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Tag: false flag

Morsi Joining Alliance Against Zionist Terror?

Will Egypt's President Morsi join in an eventual regional alliance against Zionist-assisted false flag terror?

11:57pm, Saturday, August 11th 2012- Notes on Disinformation

There are two consecutive disinformation operations, out of many dozen, that have caught my attention.

Plugging 9/11 truth, bashing al-Jazeera on Press TV

The American people have been bankrupted and bled dry by hard line extremists Lukudnik Zionists who murdered 3000 Americans in the Twin Towers on 9/11.

Mobbed-up US “justice” system delivers 9/11 injustice

They've shredded the Constitution. They've endorsed 9/11 treason. If there were any justice in America, they'd all be twisting slowly in the breeze.

Press TV: Israel pushing for World War III: Military analyst

"We are watching a plan take shape, one devised in Tel Aviv, making use of ‘assets’ around the world, meant to culminate in orchestrated ‘false-flag’ terror attacks which Israeli influence in the media, vast influence, can use to create an atmosphere enabling an attack on Iran by the United States.”

Netanyahu’s quick response reveals Bulgaria bombing a false-flag

When they immediately know who did it...THEY did it.

Is the US Liquidating Dissidents? Byron Belitsos Says Yes!

EMF attacks on dissidents are vastly more sophisticated now.

Nuclear False Flag Future

I'm not a physicist but I understand physics better than most. Not just any physics since the field is even more specialized than medicine. You wouldn't see an endocrinologist for lower spinal surgery would you? You also wouldn't see a physicist preoccupied with the Bose-Higgson to evaluate the elements found in the 35+ dust samples taken by the USGS at Ground Zero. Specifically, thorium, uranium, strontium, barium, cerium, lanthanum, yttrium, potassium, sodium, antimony, molybdenum, magnesium, vanadium and several other elements were collected in dust samples mapped at Ground Zero and collected in double bagged procedure.

US Slave of Extremist Likud Zionism in Mideast

“I think master and slave is more the relationship (between Tel Aviv and Washington) these days.”

Mario “Never Say Mafia” Cuomo’s Son Now Enforcing for Silverstein?

When a guy with an Italian name is "leaning on" someone on behalf of a Jewish billionaire...well, I'll spare you the ethnic jokes.

Memorial Day Remembrance: Remember 9/11!

Those thousands of souls snuffed out on 9/11 are still screaming at us from the other world, screaming out for truth and justice.

Late May U.S. False Flag Likely

Starting with the premise that a false flag attack by the end of May is more likely than not, I'll present the odds for the top targets and most dangerous days, then evaluate the various entities and individuals likely to be involved.

The New World Order: Ben Gurion’s “One True Zion” ?

Did Joe Vialls explain - back in 2003 - why DHS needs 450 million hollow-point bullets?

Chicago’s First False Flag “Barack Attack”

Speculation continues to build that the Obama administration and its Israel Lobby handlers will use the 25th NATO Summit to carry out a false flag attack, and according to a recent Canada Free Press article, the Department of Homeland Security intends to strong-arm Americans soon.

Black Bush Barack: False Flag Frankenstein

In light of the current and well-founded anxiety that the Obama administration will conduct a false flag operation during the May 20-21 Chicago NATO summit, this article, although written in 2008, is crucial reading now.

MAY MEMO: Top Ten False Flag Terror Targets

False Flags are a standard stratagem, particularly in democracies, in which it's necessary to create consensus before waging war.

May On Edge After Chicago Nearly Nuked

In an historic 2006 interview, VT columnist Captain Eric H. May and Daniel Ott, host of The Edge, discuss the damning evidence that Mayor Richard Daley and Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich are setting up an attack on Sears Tower.

Is Ron Paul a “False Flag” Pied Piper?

For years my colleagues and I have been asking Ron Paul about a slew of petrochemical disasters in and around his Houston-area congressional district.

If Obama wins, will Israel attack Iran?

In this era, the most efficient defense rendering such attack useless is by widely advertising it beforehand; articles like this one are a proper beginning for this. Only if the Israeli leadership understands that it will be seen as personally responsible for the event and would face international justice, only then it might refrain from the crime. Mr. Romney, Mr. Obama, do we agree on this?

Is Ron Paul part of a US-BP Iran War plan?

Captain Eric H. May, a former NBC editorial writer, issued a series of warnings through alternative media interviews and articles. The mainstream media at first ignored them, but were compelled to report them when a day-after nuclear response team arrived and set up operations in Ron Paul's district on February 1, 2006 -- the day after Captain May's predicted attack date of January 31.

