Tag: IDF
Is It Haskalah Or Culture Of Deceit?
- Haskalah planted a deeply deceitful mode at the heart of Jewish existence. Although motivated by a yearning for integration and assimilation, it insisted on retaining the notion of ‘tribe.’ Haskalah Jews tried to boost their popularity while remaining part of the tribe and celebrating their culture in a clandestine manner.
Uri Avnery – Decent Respect
- "Uri confirms what we all know, the worm is beginning to turn on the free pass the Zionists have had in the treatment of their Palestinian hostages."
The Murder of James Foley
- Poor James Foley will not be the last hostage to be murdered. The way I read it, NSA and the DIA boys did their stuff, and Delta Force attacked the location where Jim Foley and other high-value hostages were being held 24 hours before.
Are the Zionists done mowing the lawn in Gaza?
- Gaza Ceasefire begins at 0500 GMT - Talks to begin in Cairo
EU campaigners call for lasting Gaza ceasefire
- "Another clue yesterday was a report on movement to outlaw the French Jewish Defense League (JDL), for it's attacks on the pro-Gazan marchers."
On Israel’s Doomed Fate
- The final stage of the Jewish State and the genocidal enthusiasm in which it manifests itself, throws a devastating light on Jewish culture and the dangerous aspects that are entangled with Jewish identity politics and Jewish national collectivism.
Uri Avnery – God Forbid Israel Talk to Gaza
- Uri..."Neither the Israelis nor the Palestiaians have a strategy other than terrorizing the civilian population of the other side."
On Israeli Defeat And The Future of Jewish Politics
- In the case of Israel what we see instead is the reverse of Clausewitz’ idea: Israeli politics is the continuation of the Jewish need for a conflict.
Zio-Nazis run wild in Occupied Palestine
Both Nazis and Zionists believe themselves a “master race” or “chosen people.”
Uri Avnery – A Coup? Nonsense!
- Once again we have Uri treading on a topic never discussed much in the US. American media virtually self censors itself on all things Israel.
Will Gambling Oligarch Sheldon Adelson be indicted?
- We have a huge ongoing scandal in the US, the non-prosecution of what are referred to as “protected entities.” These are not just the very rich, but those who are very powerful, or who have very powerful friends.
Hilltop Jews, Terrorists and Scumbags
They are the “Hilltop Jews” hoodlums, thugs, and scumbags. They come from Brooklyn, Chicago, Los Angeles, Paris, and London.
X Factor Star Simon Cowell Raises Money for Israeli Defence Force...
Is X Factor star Simon Cowell a newly minted Hollywood Zionist for profits or is he a real Eretz Israel warrior? Find out as we out the Zionists in Hollywood.
Arming Armageddon
Away from the headlines, Israel is carrying out a series of projects in Megiddo and its surroundings.
Obnoxious Zionist hack: Israel treats nasty Palestinian children with kindness and...
Zionists just LOVE Palestinian children...as targets.
Snipers Video Reveals IDF Crimes
Concentrate, control your breathing and you can achieve the impossible," I said casually to the paratrooper munching pistachios with me during a very short military weekend.
Key IDF Rearrangement Announced
Seldom does one have the opportunity to circumvent the Israel Military Censor with the absolute security that he can't react.*
Shocking Revelations on Muhammad al-Durrah Assassination
The assassination of 12-year-old Muhammad al-Durrah in the Netzarim Junction, Gaza Strip, on September 30, 2000, refuses to die.
Conquering the Narrow Valley of the Giant Ghosts
Walking amid the colorful pasankalla sugared noodles, the Bolivian general keep asking himself aloud: "How come this gringo keeps seeing me?"
IDF Veterans Received Extra Benefits at Expense of U.S. Veterans
U.S. Taxpayers Fund Billions in Defense for Israel Indirectly Helping IDF Soldiers While U.S. Soldiers Get Jacked at Home!
$100 Million and 4 Guns
Hebrew "mita'am"* literally means "from-flavor." It denotes a messenger, someone who is "flavored" with content given by somebody else. A recurrent problem with Hebrew media is that it is flavored; it is conscripted journalism conveying the messages sent by the State.
Ultra-Orthodox Conscription Enforced
Jewish Legalism is not my cup of tea; I favor coffee. Yet, from time to time, it is useful to remember the unjust fastidiousness of legalism.
Subject: Internet censorship – not only for matters Holocaust
I did not bend to Jewish pressure but so many in ‘power positions’ are willing handmaiden to Jewish interests.
