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Did “FBI” gangster hitmen silence Todashev to cover up Boston false-flag?

When witnesses (including FBI agents) start "falling out of helicopters" and getting shot execution-style while in FBI custody, you know something stinks.

Did "FBI" gangster hitmen silence Todashev to cover up Boston false-flag?

When witnesses (including FBI agents) start "falling out of helicopters" and getting shot execution-style while in FBI custody, you know something stinks.

Veterans For Peace Passes Resolution Demanding New 9/11 Investigation

in 2009 VFP membership mushroomed with savvy new members who realized it wasn't enough to protest the war if we didn't protest the government lies that allowed the "attacks" of 9/11 to happen.

Dzhokhar’s boat ‘confession’ the most unbelievable part yet of Boston psyop

If you liked "Death to America, Death to Israel, Allah is great" on the anthrax letters, you'll LOVE "Dzokhar's boat confession."

Dzhokhar's boat 'confession' the most unbelievable part yet of Boston psyop

If you liked "Death to America, Death to Israel, Allah is great" on the anthrax letters, you'll LOVE "Dzokhar's boat confession."

The “Chumps ‘R Us” Club

Are you one of those people that believes US Government (USG) narratives about anything and everything because the you think the USG is here to help you and would never lie?

The "Chumps 'R Us" Club

Are you one of those people that believes US Government (USG) narratives about anything and everything because the you think the USG is here to help you and would never lie?

Bishop Richard Williamson: Boston Bombing Was Another False Flag

Bishop Richard Williamson says the American people need to wake up to false-flag terrorism - before it's too late.

Israel, Al-Qaeda Ties Out in The Open

Al-Qaeda and Israel have joined forces in Syria. Is that just a coincidence? Or have they always been on the same side?

Al-CIA-duh exposed!

"Al-Qaeda" kills large numbers of Muslims, but hardly any Americans - and no Israelis, ever.

The Brothers Tsarnaev: The Lee Harvey Oswalds of the Boston bombings?

The Tsarnaev-Oswald parallels are so striking, it's almost like a diabolical inside joke - at our expense.

False-Flag Meme Goes Mainstream on Boston Bombings – Part 2

Glenn Beck finally admits he has been keeping his mouth shut about 9/11 controlled demolition. What's up with that?

Israeli False-Flaggers Flown in for Boston Shoot-Out?

Is the Israeli Mossad involved in the Boston Marathon bombings - and the cover-up?

“False-flag” Meme Goes Mainstream with Boston Marathon Bombing

The mainstream media couldn't hide the "false-flag" meme in the wake of the Boston bombings.

Like 9/11: Boston Massacre Looks Like Another Inside Job

University of Mobile's Cross Country Coach, who was near the finish line of the Boston Marathon when a series of explosions went off, said he thought it was odd there were bomb sniffing dogs at the start and finish lines.

"Zombie Moron Attacks Increasing" – DHS Source

A recent uptick in zombie moron attacks has left millions scrambling to protect their brains.

“Zombie Moron Attacks Increasing” – DHS Source

A recent uptick in zombie moron attacks has left millions scrambling to protect their brains.

New York City Asks: What Happened to the 1,116 Missing 9/11...

On September 11th, 2001, the most famous “building collapses” in history somehow caused the bodies of more than 1,000 victims to magically disappear.

Jane’s Addiction Frontman Farrell confronted on Bin Laden, 9/11 by pro-Palestinian...

Was rock star "Perry Farrell," née Peretz Bernstein, grinning a "we got away with it" grin when he posed with that guy in the "9/11 was an inside job" T-shirt? Or was he just too stoned to read?

Splitting-the-Sky (1952-2013): A Warrior for Justice

One of the greatest activists of our time - the one man who actually tried to arrest George W. Bush for war crimes - is no more.

Breaking The Spell

A spell of terror was cast on America by the 911 attack. After this attack, a pall of fear descended on America that has remained in place until just recently, now starting to diminish thanks to the blatant efforts of gun-grabbers in Congress.

“Two Hit, Three Down – the Biggest Lie” by National Medal...

Commemorating the birthday of National Medal of Science winner Lynn Margulis, who called 9/11 "the most perverse publicity stunt ever."

Iran Drops Bomb on Hollywood

An Iranian secret weapon - the "truth bomb" - has just annihilated Hollywood.

USA Has Gone Fascist – I’m Living Proof!

Naomi Wolfe says the witch-hunt that drove me out of the University of Wisconsin is evidence that America has gone fascist.

DHS announces: “Cyber-9/11 coming soon!”

DHS has announced that a 9/11-scale cyber-attack is "imminent." How do THEY know?

Obama: Netanyahu is a “Liar” and a “Coward”

No American president has ever insulted an Israeli PM like this.

Who Are The Real Terrorist?

The US Code defines terrorism as a crime that appears to be intended to (i) intimidate or coerce a civilian population (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by assassination or kidnapping.

Daniel Pipes gets an earful of truth

Witch-hunter Daniel Pipes chased me out of the University of Wisconsin in 2006. Now it's payback time.

Two new “truther book reviews”: Morocco for morons, Faulkner’s tales of...

My New Year's Resolution: I'm going to become the world's leading author of "truther book reviews."