Tag: deism
Jewish Mother of Slain Son Reveals a Reason For Religious Violence
Ms. Fraenkel said that the shedding of innocent blood is against the Torah and Judaism. She is wrong.
Hebrew Bible Roots of Violence in the Middle East
Gentiles being treated the same as Jews according to the laws of the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament would not be very good for Gentiles.
Defending Israel is Elemental to Being an American
De Blasio said, "There is a philosophical grounding to my belief in Israel and it is my belief, it is our obligation, to defend Israel."
New Federal Reserve Vice-Chair May Be Former Bank of Israel Chief
It's being reported that after the Jewess Janet Yellen is made the leader of the Federal Reserve, Stanley Fischer will be put in Yellen's former position as number two of the Federal Reserve. Fischer was the Bank of Israel Governor from 2005 - 2013.
Yellen to be Nominated As Third Consecutive Jewish Federal Reserve Head
Yellen will be the third consecutive Jew to run the Federal Reserve and the American economy.
US National Security Agency Gives Israel Information on Americans
The US National Security Agency has a "memorandum of understanding" with Israeli intelligence agencies in which the NSA gives information it collects on American...
Pat Robertson Warns US Not to Pressure Israel Or Else!
Millionaire televangelist son-of-a-senator Pat Robertson has given warning to America and Americans not to pressure the Jewish state of Israel in peace talks to end its illegal occupation of Palestinian East Jerusalem.
Netanyahu Upset That the Goyim Aren’t Getting It!
Netanyahu's temper tantrum must have been caused by the Europeans not rolling over for him like the American politicians regularly do.
Netanyahu Upset That the Goyim Aren't Getting It!
Netanyahu's temper tantrum must have been caused by the Europeans not rolling over for him like the American politicians regularly do.
Zionist Christian Pat Robertson Wins Churchill Award
Zionist Christian, televangelist and faith healer Marion "Pat" Robertson has won the first ever Winston Churchill Life Time Achievement Award from fellow Zionist Christian Ralph Reed's Faith and Freedom Coalition last Friday.
Isaiah 60:12 and US Middle East Foreign Policy
. . . it looks like the politicians in the US are using the US military and tax payers to carry out the Biblical threat to Gentiles found in the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament at Isaiah 60:12.
War Criminals From WW II Probably Living in Israel
A recent Associated Press article reveals that about 500,000 Jews were part of the Communist Soviet Union's Red Army and that about 7,000 of them are now living in Israel.
AIPAC to Push War With Iran and Cash From America
The overly powerful war-mongering Israeli lobby organization, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, will soon hold its annual policy conference in which it determines what position the US politicians from both parties who live in fear of AIPAC will take on US Middle East foreign policy.
Sharon Feared Exposure of Israeli Genocide
The Israeli State Archives has just released the protocol of a cabinet meeting from 1983 in which bloated Israeli war pig Ariel Sharon shows his fear of the exposure of Israel's coordination with a Christian Lebanese militia to commit genocide against the Palestinian people in the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps.
Old Testament: A Window Into the Soul of Israel
To better understand Israel and its arrogant aggression against Gentiles and to better defend ourselves from that aggression we need to learn how Israel's leaders think.
Shining New Light on the Kosher Scam
The Jewish umbrella group, which includes the world's largest kosher certification company, the Orthodox Union, is having serious internal leadership problems.
US Politicians Show More Concern For Israel Than For America
North Korea's recent successful launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile has exposed a glaring lack of concern for America by US politicians.
Altruistic Idealism of Military People vs. Greedy Politicians
The above quote I found in the publication Veterans Post at the local VA hospital. It's powerful.
Britain and France May Pull Ambassadors From Israel
Britain and France, like most of the Gentile world, are upset that Israel is going ahead with building new illegal Jewish settlements in Palestinian East Jerusalem and in the Palestinian West Bank. Senior diplomats say these actions may take place within the next few days.
Israel’s PM Netanyahu Pushes For War With Iran
Judaism, which Israel is founded upon as a Jewish state, is a very warlike aggressive religion. Just objectively look at the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament for an abundant amount of evidence to prove this.
