaism
PCN — “Disavowal” of Gilad Atzmon ? The Truth be damned!
Disavowal: “…a mental act that consists in rejecting the reality of a perception.” Atzmon distinguishes among those who follow the Judaic religion; those who regard themselves as a human being who happens to be of Jewish origin; and those who put their Jewishness over and above all other traits.
Jewish Roots of Islam’s Extremism
“Both Judaism and Islam proceeded from the same fundamental premise, influenced by the same tribal culture and practically followed the same orthodox pattern"
A Christian Palestinian Gandhi Responds to GOP
“Israel will not survive unless it does justice! The situation is deteriorating and we must frustrate Israel’s plans and actions because they are not built on justice.
Zion’s Zealots: A Book Review and Nailing of Christian Fundamentalism
"It is irresponsible to suggest that God will bless us materially if we support the largely secular State of Israel, especially when this invariably means ignoring the plight of the indigenous Christian population of Palestine."
The Fierce Urgency of Conversation with Christian Israeli Dissident Roy Tov
“Eileen, my fierce urgency is for real. I can't tell you if I’ll be able to breath tomorrow. I can't tell you if another criminal Bolivian hired by Israel will attack me again this night.”-Roy Tov
Tov is an ex-Israeli military officer who converted to Christianity and had been involved in high-level scientific programs. He left Israel for South East Asia and wrote his insights of the Zionist state in "The Cross of Bethlehem" and remains in the cross hairs of the Mossad.
An Israeli Rabbinical Court Finds a Woman Guilty of Witchcraft
It's always best to go directly to the root of a problem. The root of the problems of Christianity and Islam is Judaism. Both Christianity and Islam sprang out of Judaism.
Refugees, Gandhi’s and Free Radicals
Gandhi pointed out three possible responses to oppression and injustice. The coward’s way out, which is to accept the wrong and run away, or to stand and fight by force of arms, but the third and best way is to fight by speaking truth and remaining physically nonviolent. The Palestinian Gandhi Project is.......
Essence of the Suppressed Truth
The mainstream media’s complicity in Zionism’s suppression of the truth of history. "Defenders of Israel right or wrong assert that Judaism and Zionism are one and the same; sometimes explicitly, sometimes by insinuation and smear, they label criticism of Israel's human rights abuse as anti-Semitism."
9/11: Open Letter Challenge to ADL’s Abe Foxman
Mr. Foxman, that criticism of Israel is by definition a manifestation of anti-Semitism, is Zionist propaganda nonsense for a blackmail purpose, the purpose being to silence criticism and prevent informed and honest debate about Israel’s policies and actions.
"My Friend Came To Me with Sadness In His Eyes"
Today, 11 million people in and around Somalia are currently at risk of starvation amidst the worst drought to hit the nation in a generation.
Killing the “Bad People”
Our "darker angels," the expression of our "reptile brain" has formed the basis of our civilizations, organizations formed to mitigate personal responsibility, to create mythologies supporting immoral, inhuman, behaviors, not even predatory but those of the scavenger or perhaps parasitic.
Behind the Holocaust
When you’re a little kid in school or at the movies, resisting Judaism can be made to seem a very wicked thing. As an adult, you can be made to think that to resist Judaism is the very worst, the most dangerous thing. When you see what has happened to people who have resisted Judaism, well – you certainly don’t want that to happen to you.
Anti-Semitism – What is it?
Several of us among the incurably curious asked ourselves a simple question: what is anti-Semitism? The fact that it must be written with a capital “S” says a lot.
Then we realized it also morphs. To that feature I can attest. In November 2002, I met a “John Doe” in London who proposed a research challenge. While meeting that challenge, I encountered various versions of anti-Semitism.