IDF Commando Follies
"I had a female-commander who didn't stop cursing, dirty words that I had never heard before," complained a few days ago Yosef Duvdevany while describing his IDF service as a Haredi soldier.
Israel Assassinates the “Freelancer of Terror”
Only yesterday, I commented on the Israeli saying "The Jewish Brain Invents Patents," in the context of a new semantic invention promoting war ("entwined red lines").
Israel Assassinates the "Freelancer of Terror"
Only yesterday, I commented on the Israeli saying "The Jewish Brain Invents Patents," in the context of a new semantic invention promoting war ("entwined red lines").
Horror in Israel: 30,000 Mossad Spies Exposed
Last week, the hacker organization “Anonymous,” symbolized by the famous “Guy Fawkes” mask, hacked Israel’s Mossad.
Arab League Commits Institutional Suicide
- If there are to be beheadings, let us start at the top and work our way down. Reform will appear almost instantly.
Press Release: Roi Tov joins VT as Israel Correspondent
- VT adds an activist IDF officer to our eclectic band of brothers
Israel ex-soldiers say troops abused Palestinian kids
Former Israeli soldiers who served in the occupied territories say that mistreatment of Palestinian children by troops is "routine" and occurs even at times of relative calm. A collection of over 30 testimonies published on Sunday by Breaking the Silence, a group of ex-servicemen critical of army practices, says physical violence, often arbitrary, is used against very young children.
The Disintegration of The Jewish State Has Begun
The images of social protests and violence towards top commanders within the military are clear signs of collapse of the Israeli national, cultural and ideological bond.
Power of and To: Nonviolent Political Prisoners and People of Conscience
Out of the 2,000 Palestinian political prisoners on the hunger strike, two have not eaten for 78 days and have said they will not start eating again until their administrative detentions are lifted.
TO: Mossad/Shabbak RE: Your Vendetta against Israeli Nuclear Whistle Blower, Vanunu...
On the 1st of may, Israeli Nuclear Whistle Blower, Mordechai Vanunu deactivated his Facebook Wall and Twitter Account after writing, “Today they sent first notice, they will renew the restrictions..."
The Fierce Urgency of Conversation with Christian Israeli Dissident Roy Tov
“Eileen, my fierce urgency is for real. I can't tell you if I’ll be able to breath tomorrow. I can't tell you if another criminal Bolivian hired by Israel will attack me again this night.”-Roy Tov
Tov is an ex-Israeli military officer who converted to Christianity and had been involved in high-level scientific programs. He left Israel for South East Asia and wrote his insights of the Zionist state in "The Cross of Bethlehem" and remains in the cross hairs of the Mossad.
The Secret to Waging Effective War Against Unarmed Children
Now we all know that a Jew cannot be criticized by a Christian, the penalties being various and severe. Speaking the truth is now illegal here in the United States, such is the value of so many laws that exist today that I must approve of atrocities and you should too if you know what’s good for you. I have to advise you to approve of police brutality here in the United States since the police have been trained by the Israelis and are paid by a bank owned by people of the Jewish religion, just in case you didn’t know and might have inadvertently expressed disapproval and find yourself in violation of the Anti-Hate Crimes Act and the Patriot Act.
Israeli Admission: Al Qaeda Threat to Iranian President a “Prank”
"Do you remember the short fat bin Laden? This one was actually African, I think he was a from Uganda. We found him working in a garage in Tel Aviv.
Israel Battles Gaza Flotilla on Two Fronts
The second front where Israel is fighting against the Gaza Flotilla is in its constant struggle to maintain control over the American corporate media.
Israelis Say to Obama “Yes We Ken”
“The amazing moments in the march came when protesters chanted: “Israel and Palestine, two states for two peoples”; “Yes we ‘ken’” (the Hebrew word for “yes”); and “Bibi and Barak, peace isn’t a game”
Bombs, Terrorism, and Manure
We have seen it all before. Last Christmas, the “Crotch Bomber” was another “PETN/Yemen” terror fiasco. Press stories blamed Al Qaeda and were ready to build this into a new 9/11 except that reliable witnesses, Detroit area attorneys, saw the terrorist, no passport, no visa, escorted onto the plane. Before that, newspapers said the bomber had a diplomatic passport, a visa and had “evaded” security.
By Gordon Duff STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor
"Gentiles need to die....goyim have no place in the world." This was part...
Mossad Paid by US to Spy on Tea Party
By Gordon Duff STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor
Did you know that attending a meeting to organize a bake sale...
By Gordon Duff STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor
According to the Department of Defense, only 4000 Jews serve in...