Tag: hamas
Hamas and Fatah: Unfit to lead let alone liberate!
At a time when Israel is building and expanding its settlements program more than ever. At a time when Israel is confiscating tens of thousands of “dunums (a dunum is 1,000 meter sq.” for Jewish Only roads.
The Jew, The Left And Whatever is Left
Jews find it very difficult to deal with club members who resign. I am not the first one. Jesus was nailed to the wood. Spinoza was excommunicated.
Uri Avnery – Decent Respect
- "Uri confirms what we all know, the worm is beginning to turn on the free pass the Zionists have had in the treatment of their Palestinian hostages."
Is dissolving the Palestinian Authority an essential next step?
The Obama administration or those who write its scripts must think that all of us who support the Palestinian claim for justice are stupid.
Hamas, Hezbollah fighting Israeli, ISIS terror: Pundit
Hamas and Hezbollah are fighting the world's most brutal terrorist organization: ISrael.
Avnery – The War for Nothing
- The Zionists' usual PR defense tactic of "one dead Jew is a larger crime than 1000 Palestinians" did not get swallowed like in the past.
Uri Avnery – Deif- Son of Death
- Uri Avnery - "For security agencies around the world, including the US and Russia, assassination is a sport and an art. Israel claims to hold the gold medal."
The Cruelty of Human Sacrifice in the 21st Century
A video that recently appeared on Facebook outlined the cruelty of Human sacrifice in the 21st century advertising the ISIS - HAMAS actions in clear activity.
Eyeless in Gaza
- Uri Avnery - There must be Palestinian elections, with a new government accepted by all Palestinian factions and recognized by the world community.
Hamas To The ICC; Why Not?
I am all for it, bring Hamas, this “terrorist” organization and its leadership to the International Court of Justice “ICC” and have them face the music for failing to having an air force with F-16s and F-15s, a navy with destroyers and cruise missiles, an army with tanks and armored vehicles.
Israel-US has interupted its slaughter in Gaza only to press forward...
Israel's long-term goal is to cleanse all of the territory that it militarily controls, by whatever most-efficient means it can get away with, which is facilitated and funded by the USA.
Uri Avnery – Meeting in a Tunnel
- "the US is married to this concept of "anyone who can defend themselves is a security threat and we reserve the right to attack them when we choose"...
Terrorists or Freedom Fighters? Palestinian People and Jewish State
VT Writer Anthony Hall puts the Israeli Invasion of its own Gaza Concentration Camp in a Historical and Comparative Perspective. Situates the roots of the current round of Israeli empire-building in Zionist relations with the imperial regimes of Great Britain, Germany, and the United States.
Any West moral claim shattered in war on Gaza: HD video
- "Press TV had Gordon and I on together for rolling coverage on Gaza. We got some good licks in not just on Israel but the pitiful weakness of the UN response."
Gaza – A Living Hell With No Escape
It is apparent that this in your face illegal Israeli land grab must be turned from a stumbling block into a stepping stone toward world peace before the Palestinians are completely eradicated ~ which appears to be the long term goal of the Israeli Zionists.
Gaza – Who Will Speak for the Dead?
- "The West is standing by Israel on this for the usual reasons. They don't want to deal with Jewish Lobby political terror until the pile of bodies is big enough."
Uri Avnery – Who is Winning?
- "Kill 'em with satire”, is an ancient political commentary tactic, and Uri shows it is still going strong below.
Gaza: The Consequenses of Voting While Muslim
The Palestinians of Gaza are guilty of that new post-Cold War misdemeanor: voting while Muslim. The punishment for this crime has been eight years of economic hardship, international isolation, and periodic Israeli bombardments.
What if Hamas dumped all their rockets in the sea tomorrow?
The slaughter of innocents is necessary to stop Gaza rocket-fire. That's what Israel says. “This isn’t about rockets from Gaza,” says Unite.
al-Sisi’s TV whores celebrate genocide in Gaza
Egypt's Zionist-deep-state media - the al-Sisi propaganda apparatus - is cheering Israel's genocide in Gaza.
Dead teenagers: Netanyahu Put Them in Harms Way
The BBC, that paragon of broadcasting, repeatedly fails to give the necessary context when reporting events in occupied Palestine.
Murdered Israeli Teens: A Cabalistic Conspiracy?
"The event contains the mark of a PSYWAR operation. It created a powerful symbol that will not allow the victims to forget."
