Tag: conspiracy
RT’s “Truthseeker” rips the lid off false flags!
Will the NSA cyber-attack RT's new TruthSeeker episode - just like the did last September?
‘MH370: 9/11-style false flag gone awry?’
The story that Flight 370 "just disappeared and presumably crashed" is impossible.
New York Times DC correspondent covers up 9/11
If you can't tell this guy's lying, your BS detector needs a tune-up.
Commentary Magazine attacks me for "Did Israel kill JFK?" article
If they can't refute you, they insult you.
Commentary Magazine attacks me for “Did Israel kill JFK?” article
If they can't refute you, they insult you.
Avenge JFK – Send Weapons Inspectors to Dimona!
The Iran "nuclear crisis" is over. So now let's deal with the Israel nuclear crisis.
Israel called shots from Grassy Knoll?
The CIA handled logistics. But who REALLY "called the shots" ?
False flags & gov’t lies: What REALLY happened this week
Exposing the biggest media lies of the past week - and the truths they conceal.
False flags & gov't lies: What REALLY happened this week
Exposing the biggest media lies of the past week - and the truths they conceal.
US military ghouls butchered JFK’s corpse!
The kidnapping and desecration of the corpse of America's greatest president is one of our biggest national horror stories.
US military ghouls butchered JFK's corpse!
The kidnapping and desecration of the corpse of America's greatest president is one of our biggest national horror stories.
Conspiracies – not “conspiracy theories” – are destroying democracy
The BBC is worried about "conspiracy theories." But it's the conspiracies, not the theories, that are the problem.
Conspiracies – not "conspiracy theories" – are destroying democracy
The BBC is worried about "conspiracy theories." But it's the conspiracies, not the theories, that are the problem.
Jesse Ventura: The JFK Murder Book
A review on They Killed Our President: 63 Reasons to Believe There Was a Conspiracy to Assassinate JFK
Mainstream Journalists Expose 9/11 Hoax
Seymour Hersh says the US government's claim to have killed Osama Bin Laden on May 2nd, 2011 is “a big lie. There is not one word of truth in it.” Other top mainstream journalists say 9/11 was an inside job - but can't get the story into print.
New World Order Conspiracy Novel Succeeds
"Popsicle Man" summarizes the New World Order material clearly and accurately, and presents it in the context of a gripping thriller.
All out for Washington, DC this September 11th!
Simply by showing up in Washington, you will be making a powerful statement: I am not afraid.
Dzhokhar's boat 'confession' the most unbelievable part yet of Boston psyop
If you liked "Death to America, Death to Israel, Allah is great" on the anthrax letters, you'll LOVE "Dzokhar's boat confession."
Dzhokhar’s boat ‘confession’ the most unbelievable part yet of Boston psyop
If you liked "Death to America, Death to Israel, Allah is great" on the anthrax letters, you'll LOVE "Dzokhar's boat confession."
CIA's Graham Fuller, connected to Tsarnaevs -9/11 cover-up
The Tsarnaev brothers' intel-connected uncle married the daughter of CIA spook Graham Fuller - who led the 9/11 cover-up in Turkey. Small world!
CIA’s Graham Fuller, connected to Tsarnaevs -9/11 cover-up
The Tsarnaev brothers' intel-connected uncle married the daughter of CIA spook Graham Fuller - who led the 9/11 cover-up in Turkey. Small world!
WTC "Boeing landing gear": Lamest planted evidence ever?
The story of the "Boeing landing gear" lowered into place with ropes to be "discovered" behind the "Ground Zero Mosque" is hilariously bogus.
WTC “Boeing landing gear”: Lamest planted evidence ever?
The story of the "Boeing landing gear" lowered into place with ropes to be "discovered" behind the "Ground Zero Mosque" is hilariously bogus.
100 Critical Points About 9/11
It's time for ‘debunkers’ to showcase their years of hard work. I’m looking for a concise and agreed-upon explanation for each of the following items so that we might forever put to rest these 'nonsense conspiracy theories' about 9/11.
How the Government Killed Martin Luther King, Jr.
A jury found that the US Army, FBI, CIA, and the New Orleans mob killed Dr. Martin Luther King. The corporate media blacked out the news.
New York City Asks: What Happened to the 1,116 Missing 9/11...
On September 11th, 2001, the most famous “building collapses” in history somehow caused the bodies of more than 1,000 victims to magically disappear.
Did James Holmes have help? Compelling Evidence, Eyewitness Testimony Linger as...
Why the unprecedented ultra-secrecy surrounding the James Holmes "Batman shooting" case? Now even the mainstream media smells a rat.
Bob Dylan’s Chronicles v.1 meets Douglas Rushkoff’s Present Shock
Douglas Rushkoff's new book says the times they aren't a-changin' any more.
My Latest Press TV Slug-Fest with a Zionist Idiot
"This is about the lamest excuse for an attempt to debunk a conspiracy story that I’ve ever heard and I’ve heard a lot of them."
Israel Celebrates Successful 9/11 Operation on Purim Holiday
For more than eleven years, Israel has been wildly celebrating the success of its 9/11 operation against the United States of America.
Supreme Court justice is blind to Ellen Mariani petition
Federal Judge Alvin K. Hellerstein - whose family and loyalties are more Israeli than American - has presided over all of the proceedings arising out of the terrorist acts that befell the United States of America on September 11, 2011
“American Genocide”: John Hanke revises holocaust revisionism
Can you be jailed for revising holocaust revisionism?
Was Pope Benedict fired by the Knights of Malta?
What's the real reason behind the "unprecedented" resignation of a sitting Pope?
DHS announces: “Cyber-9/11 coming soon!”
DHS has announced that a 9/11-scale cyber-attack is "imminent." How do THEY know?
Questions About the Connecticut School Shooting
It's time to start asking questions about the Connecticut school massacre.
Shadow Forces Behind Government
Let no man or woman dare speak of a shadow government. The crony corruptocrats that make up the ruling elites of the world must maintain the illusion, that elected governments are based upon willful consent and have the legitimate authority to establish rules of conduct that their citizen are obligated to obey.
Conspiracies: Fact or Fiction?
If enough isolated individuals pursue the same goal, the effect is indistinguishable from a conspiracy.
Justice? Law and Order? My Ass!
Don't we live in a Constitutional Republic and traditionally pride ourselves that we are a law-abiding people? We are, but we did not pay attention as we surrendered to evil.
Insurer Caps WTC-Demolition Asbestos Payout at 10 Million
Illegal skyscraper demolitions are a whole lot cheaper than legal ones.
My Exchange With Morgan Reynolds, Re: WTC Demolitions
I recently had Morgan Reynolds on my radio show to explain/debate his article "WTC Destruction: Five Facts Falsify Five Theories."
Syria’s Bloody CIA Revolution – A Distraction?
While the mainstream media is going to great lengths to convince the world that events in Syria are the result of yet another 'people's revolution', the facts point clearly to yet another US government-sponsored bloody 'regime change'. Given that the US has been a de facto global empire for at least 60 years, with all of the power, infrastructure and influence that entails, how difficult do we think it would be for agents of the empire to manufacture a 'revolution' in any given country?