Tag: cheney
Veterans Hotline Seeking Volunteers
A new Veterans nonprofit, "Veterans Workshop" has begun their nationwide recruitment for Volunteers who can assist with answering calls from American Veterans via a new Veterans911 hot-line.
You Will Die From The Nuclear Lie
The Fantasy of Nuclear Lies…the Who, What and Even the Whys.
The Crisis of Misdirection, Time to Get Off the Bus
For the past two weeks, I have had out feelers in the intelligence community, trying to verify stories about secret deals between Israel and Iran.
HUD Secretary Donovan : Veterans Don’t Count
Last week we asked the Honorable Shawn L.S. Donovan, Secretary of the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development of HUD, the following question "Where has the HUD Veteran Resource Center (HUDVET) been hiding during our nations housing crisis?"
HUD Secretary Donovan – Shame on You.
I know people who work at HUD, one of the largest federal agencies in the country. HUD of course deals in housing, but also in homelessness.
VT Accused Of Thwarting Israeli Plan
There were so many leaks, Israel, Iran, Ukraine, US, that we hardly had time to talk to them all. Why the leaks? Seldom in history has there been a war so few people actually want to fight
“When Jane & Johnny Come Marching Homeless”
There are hidden wounds soldiers have always experienced upon returning home from every war- this documentary will shed Light and Healing on these many issues through the Voices of Veterans and their Families.
Boston: Time to Call them “Pigs” Again
The demonstrators who are in the streets across America, the "99%" that really represent the people of the United States, what the Tea Party should have been, are there for us. Against them is the "1%" with their congress, with their unconstitutional laws, with their crooked courts, with their rigged elections and with their police departments whose only real purpose anymore is looking the other way.
OCW: Targeted, But Who Is The Enemy?
We have recognized the enemy of humanity. For 60 years we fought communism and woke up in a nightmare, slaves in our own country. Now it is America building the gulags, millions in prison, half of America facing poverty, hundreds of thousands sent off to endless wars. Even Orwell never imagined this.
Bloomberg to Demonstrators: Parasites Are Meant To Rule
Today, New York's mayor Bloomberg, whose rampaging police force has brought combat veterans and union members to New York to defend the constitution, has totally flipped his lid.
A Note to Petraeus
As you look through the staff and contributor list at VT, you will see the CIA's "rogues gallery." I think you already know the names you see and many you know are behind them are also "rogues" out of loyalty and honesty when such things had become "unpopular."
A Marine Discusses the Wall Street Protest and NYPD
Now we have NYPD, a police force I have always admired, where I have more than a few friends, playing the "petty thug" for Wall Street.
I am ashamed
Was the “War on Terror” Really a Cover For a New...
American criminals are now, not only above the law, they constitute our government itself.
America: More Than a Failed Dictatorship
In America, you can pick any period and decide that's the one, where we became like Russia, that the press quit digging for the truth and started playing "lapdog" to a government that, itself played "lapdog."
Jewish Jihad and World War
Before I am assailed by the usual screams from the usual suspects, let me point out that the fear of Jewish jihadists starting a world war is not uniquely mine. There was an op-ed by Jewish dissident Sefi Rachlevsky in Haaretz Wednesday that said the same thing: Netanyahu must be stopped from attacking Iran
Murder and Torture: The Lasting Legacy of America
So many Americans still think torture, murder, gang rape of children is "fair and balanced" as a way of, of what? Waging war? Afghanistan is a war? Oh come now. Its an occupation, no more.
CIA Opens Books with Surprises for Lee Wanta, Libya and More
The fist interviews ...will outline relations between President Reagan and Emil Lee Wanta, letting a few into the dream world of White House insiders.
Israel: The Real Victim of 9/11 Street Theatre?
Israel, their rich, loaded with bucks, controlling 40% of the world's cash while Jews in Israel are unemployed and live in tents.
Candidate for Congress Calls for Deeper Investigation into Events of 9/11
I am a Citizen of CONSCIENCE for House of Representatives 2012 and if elected my second act of congress will be to call for a new investigation into the events of that day we call 9/11.
9/11: Cover and Deception, the Phony Hijackers
Ten years after 9/11, with the Pentagon missile proven, with the controlled demolition of Building 7 proven, the media, as instructed, is following a "cover and deception" story that began long ago, the mythology about the 9/11 "hijackers."
Chatter: Obama Sought Arrest of Bush and Cheney for 9/11...
With GOP/Pentagon/CIA rogue muscle to rent, the insurance and pharmaceutical industry, "clean coal" and nuclear power could suddely order "hits" like on the Sopranos, could and, were we to look more carefully, do.
9/11 Lies: Infiltration and Deceit, the Continuing Tragedy (Press TV...
The annivesary of 9/11 is being turned into a carnival, a celebration of crime, a celebration organized by those responsible for planning and executing the greatest attack on American soil yet.