Judaism: A Threat to Humanity
Judaism, like all of the “revealed”/hearsay man-made religions, breaks the people of the world down to “us versus them.”
Billy Graham: Vote to Support Israel
World famous Christian evangelist Billy Graham is encouraging voters to vote for a candidate who supports Israel. In a public statement Graham said.
Taliban Attack on Malala Proves “Belief in a Cruel God Makes...
The cowardly and brutal attack last week on the 14-year-old girl Malala Yousafzai by the Islamic terrorist group the Taliban shows the truth to this statement by the American founder and Deist Thomas Paine, "Belief in a cruel god makes a cruel man."
Barack Obama Lied About Religions
n Barack Obama's weekly address he spread lies about religions. He said, “But there is never any justification for violence. There is no religion that condones the targeting of innocent men and women.” This is a lie.
The Ultimate Battle – Jerusalem Against Athens
A battle is being waged for the minds of humanity. The two opposing sides are Jerusalem and Athens. Jerusalem represents alleged revelations and actual superstition.
Why Does Israel Hate Gentiles?
Gentiles in general and Gentile children in particular are targets of Judaism. For example Psalm 137:9 reads, Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones.
George W. Bush and the Neocons are Guilty of Aiding and...
Iraq under Saddam Hussein was largely a secular Islamic state. He kept radical Islamic groups, particularly al-Qaeda, out of Iraq.
Israeli Company Has FAA Permission to Fly Drones in U.S. Airspace!
The Israeli company Stark Aerospace of Mississippi is not so much from Mississippi as it is from Israel. Stark Aerospace of Mississippi is a subsidiary of Israel Aerospace Industries! And the Federal Aviation Administration has given them permission to fly their drones in American airspace!
The “U.S.” House of Representatives Again Promotes Israel Over America
In yet another sickening display of gutless obedience to the Israel lobby and the Jewish dominated media, the "U.S." House of Representatives has passed legislation which promotes Israel's interests over the interests of America and Americans by passing the United States-Israel Enhanced Security Cooperation Act of 2012.
Remember Minuteman Isaac Davis
Today, April 19, 2012 is the 237th anniversary of the first shots fired in the American Revolution. Isaac Davis was a husband and father of four who took a musket ball to the heart on that fateful day in Massachusetts in 1775.
U.S. Politicians’ Resolution For Israel May Actually Upset Israel!
One of the ways for a U.S. politician to kill their political career is to upset Israel and the very powerful Israel lobby.
Some Major Holes in the Current Case For War With Iran
Casually listening to the established media (for an insightful articleabout the media's handling of the push for a war with Iran read this article)
Infant Dies Due to Judaism
A two week old infant died in a Brooklyn hospital after the rabbi/mohel who performed his circumcision also performed oral suction on the infant's freshly sliced penis.
An American Judge Puts Islam Above the U.S. Constitution
This past Halloween an Atheist was in a Halloween parade held in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania dressed as a zombie Mohammad.
Happy Birthday Thomas Paine!
"I have always regarded Paine as one of the greatest of all Americans. Never have we had a sounder intelligence in this republic . . .
Hanukkah: A Celebration of Superstition Over Widsom
Tonight is the start of the Jewish celebration of Hanukkah. Hanukkah is a celebration, we are told, of the Jews rebelling against an evil Syrian king.
Billy Graham Reveals the Source of Bible Authority
In the November 13, 1995 issue of Christianity Today, page 31, we read, "Questions about the authority of Scripture had been troubling the young preacher (Billy Graham) for weeks.
Get to the Back of the Bus!
Sasha Chavkin and her friend Melissa Franchy were working on a story for The New York World, a publication of the Columbia Journalism School.
Israel’s Republicans
There is an interesting article over at the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA) called "How The GOP Has Learned to Love Israel Unconditionally."
9/11: Brought To You By “Revealed” Religions
Whether you believe the standard 9/11 explanation of what happened, or whether you believe any of the alternative ideas regarding what happened that day, the fact remains "revealed" religions are at the root of the tragedy.
Deism: A True Positive Alternative to Disaster
Deism, with its very strong reliance on our God-given reason, is a true and very positive alternative to the violence promoting "revealed" religions.