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Tag: fukushima

More Vets Join Fukushima Lawsuit

Navy vets Jaime Plym and Maurice Enis marked the second anniversary of the world’s worst nuclear disaster by joining the lawsuit filed by more than 100 sailors serving on the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan immediately following the nuclear explosion in Fukushima on March 11, 2011.

Sterilize the Planet

Arrgghhh! There is no way out! No cure. No medicine. We bought the farm and the cheap energy fantasy, too.

All Nuclear Reactors Leak All of the Time

- Treat the Nuke Boys like the Mad Dogs They Are

Obama Implicated in Nuclear and Tsunami Terrorist Attack Against Japan

Serious capital flight has already begun in Spain, Portugal and elsewhere as savers there take their euros out before they are seized.

What are efforts to contain Fukushima? None.

- The VeteransToday recommended fix of putting the reactors under water has not been done by the US Government.

Fukushima’s Melted Reactors 500 Days On

- Radioactive particle emission through the air from Fukushima is not only 3.7 times higher than Chernobyl, but 28.3 times more radiotoxic with every breath taken.

Kill One Kill Twelve Kill Millions Kill Billions

The cause of the proximate murder of most, if not all, humans on Earth is a complicated tale of corruption and sabotage by more than one person surrounding the brutal meltdowns and explosions ....

Fukushima Primed For Worldwide Disaster

The chances are very likely that you have already been affected by its leading edge of radiation contamination ~ either by the air you breathe or the food you eat.

Evacuate Tokyo and All US Forces From Japan

Tokyo station is as contaminated as the mandatory evacuation zone in Fukushima. It's a Death Sentence for US Troops if they stay.

Fukushima – 350 Times Maximum Annual Radiation Dose Permissible?

Is an Unsuspecting Public Being Sacrificed?

Notice – Byron, Illinois Nuke In Trouble

It is a very interesting question, then from a military standpoint, of how both electrical feeds at the Byron Station were discontinued at the same time.

Murakami: We Brought Fukushima Disaster On Ourselves

Terming Fukushima Japan's second massive nuclear disaster, novelist Haruki Murakami said this time no one dropped a bomb on us but instead we set the stage, we committed the crime with our own hands, we are destroying our own lands, and we are destroying our own lives.

Fukushima Sabotage – Japanese Journalist Accuses Israel

In retaliation for Japan’s support of an independent Palestinian state

Fukushima on Facebook

Some 800 million people world wide are members of Facebook; that is larger than most countries, the United States included.

Fukushima: Japan Goes to WAR

Destroy the RadGas Generators, Mr President. The building sized tents, concealed and armored chimneys and high velocity air pumps constitute armed and firing nuclear weapons aimed at the United States.

Hiroshima to Fukushima, Finishing the Job

I predict a bloody December as many normal peoples’ hopes for a healthy kid are shattered beyond all recognition by a Fukushima Daiichi crop of monster, deformed, crazed or dead kids.

Fukushima Radiation 1,000 Times H-Bomb Peak

What can we do to those who are killing us; and, for those no longer breathing, those already killed?

Fukushima Cover Up Continues Amid Looming World Health Crisis

Fukushima Radioactivity is Everywhere All Over Northern Hemisphere and Every One is Already Contaminated to Some Degree.

Fukushima: How Many Chernobyls Is It?

"The reactors are releasing as much as a Tepco (Tokyo Electric Power Company) measured 10 Quadtrillion (10,000 Trillion Bq) radioactive counts per second of deadly radioactive smoke particles into the Earth’s atmosphere."

Fukushima: Deadly Silence

Over 60 days have passed since the Fukushima nuclear catastrophe but the main stream press continues to downplay the ramifications of this continuing radioactive disaster.

Fukushima and 9/11

3/11/11 Meets the Events of September 11, 2001 by Anthony J. Hall, Professor of Globalization Studies at the University of Lethbridge Two Ground Zeroes There are now...

Fukushima / One Of The Greatest Disasters In Modern Times

What remains unacknowledged is that Fukushima is continuing to release terabecquerels of radioactive poison and will continue to do so for months, if not years but the public is not fully getting this message.

VT Exclusive: What To Do About the Radioactive Poison

All dairy products are no good. They have Strontium 90, which at the behest of the dairy industry, has been made illegal to report.

Anthony J. Hall: Racism, Cover-Up and Corporate Fraud in the...

The Fukushima nuclear disaster shows every sign of becoming the most serious industrial accident in history. Thus the failure to properly internationalize the response to this catastrophe is mind boggling. One month after 3/11 a corrupt little company in Japan, TEPCO, is still being left in charge of dealing with an emergency that is quite literally poisoning the planet on a scale that we may not have ever seen before.

Potential April 6th Fukushima Fallout Forecast Shows U.S. West Coast Under...

The destroyed reactors at Fukushima have been releasing radiation for weeks. According to model calculations, the stricken nuclear plant could already have released one-tenth of the amount of radiation unleashed in the Chernobyl disaster. How serious a risk does the disaster pose to humans?

Dr. Anthony J. Hall: From Hiroshima to Fukushima, 1945-2011

From Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945 to the witches brew of melting, spewing and exploding nuclear matter at Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Number One, the history of humanity’s first decades of encounter with energy’s atomic sources is unfolding as a poetic saga of hubris and tragedy.

ERIC MAY: 3/22 Radioactive Questions for Barack Obama

HOUSTON, 3/22/11 -- The Iconoclast spent the weekend trying to contact officials from an unprecedented and under-reported military exercise. So far they have ignored our interview request, which we accordingly republish:

Japan’s 9.0 Earthquake Equal to One Million Kiloton Nuclear Weapon

... The deadly 9.0 earthquake was the energy equivalent of 31,250 combined Hiroshima-Nagasaki Atomic Bombs.

From Hiroshima to Fukushima to US!

[The World]---"It's like the third atomic bomb attack on Japan. But this time, we made it ourselves."- Keijiro Matsushima, an 82-year-old survivor of America’s atomic bombing of Hiroshima.

Fukushima Nuclear Disaster

CNN’s Anderson Cooper reported on AC 360 Tuesday night that 50 Japanese workers suspended operations at the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Northeastern Honshu.

GI’s Brains Fried by Military Dispensed Nose Candy

The radioactive 850 rounds a minute automatic weapon is about as big as the period at the end of this sentence, never needs reloading and never jams. It’s a perfect killing machine ...