Tag: John Kerry
Quit Meddling, Kerry, Leave the Israel Problem to the Proper Authorities
No sooner had peace talks restarted under the warped patronage of the United States than Israel’s prime minister Netanyahu published bids for the construction of more than 1,000 new housing units in Palestinian East Jerusalem and existing illegal West Bank squats.
Hezbollah gets “terrorist” label for fighting al-Qaeda
Could Western hypocrisy on terrorism could sink any lower?
Why Do They Frighten Us With Syrian Chemical Weapons?
Recent statements by senior officials of the United States and other countries concerning Syria’s possible use of chemical weapons against opposition fighters have raised a legitimate question — who do the statements benefit, and why are they being made?
Palestine – Fist Full of Dollars
The meeting that took place in Nablus on Sunday the 4th of November 2012 between Palestinian Oligarchs and officials from the office of Mahmoud Abbas and Israeli investors and businessmen, mainly those heavily invested in Jewish Settlements, was not out of the blue.
A short open letter to Secretary of State Kerry.
Before you arrived in Turkey, its prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, told a United Nations forum in Vienna that the international community should consider Islamophobia as a crime against humanity “like Zionism or anti-Semitism or fascism.”
Budget Cut Roulette – Is Israel on the Chopping Block?
- Pending March 1rst Budget Cuts Provide Intrigues Galore
The Last Vietnam War Ambassador
With another White House consecutive contender saddled with the State Department as a consolation prize, it’s hard to shake off an impression that it is rather a creeping trend than a propitious fluke.