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Tag: Hezbollah

Nasrallah and Netanyahu exchange threats over Hezbollah commander’s death in Damascus

Israeli prime minister and leader of the Lebanese Hezbollah have exchanged threats and vows of retaliation over the killing of Samir Kuntar in an air strike in Damascus last week.

New Saudi Terror Coalition Aimed at Hezbollah, Not Saudi Backed ISIS

The Sputnik News report below misses the real direction of the Saudi announcement and the points made by their interview subject from Iraq:

Lebanon needs Hezbollah to defend borders: Michel Aoun

Jim W. Dean - Lebanese officials rarely get much face time in Western media, as its handlers prefer that readers don't have much background information because it make them easier to manipulate.

Breaking: SAA and Hezbollah Lift Kuweires Airbase Siege

At first, America claimed Kuweires Airbase had fallen to the Free Syrian Army. That wasn't true, but the base was surrounded by forces of Jabat al Nusra, the al Qaeda franchise supported by the likes of John McCain

TRUTH JIHAD: What’s with this Sunni-Shia thing?

The Zionist-driven Saudis are pushing shiaphobia and iranophobia as hard as they can.

War News: Syrian Army, Hezbollah Win Back Jisr Al-Shughour in...

Syrian Army, Hezbollah Win Back Jisr Al-Shughour in Idlib TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian army and the Lebanese Hezbollah resistance forces seized back the city of...

Field Commander: Syrian Army, Hezbollah Tightening Noose on Kuweires Airport

TEHRAN (FNA)- A commander of Syria's National Defense Forces elaborated on the objectives of the large-scale army operations in Aleppo, and explained the latest...

Syria Gives Tanks to Hezbollah as Russia Beefs Up Its Forces

By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz “When new gods were chosen, then war was in the gates. Was shield or spear to be seen among forty...

Hezbollah: US Blacklisting of Hamas Leaders Means to Boost Israeli Morale

A leader of the Lebanese Hezbollah resistance movement said Washington has designated senior Hamas leaders as terrorists in a bid to boost Israel's morale after the recent nuclear agreement between Iran and the six world powers (the US, Russia, China, France, Britain and Germany).

An Outsider’s Inside View of the Group That Zionists Loathe and...

In this book we find the stories of Hezbollah fighters, its health care workers and other support personnel, as well as average, ordinary people in southern Lebanon, some of whom have lived through repeated Israeli onslaughts upon their country.

2006 Victory on Zionists Was God’s Blessing: Hezbollah Leader, Nasrallah

He reaffirmed Lebanon’s strong determination to counter the Israeli acts of aggression, saying the nation is well capable of protecting itself in the face of terror threats in the region through resistance.

Hezbollah lashes out against Turkish PKK airstrikes

In a bid to protect ISIS from any harm, Turkey has targeted the freedom fighters of both the PKK and DHKP-C

Hezbollah Units Move into Saudi

For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction, or so we were once told...

NEO – Saudi Arabia: New Policy Restart

- Viktor Mikhin - Whatever action is taken by Saudi Arabia and its allies, the region is teetering on the brink of a major war.

Court Decision Could Force Iran Off Internet

The Times of Israel reports that on June 24, 2014 a US District Court awarded American and Israeli terror victims the .ir domain, along with all of Iran’s IP addresses.

Saudi Arabia, Israel panic over Syria recovery

"As peace starts to break out, the Israelis are panicking."

President Obama Why Have You Become a Warmonger?

President Obama, you're not attacking Syria because of an alleged and unproven Chemical attack, You're doing so because ISRAEL demands it of you, and once you destroy Syria, Israel will want more blood, next it will be Iran.

Middle East this Week, Gordon Duff on Press TV

Two recent interviews which include useful commentary on current EU trends toward Israel and the undermining of the US government.

Debating another Zionist: Syria unrest, Israeli plot to destabilize Mideast

Press TV has invited Dr. Kevin Barrett, an author and political commentator from Madison, to its Debate program to shed more light on the ongoing turmoil in Syria.

