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Tag: genocide

Don’t Boil Water … In a microwave!

Inside the reactor of an atomic energy plant, a chain reaction begins. The immense energy released turns water into steam. The steam turns a turbine that turns a generator, thus producing an absurdly expensive form of electricity.

Controlled demolition of Sean Hannity

If you can't beat up Hannity at Press TV, where CAN you beat him up?

Israel: A Cornered Rat

Israel's leaders know that time, history, and demographics are working against them.

Uri Avnery – God Forbid Israel Talk to Gaza

- Uri..."Neither the Israelis nor the Palestiaians have a strategy other than terrorizing the civilian population of the other side."

The Real Jihad is in Palestine

- "The doyens of fourth generation warfare have steered the concept of "jihad" away from its traditional Islamic just-war-doctrine foundations."

al-Sisi’s TV whores celebrate genocide in Gaza

Egypt's Zionist-deep-state media - the al-Sisi propaganda apparatus - is cheering Israel's genocide in Gaza.


Those who support nuclear power plants work for Satan, whether they know it or not.

Israel’s New Ethnic Cleansing Laws

Israel's obsession with Jewish ethnic purity has led to the enactment of open ethnic cleansing by the current Netanyahu government.

Zionist apocalypse coming?

Will "blood moons" bring a Zionist apocalypse?

War Crimes Committed Against Afghan Villagers

The genocide, massacring, torturing, raping, slaughtering, several hundred thousand of innocent Afghan villagers are war crimes and human rights violations.

Convicted of genocide, Israel prepares new holocaust

It is time for the world to come together and put an end to the madness of Zionism, before the madness of Zionism puts an end to the world.

Judicial Nomination Exhumes ADL Fiasco

“I don’t enjoy voting no, but it is the right thing to do,” Councilor Marilyn M. Pettito Devaney told the Armenian Weekly during an interview, as she explained why she opposes a Superior Court judicial nomination that would put a member of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) on the bench.

What Is History?

Well, my historian should be like that: fearless, incorruptible, frank, a friend of free speech and the truth, determined, as the comic poet puts it, to call figs figs and a tub a tub, indulging neither hatred nor friendship, sparing nobody, not showing pity or shame or diffidence, an unbiased judge, kindly to everyone up to the point of not allowing one side more than it deserves, a stranger without a stake in his writings, independent, serving no king, not taking into account what any man will think, but simply saying what happened.”

West Will Never Pressure Myanmar over Muslim Genocide

The worse the Rohingya genocide gets, the more the West loves the regime in Myanmar.

Top Ten Reasons Why Israel Actually IS a Legitimate State

The Zionists finally convinced me they're right. Here are the top ten reasons.

US hated for kowtowing to genocidal Zionists: Kevin Barrett (Press TV...

From my Press TV debate with Lee Kaplan: "I’m not accusing you of dual loyalties. You only have one loyalty and it’s to Israel. It’s not to the United States...you should be in jail right now, sharing a cell with Jonathon Pollard."

Zionists Drown In Their Own Hatred: The Photos

Zionist hatred is a plague on the planet - but America's biggest "anti-hate-groups" love it.

Sharon Feared Exposure of Israeli Genocide

The Israeli State Archives has just released the protocol of a cabinet meeting from 1983 in which bloated Israeli war pig Ariel Sharon shows his fear of the exposure of Israel's coordination with a Christian Lebanese militia to commit genocide against the Palestinian people in the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps.

Old Testament: A Window Into the Soul of Israel

To better understand Israel and its arrogant aggression against Gentiles and to better defend ourselves from that aggression we need to learn how Israel's leaders think.

Will War on Islam End in 2013?

Let's call the "war on terror" by its real name - and end it.

U.S. – U.K. Genocide Against Iraq 1990-2012

Approximately 3.3 million Iraqis, including 750,000 children, were “exterminated” by economic sanctions and/or illegal wars conducted by the U.S. and Great Britain between 1990 and 2012, an eminent international legal authority says.

Press TV: US Builds Israeli Nuke Bunkers and Bio-War Labs

Legally, the law, based on the disputed Oslo Accords, which expired in 2000, would require the dismantling of the “Gaza Wall,” a project no different than the Warsaw Ghetto, the Berlin Wall or Buchenwald.