JetBlue 191 Jumble: Izzi Iran Ixxi?

My suspicion that Flight 191 was dedicated to destruction isn't at all fanciful. Indeed, it can easily be inferred from international and internet articles that are either unreported or under-reported by the American media.

The Oklahoma City bombing: A step toward 9/11?

Would the American people buy the notion that a fertilizer bomb in a truck parked outside a building could blow up the whole building from the inside?

Is it Time for Americans to Take up Arms?

When Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act, apologizing for the sections that ended our consitution, civil trials, all human rights in America, I suspected something was going on I didn't see. How could Obama do this? How could he break so many promises?

Psychologists: Nation Handling 9/11 Abuse Trauma Surprisingly Well

Collective Abuse Committee members celebrate unanimous findings that Americans are handling 9/11 well.

My Exchange With Morgan Reynolds, Re: WTC Demolitions

I recently had Morgan Reynolds on my radio show to explain/debate his article "WTC Destruction: Five Facts Falsify Five Theories."

Pat Buchanan Avoids 9/11 Truth, Gets Fired Anyway

Actually, there IS one good thing about Pat Buchanan getting fired from MSNBC: Anybody who's managed to engineer an ebola virus that only kills MSNBC executives and pundits will no longer have to feel guilty about using it.

9/11 Laugh Riot?

Every time anyone brings up 9/11, we shall erupt in furious barks of outraged laughter.

The VA in 3D: Examiner Examined (Part 6)

Captain May, I am writing for The Washington Examiner, and have come across your posts on the VT website. I can hardly believe the treatment you have endured, and wish to expose the abuse veterans receive from Veterans Administration hospitals. — Sincerely, Samantha Gilman, Opinion Page

Islam, family values, and the decline of Western Civilization

Why does the NYPD train its officers with anti-Islam hate films?

Israel’s False Flag Operation Against Iran

A series of CIA memos describes how Israeli Mossad agents posed as American spies to recruit members of the terrorist organization Jundallah to fight their covert war against Iran.

Is the Empire USING "Moderate Islam" ?

Is the bankster empire USING "moderate Islam"? James Petras says yes. I say it's not that simple. Some "moderate" but anti-bankster Muslim leaders are following a long-term strategy.

You Will Die From The Nuclear Lie

The Fantasy of Nuclear Lies…the Who, What and Even the Whys.

Unmasking Media Lies: Why BBC’s V-for-Vendetta Mask Piece is Fawked Up

Remember, remember the 5th of November! V for Vendetta may be the most revolutionary film ever made, but don't expect the BBC to tell you that.

Insanity 101: The Cheney 1% Doctrine

Pat Buchanan thinks the War on Terror is real. I invited him on my radio show and provided some truth therapy. He's still in deep denial, but there's a one percent chance he'll recover.

John Le Carré and 9/11 Truth: Skewering the Criminal State

John Le Carré a 9/11 truther? Not just yet. But he's getting there.

Bunkered Barack Obama Awaits World War

There are unsettling current events that make this presidential appearance in Denver seem like another command post exercise ready to go live for a false flag, world war or both.

Et tu, Neil Conan? NPR censors 9/11 truth – here’s how...

National Public Radio censors 9/11 truth. Here's how to beat the censorship.

Mr. President, We Believe Holder Lied on Iran Terror

Within 24 hours of the announcement of a new Iranian plot, the truth starting leaking out. That leak is now a flood.

Pushing the Anthrax Envelope

The US government admits Amerithrax was a false-flag event designed to demonize Muslims. The NY Times admits it looks like the anthrax came from the CIA-military research at Battelle and Dugway.

Cairo Clashes: The Chronicles of Egypt Copts

“With Egypt military council siding with the Islamist front while dragging its feet on getting the police forces back on the street and properly functioning again, the Christian minority (10% of Egyptian population) remains in limbo.”

“Al-Qaeda,” “9/11 Truth”: Case Studies in Controlled Opposition

Anyone who accepts the official version of this event obviously has lost the ability to tell bad TV fiction from reality.

Background To Norwegian Massacre: Auschwitz Entrance Sign Theft

In today's ongoing world war by subterfuge, misdirection, and stealth, 'false flag' operations are still one of the leading favorites, especially by lesser powers, as they cost little, and carry only slight risks while promising considerable rewards.