Court Decision Could Force Iran Off Internet
The Times of Israel reports that on June 24, 2014 a US District Court awarded American and Israeli terror victims the .ir domain, along with all of Iran’s IP addresses.
Smoking gun proof of “Israeli teen kidnapping” false flag
Mossad Chief Tamir Pardo "called" the kidnapping a week in advance.
Just How Real is Hamas's Transformation?
I wish 23 year-old Isra al Modallal all the luck in the world in her new and important job as the media face of Hamas – important, that is, if Hamas allows it to be. It's a courageous move on her part... and a curious innovation by Hamas.
Just How Real is Hamas’s Transformation?
I wish 23 year-old Isra al Modallal all the luck in the world in her new and important job as the media face of Hamas – important, that is, if Hamas allows it to be. It's a courageous move on her part... and a curious innovation by Hamas.
President Obama Why Have You Become a Warmonger?
President Obama, you're not attacking Syria because of an alleged and unproven Chemical attack, You're doing so because ISRAEL demands it of you, and once you destroy Syria, Israel will want more blood, next it will be Iran.
Hitchhiking War
In the first foggy days of what may become WWIII, when former hidden-friends are apparently nuking each other above and below the water, a much more significant, though overlooked, war is going on in Israel; the Hitchhiking War threatens to ruin what is left of IDF trempiadot.
Netanyhau's Deep Pockets: The Price of Silence
Arafat Jaradat
It was difficult to find out why there were protests, though they took place in an extensive geographical area and seemed related.
Netanyhau’s Deep Pockets: The Price of Silence
Arafat Jaradat
It was difficult to find out why there were protests, though they took place in an extensive geographical area and seemed related.
What do Obama and Abbas have in common?
Short answer - both are grovellers (definition in a moment). The president of the United States of America grovels to the Zionist lobby and its neo-con and Christian fundamentalist allies. The Palestinian “president” grovels to Obama as well as Israel’s leaders more often than not. Obama and Abbas are, one could say, grovelling twins, but if there was the equivalent of a Nobel Prize for grovelling, it would have to be awarded to Obama. (If when he leaves office Israel is still able to impose its will on the occupied and oppressed Palestinians, I think he should hand back the Nobel Peace Prize he was awarded).
Stark Christmas Message from the Holy Land
My first Christmas greeting this year came all the way from Bethlehem itself, just yards from where the Big Story is supposed to have begun 2012 years ago.
Scoop! Bibi’s letter to Khaled Meshal
Hey readers, I’ve got a scoop. It’s the text of a letter - don’t ask me how I got it - from Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu to Hamas leader Meshal.
Press TV: US Builds Israeli Nuke Bunkers and Bio-War Labs
Legally, the law, based on the disputed Oslo Accords, which expired in 2000, would require the dismantling of the “Gaza Wall,” a project no different than the Warsaw Ghetto, the Berlin Wall or Buchenwald.
Did Britain Try Blackmail to Cripple Palestinians’ UN Bid?
Promise not to prosecute Israeli war criminals, not to go for full UN membership, not to seek justice but submit to rigged talks, and we’ll support you.
Iran and Obama are the Winners
How long Israel-Hamas truce could last is anybody’s guess given the past experiences with such ceasefire agreements. Netanyahu says he gave “peace a chance” while Hamas sees “victory” in the truce.
Press TV: Israel seeks expansion of Zionism in Middle East: Analyst
"The problem is that Netanyahu, the current leader of Israel, is a psychotic."
Gaza: The Red Line Israel Crassly Crossed
Reports indicate that Israel is reportedly setting the stage for a full-scale war on Gaza.
From Stalingrad to Gaza with Love
Benjamin Netanyahu, is made of different material than Barak. Unlike Barak, who is obsessed with the banal implementation of military power, Netanyahu is concerned with the power of deterrence and he is also intelligent enough to realise that the consequences of a ground invasion of the Gaza Strip may mean the total eradication of such a power. A large scale deployment of infantry is a complicated thing.
Israel’s Justification for Latest Assault on Gaza Goes Unchallenged
Recent scandals calling into question the news-handling skills of Britain’s national broadcaster don’t seem to have improved matters.
Still Weeping for Gaza
by Stuart Littlewood
Exactly five years ago I was in Gaza to see the situation for myself. That was before the murderous blitzkrieg they called...