Lyin’ for Zion: Pro-Israel media incites genocide

British Israel-booster Charlie Wolf called me an anti-Semite on world-wide TV yesterday. Ooooo! That hurt! After I stopped sobbing uncontrollably, I kicked his ass all over the screen.

Bulldozing Islam: Israelis and Saudis target holy sites, while Burma’s Buddhists...

It isn't just Israeli Zionists and Burmese Buddhists who are bulldozing Islam - the Saudis are doing their part.

1500%-too-Jewish Supreme Court: “US belongs to Israel”

It's official! Anybody who tries to feed the starving children of Gaza is a "terrorist."

Bill “Kill ’em All” Maher: Smirky Avatar of West’s DeathCult

Bill Maher wants more and more abortions, suicides, executions...hangings, gassings, shootings, electrocutions...maybe even dismemberments, disembowelments, defenestrations, beheadings, and crucifixions.

Obama’s Gold – 94.6% Pure, Bomb Grade Plutonium

...the country very nearly lost the state of South Carolina. Those deadly Plutonium cores were jerked out of those three big Duke Power reactors so fast it would make your head spin.

Condi Rice, Monster in Disguise

In her newly published 750-page book, "A Memoir of My Years in Washington: No Higher Honor," former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice proudly describes her efforts to defeat Armenian Genocide resolutions on two separate occasions. With great relish, she brags about her success in undermining the acknowledgment of the Armenian Genocide by the U.S. Congress in 1991 and 2007.

Suu Ky’s silence on oppression of Muslims shocking: Analyst

State-sponsored Buddhist terrorists persecute Muslims.

Press TV – West Point Caught Teaching Genocide Classes…for 12 Years

- How many will just look the other way when their turn comes to be true to the code...as so many before them.

Kill One Kill Twelve Kill Millions Kill Billions

The cause of the proximate murder of most, if not all, humans on Earth is a complicated tale of corruption and sabotage by more than one person surrounding the brutal meltdowns and explosions ....

CBC and Pacifica Disgraced by Kay

Pacifica and the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation have joined forces in featuring Jonathan Kay in 9/11/11 coverage aimed at renewing the psychological warfare essential to the invasions, torture, Genocide, illegal occupations and Islamophobia characterizing the 9/11 wars.

U.S. Denial of Outrageous National Global Violations Appalling

The U.S. criminal apparatus extreme violations and assaults on human self-dignity and global citizenry decency is unprecedented in documented historical recorded events.

A Radical Conservative Perspective: America Would be Better Off Without Black...

The most recent example of the GOP engaging in subtle racism is when Mike Huckabee claimed that President Obama viewed the world from the perspective of the Mau Mau. Then when it became clear that he'd crossed the line, he claimed that he misspoke and didn't understand what all the uproar was about. The true attitude that the GOP harbors toward African-Americans is reflected in this exchange that I recently had over the internet:

Further Evidence of Why Blacks Reject the Conservative Movement

[Only] 14% of blacks marry. [Seventy-four percent]74% don't know who their fathers are. Their contribution to the arts is gangsta rap, nasty, foul chattering, that passes as music. [Ninety-six percent] 96% voted for Barack Obama, who is the worst fraud and fake ever to set foot in the US. Per capita, blacks represent 80% of prison population violent crimes segment. Billions have been spent on blacks in the US to mainstream them to no avail.

RE: Why Black Americans Reject the Conservative Movement

Actually, what’s both curious, and insulting, is why conservatives can’t understand the reason that most Black people see the GOP in exactly the same light as the GOP sees Al Qaeda. After all, the people who lynched Black people in the South may have called themselves Dixiecrats, but the bottom line is, they were radical conservatives, and they eventually migrated to the Republican party. So why should Black people hate radical conservatives any less than the GOP hates Al Qaeda - they killed many more Blacks, and for a much longer period of time? The only logical reason that conservatives can’t seem to grasp this very simple concept is that they obviously believe that the lives they took were not of equal value to the lives taken on 9/11.

Fighter Pilot Len Dietz Sets the Killing Rad Number

While Dietz flew guard duty for B-29s, John Gofman helped build “the Gadgets” as one of a couple of hundred thousand Americans working on the Manhattan Project. “The Gadgets,” were the atomic bombs.

Anti-Militarists Cohn, Hilberg, Finkelstein

Reposting this to rebuke those who would call the slaughter of Gazans a people's simply getting the raw end of the deal. Kill, starve...