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Tag: Climate change

Environmental scientist blasts IPCC “climate consensus”

Another scientist challenges the "scientific consensus."

Climate Change Is Here – The People March But Will They...

For myself, this Climate Change march is especially important for our children and grandchildren ~ for our inaction regarding global warming and climate change is putting their health and existence at greater and greater risk.

Landmark California Meeting to Halt Covert Climate Geoengineering

On July 15th, 2014, citizens from Northern California rallied to create the largest attendance ever at the Shasta County Supervisors chambers.

NEO – The White House Shakes the World

- The White House’s predilection for constantly subjecting the world and nations in various regions to convulsions and disturbances is well known.

Ticking Mass Extinction Time Bomb Is Not Fukushima – It’s Methane

Experts say methane emissions from the Arctic have risen by almost one-third in just five years, and that sharply rising temperatures are to blame...

Ticking Mass Extinction Time Bomb Is Not Fukushima – It's Methane

Experts say methane emissions from the Arctic have risen by almost one-third in just five years, and that sharply rising temperatures are to blame...

Documents Reveal “Chemtrails” Originated at Department of Defense

- Department of Defense first published “Chemtrails” in 1990 as the title to a chemistry course for new pilots 1t the US Air Force Academy

Documents Reveal "Chemtrails" Originated at Department of Defense

- Department of Defense first published “Chemtrails” in 1990 as the title to a chemistry course for new pilots 1t the US Air Force Academy

Apollo Mission Hoax Provided Secret Funding of Satellite and Scalar Weapons...

Is it a coincidence that in 1958, Global Warming was suddenly promoted as a disaster while Congress was funding the military launch of orbiting space weapons intended to force "climate change"?

Following the Money: Obama, 9/11, Chemtrails, Climate Change, $Trillions in...

Why does Franklin Raines of Freddie/Fannie own the patent for a carbon trading computer originally owned by Carlton Bartels, CEO “Cantor Fitzgerald/CO2e.com/eSpeedprogram ?

Global Warming is Here and Now – Climate Change a Step...

Global warming is here and now and can no longer be denied but extreme weather and climate change will soon fully expose our selfish corporate folly and denial ~ but it will not be a painless transition when the arctic sea ice melts.

Severe Weather – Global Warming Climate Change is Here

We can no longer ignore the obvious link between our on going severe weather patterns and global warming climate change ~ which may very well be beyond the point of no return.

EU Outlines Dramatic New Arctic Policy, 80 Billion Euros

Climate change in the Arctic is advancing dramatically, with change visible on a yearly basis, impacting significantly on its ecosystem and the livelihood of its inhabitants.

Pakistan and the sum of all fears

And when the catastrophic floods hit Pakistan only the poor drowned. The flooding spared the Mullahs, the elites and the politicians. And this came as no surprise, for only the poor drown in Pakistan.

The 13 Most Endangered Sea Creatures

Dive into our endangered oceans with these photos of the smallest shrimps to the largest whales. Despite the threats, no marine species received additional protection by the recent United Nations CITES convention. See more amazing wildlife photos.

5 Ways to Value a Tree

* By Mickey Z. Planet Green * When you live in a corporate-dominated culture, everything is potentially a "commodity." We "spend" time, we "invest" in...

Wishing Upon a Star and Other Scientific Methods

We live in an era of amazing technological advances while our citizens descend ever deeper into the abyss of scientific illiteracy. Nowhere is that made more evident than by curious actions taken by state legislatures in Utah and South Dakota. Congressmen in these two states believe that scientific inquiry can be reduced to the fiats of legislation, and that objective truth can be discovered through the passage of state law.

Editor’s Picks: News and Opinion Around the Web 2/28/10

Juan Cole at Informed Comment offers some excellent advice for climate scientists under attack from corrupt corporate and media sources. Al Gore writes that ignoring climate change won't make it go away nor will continuing to dump 90 million tons of pollutants into the atmosphere daily at the New York Times. A 110-year-old Chicago woman reflects on Jim Crow and the civil rights movemnt in the Chicago Sun Times. Those stories and more in today's picks.

Editor’s Picks: News and Opinion Around the Web

Remember Niger? Valerie Plame? All that Yellowcake uranium ore is now under the control of a platoon commander, NPR has the story. Schools spying on your kids at home? Welcome to the logical progression of the post 9/11 national security state in a story by Cory Doctorow at Boing Boing. The ghosts of Cheney and Bush have livened up the party at the CPAC convention, Salon's Mike Madden has a guide to the festivities. Those stories and more in today's picks.

Editor’s Picks: News and Opinion Around the Web 2/15/10

Human influenced climate change is fact, get over it and begin to deal with it seriously is the message from Kerry Emanuel in today's Boston Globe. Following sound science now can lead us out of danger, stumbling along behind hired quacks and "ditto heads" is a sure path over the cliff. When the "Rapture" comes who's going to take care of Fido? Larisa Alexandrovna knows, at Largely.

Editor’s Picks: News and Opinion Around the Web 2/11/10

Time to tax financial speculation? Way past time according to Institute for Policy Study's Sarah Anderson writing in Yes Magazine. Privatized health care? Ask rural Chinese how the switch from public to private is working for them, from the LA Times. Sarah Palin is smacking her jaws together over climate change using disinformation that she gets directly from big oil, from Think Progress and more in today's picks.

Editor’s Picks: News and Opinion Around the Web 2/6/10

Are airlines becoming the shopping malls of our skies? Jim Hightower wants to know. Veterans will not be surprised to learn that 8 people died for a scrap of real estate "of no strategic value," many of us have seen that in the past. On the lighter side, more great editorial cartoons from McClatchy in today's picks.

Editor’s Picks: News and Opinion Around the Web

Sherwood Ross writes about Howard Zinn's view of the "war on terror," Joan Walsh is pleased to see Obama come off the ropes and step into the center of the ring, bin Laden claims that the US did in JD Salinger?, Texas' Jim Hightower says Hang Tax 'em High and Global warming truths in today's picks.