Tag: disability
Veterans Disability Lawsuits
If you’re getting undermined through bureaucracy or negligence, if that sort of thing is preventing you from pursuing your personal life reasonably, it’s just possible that you’ve got a case.
Veterans' Tax Exemption Benefit Highlighted
Almost half of Westchester County’s 80,000 military veterans are missing out on a property-tax exemption that could save them hundreds of dollars a year because they’re unaware of it and the Department of Veterans Affairs does not notify their hometowns when they are discharged, Sen. Charles Schumer said Monday.
New Technology in Place for Electronic Submission of Veterans’ Disability Claims
A new online application from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) enables disability compensation claims to be processed faster in a more end-to-end electronic environment, and VA is urging Veterans and their Veterans Service Organization (VSO) representatives to make full use of its capabilities to receive speedier decisions and reduce the backlog of claims.
VA Expands Medical Forms Program to Support Faster Claims Processing
The Department of Veterans Affairs announced today the release of 68 new forms that will help speed the processing of Veterans’ disability compensation and pension claims.
Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today’s News – January 12, 2012
VA employs 500 full-time chaplains to serve the spiritual and emotional needs of Veterans across the country.
Veteran’s Disability Benefits Under Attack Again!
New garnishment policy enacted by the US Department of Treasury. Below is the explanation of the new policy enacted by the US Department of the Treasury.
Banks Targeting Military Families for Illegal Foreclosures
Figures lie, some groups are counted, some are not. But the lowest figures available have one in three families, this includes active duty serving overseas, reservists and National Guard and veterans losing their homes since 2008. Two thirds of those are now "split up" with at least one member "homeless."
Your Military Service will be used Against You in a Divorce
In today’s world marriages which last a lifetime are extremely rare. In our society today, failed marriages and divorce are common place.
America’s War on Disabled Veterans
Do you pay federal income taxes every year? Do you think you know where your tax dollars are going?
Disability Employment Month
Did you know that October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month?
National Disability Employment Awareness Month, 2011
Utilizing the talents of all Americans is essential for our Nation to out-innovate, out-educate, and out-build the rest of the world.
State Lags In Disability Compensation For Veterans
More than 20,200 Connecticut veterans are receiving disability compensation for injuries and illnesses connected to their military duty, with those living in New London County more likely to be receiving benefits than their peers in other parts of the state, according to data obtained from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
DALE SUITER: Frustration – Coping with the VA
By Dale R. Suiter STAFF WRITER
Many of us experience frustration in trying to contact and cope with the Veterans Administration. Helpfull...
GORDON DUFF: From an “Old Fart”, Advice for our Soldiers...
By Gordon Duff STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor
I just returned from the region after a REMF "combat tour" of my own, 5 star...