9/11 Unveiled (part 8 of 10): Flight 93
There's no hard evidence that Flight 93 ploughed into the ground at the Pennsylvania ‘crash site.’
Libyan Kabuki
When hundreds of thousands of Israelis began protesting their own government, that had to be stopped. The timing was all wrong. How was it dealt with?
Amateur Hour: The Libyan Bloodbath
Through a combination of greed, blind stupidity and a total lack of familiarity with the region, the story of Libya has been hijacked, at least partially, by conspiracy theories, some dreamed up by Gaddafi himself, some by American friends, all duped.
Gaddafi’s “Pet Journalists” 5 Star Prison
Some are real journalists but others are highly paid "guests" of Gaddafi. They were brought into the country to "seed" propaganda.
Exclusive: Staging of Major Terror Attack on US Evident
Plans are afoot to push the United States into an attack on Iran. Anyone knowing the political atmosphere would believe this impossible unless something really terrible were to happen.
9/11: The Clarke/Tenet Deception Gambit
With the ten year anniversary coming up, increasingly Israel's hand is seen in 9/11, not just from conspiracy websites or "Jew haters" but from top analysts.
Hotel Boycott of Israeli Delegation: Veterans Demand Redress and Apology
On June 8, 1967, land and sea military forces of the State of Israel attacked a clearly identified and flagged American ship, the USS Liberty, in international waters, killing and wounding nearly 200 of 296 on board.
America, Israel and the New Holocaust
In the end, an inexorable end, we will have bred generations, Orwellian generations, capable of endless cruelty.
Watch the news, what news we have. Nothing can hide it.
Chatter: 9/11, Fringe Science and Disclosure
For decades we have been bombarded with UFO stories, tales of government mind control, secret death rays, mysterious aircraft "reverse engineered" from flying saucers, nuclear weapons the size of baseballs, it never ends.
Time to Say a Resounding “No” to Government
Bring the Army home and close the friggin' borders totally, "shoot to kill" totally.
Freeze all assets held by Federal Reserve banks. If any (almost all) those banks are found to be foreign owned, declare all relationships with them to be inconsistent with our constitution. America will no longer pay banks, particularly foreign owned, to profit on our debt, sell us our own money and do so in direct violation of our laws.
Censorship Of War Casualties In The US
All of America's children should share the risk of being placed in harm's way. The reason is that so few families have a stake in the war which is being fought by other people's children," Rangel said in March 2011.
Exclusive: Stranger than Fiction, Debt Default In Gaddafi’s Hands
Through his Rothschild connections and reputed Jewish birth, Gaddafi has done much more than cozy up to Israel, he has also built on his power base in the United States, a base that now has control of one house of congress and is in position to blackmail President Obama.
Odd Connections: Murdoch, Wikileaks and Everything
Of Murdoch's "assets," his most lethal "stinger" has been Julian Assange and Wikileaks. Their secret love affair is subject to continual obfuscations and denials though they are the political sweetheart team of all time, a veritable "Dr. Evil and MiniMe" of journalism.
9/11 and Israel: Alan Sabrosky’s Shocking Press TV Interview
Dr. Alan Sabrosky calls it "high treason." Alan, I call him that, a fellow editor, fellow Marine and good friend, does what few do when discussing issues of such extreme controversy. Alan sticks to the facts, takes the facts to logical conclusions and stops there. Any American of any political leaning or ethnicity can and should, out of patriotism and out of sanity, watch this interview.
Exclusive: ‘Murdoch behind 9/11, Iraq, Afghan wars and financial meltdown’
Media mogul Rupert Murdoch has played a significant role... 9/11 terrorist attacks, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the economic meltdown.
My Choice for President, Jim Traficant
"the american taxpayers give Israel $15 to $20 million, not $3 million...while people in my district are losing their pensions..." (Former Congressman Jim Traficant)
Guardian: Bush Torture Prosecution Recommended
US authorities were legally obliged to investigate the top echelons of the Bush administration over crimes such as torture, abduction and other mistreatment of prisoners.
Vietnam Ain’t Over
I remember real combat. First times out, paralyzing fear. After that, you just don't care anymore. After that, you are dead inside, a "dead" that never goes away. Real combat vets call the look that comes with that "the thousand yard stare." I can kill someone as easy as looking at them. We all can but we work to convince people otherwise. We all became actors.
Best Job in Town: Pimping for Gaddafi
While closely aligning himself with Bush, Blair and the Zionist crowd, Gaddafi continued, to quietly develop nerve gas, crop diseases, new forms of anthrax-hemorrhagic fever hybrids and bury a nuclear program so effectively he might not be able to find it himself.
Afghanistan: An American Rape
Washington rules America, it doesn't govern. In fact, there is increasing evidence that it does neither. Had an alien race taken over and chosen the most cowardly and reprehensible to rule, to exploit and enslave in their name, the end result would likely resemble what we have today.