EU Having Buyer's Remorse on Blacklisting Hezbollah

- Says Franklin Lamb..."The EU should assure that this month’s blacklisting decision acquiesced in under US-Israel pressure, lapses"

EU Having Buyer’s Remorse on Blacklisting Hezbollah

- Says Franklin Lamb..."The EU should assure that this month’s blacklisting decision acquiesced in under US-Israel pressure, lapses"

Hezbollah gets “terrorist” label for fighting al-Qaeda

Could Western hypocrisy on terrorism could sink any lower?

Tzipi and The Guardian

Maybe time is ripe for The Guardian to decide whether it is the guardian of the truth or the guardian of Israel.

Israel: Curse of the Jews

"Israel is founded on myths and legends." -Barry Chamish, a Zionist who keeps tenaciously pursuing truth.

PressTV: EU Refuses to Name Hezbollah "Terrorist"

The UK government has failed in its desperate attempt at the European Union to blacklist the Lebanese resistance movement Hezbollah as a “terrorist group”, local media reported.

PressTV: EU Refuses to Name Hezbollah “Terrorist”

The UK government has failed in its desperate attempt at the European Union to blacklist the Lebanese resistance movement Hezbollah as a “terrorist group”, local media reported.

UK Trying to ‘Nobble’ Nasrallah

Earlier this month an MP got up in the House of Commons and proposed that the UK government outlaw, or "proscribe", the whole Hezbollah organisation, not just its military wing.

Syria Counterattacks Israel

Shooting accurately a mortar is not easy. Its steep ballistic trajectory demands expertise and calculations, especially when more often than not, the operator of the weapon cannot see the target. Yet, it is perfect for mountainous areas, where it can vertically bypass stubborn summits.

Mleeta, Khiam, Sabra, Shatila and Resistance In General

Instead of telling us ‘what really happened’, history is there to hide our shame, to repress that which we cannot even utter.

Hezbollah Confirms Sending Drone Into Israeli Airspace

Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah confirms the Lebanese resistance movement has sent a drone deep into the Israeli airspace evading radar systems.

I Want My Sunni Back

Wrenching Away Our Sunni. There is something quite unique about the Middle East’s “Resistance Axis” which includes Iran, Hezbollah, Syria, Hamas and a smattering of smaller groups opposed to western imperialism and zionism.

Dear Jewish Times: Please Re-Think Call to Assassinate Obama

You have an awful lot of chutzpah to call for the assassination of the President of the United States by the Mossad.

Libyan Kabuki

When hundreds of thousands of Israelis began protesting their own government, that had to be stopped. The timing was all wrong. How was it dealt with?

Exclusive: Staging of Major Terror Attack on US Evident

Plans are afoot to push the United States into an attack on Iran. Anyone knowing the political atmosphere would believe this impossible unless something really terrible were to happen.

ARAB UPRISINGS: Time to Quit Playing al Qaeda’s Card

The Arab uprisings have opened all the hidden doors and secret chambers in the Middle East only to find inside not Osama Bin Laden nor WMD but decades of frustrations and broken dreams, looted Arab fortunes, terrorizing police states, Ghettos and ethnic cleansing in Gaza, governments with terrorist strategies mistaken for moderate regimes and traitorous west backed-dictators in power who won’t allow a chance for a democratic civil society in the Arab world nor stand up against Israel in its aggression and humiliation to the Palestinians Arabs and its daily grab of the Arabic land

Dr. Frederick Toben: Oppression Breeds Revolution

OPPRESSION BREEDS REVOLUTION By Dr. Frederick Toben for VT TEHRAN, Iran—Media reports show there is a pervasive restlessness among the middle classes in the Middle East...

Tunisian Revolution Shakes and Inspires Middle East

Every state and movement in the Middle East is reading into the events in Tunisia its own anxieties and aspirations By Juan Cole in Truthdig...

The attack on the Gaza relief flotilla jeopardizes Israel itself

- The IDF has not become more competent in recent years. By almost all accounts—including the Israeli government’s own commission of inquiry—it performed abysmally...

Editor’s Picks: News and Opinion Around the Web

The Nation continues Jeremy Scahill's coverage of Blackwater in Pakistan and War Looms Between Israel and Hezbollah at Truthdig along with the grim...