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Tag: chemical weapons

Israel/CIA vs. Mandela! Dynamic Duo TV news shreds the myths

Israel and the CIA were Madela's worst enemies - but the mainstream media won't tell you that!

To regain respect, US must dump Israel

How can anyone respect a superpower enslaved to a "sh**ty little country" that's an international pariah?

Only Israel Benefits From Syria War

Who benefits from the destruction of Syria?

From Betty Crocker to the Red Line

Don't get me wrong. I'm a novelist, a teacher and a nurse...and this isn't about Syria per se...but recently our President declared in no uncertain terms that no government should use chemicals on its own people. I couldn't agree more. Thank you, Mr. President for pointing that out.

Netanyahu's Dictation to US " A Disgrace"

Netanyahu "celebrated 9/11 just like the dancing Israelis who were caught at celebrating the success of the demolition of the Twin Towers in New York." Why is this guy dictating US policy?

Netanyahu’s Dictation to US ” A Disgrace”

Netanyahu "celebrated 9/11 just like the dancing Israelis who were caught at celebrating the success of the demolition of the Twin Towers in New York." Why is this guy dictating US policy?

Government shuts down! Drones grounded, NSA shuttered

When the government announced it was shutting down, dogs, drone victims, Syrians, and pot-smokers all breathed a sigh of relief.

US/Al-Qaeda threatened Olympics through Saudi proxy

426 children were killed as a pretext to invade a country...these are obviously, monsters of historic proportion.

WMD Madness and Hypocrisy

This original cartoon, published here in VT for the first time, captures something of the hypocrisy of the world's most heavily-armed instruments of WMD terror commanding the Syrian government to hand over its chemical weapons without making similar demands of themselves.

Syria: Putin’s Answer to Crisis

- The spotlight is on Russia now...being viewed as the stabilizing force in international affairs

Putin and Congress Checkmate Obama War-hawks

- “The US must carry out some act somewhere in the world which shows its determination to continue to be a world power.”...Henry Kissinger

Syrian militants and Israel get to keep WMDs

- Daniel Pipes, Zionist Neocon, "Western powers should guide enemies to stalemate by helping whichever side is losing, so as to prolong their conflict.”

Getting to the Bottom of Rebels’ Chemical Weapons Use in Syria

- The director of the Richard G. Lugar Center for Public Health Research outside of Tbilisi is one of the top female Intel people on the world

Syrian War: AIPAC vs. the American People

“Hypocrisy, double standards, and "but nots" are the price of universalist pretensions.

Syria welcomes Putin’s OK to put chemical weapons under international control

- But Israel and Rebel Terrorists get to keep all their WMD

Syria welcomes Putin's OK to put chemical weapons under international control

- But Israel and Rebel Terrorists get to keep all their WMD

Will US military be “al-Qaeda's air force” in Syria on September...

"Bomb Syria for al-Qaeda": the dumbest war ever?

Will US military be “al-Qaeda’s air force” in Syria on September...

"Bomb Syria for al-Qaeda": the dumbest war ever?

Bombing Assad, Why Not?

I am not exonerating World and Zionist imperialism from the irreparable harms America, Israel, France, Spain and England inflicted on the Arab World during centuries of colonialism and waging wars, wars that did not stop and continues at this moment.

"We Didn't Know There Were Chemical Weapons"

Everyone, even Obama, knows Assad would have to be psychotic to launch a chemicals weapons attack with UN inspectors only miles a way.

“We Didn’t Know There Were Chemical Weapons”

Everyone, even Obama, knows Assad would have to be psychotic to launch a chemicals weapons attack with UN inspectors only miles a way.

Obama's Kennedy moment

Is Obama trying to prevent the planned "big Mideast war" - while avoiding JFK's fate?

Obama’s Kennedy moment

Is Obama trying to prevent the planned "big Mideast war" - while avoiding JFK's fate?

CIA Bio-Chem Nightmare Exposed

I performed part of my military service at chemical weapons depot, storage site in the US Army during my college years, Bluegrass Army Depot, Richmond Kentucky, and I have some training in chemical weapons and bio warfare.

Israel main beneficiary of US attack on Syria

Kerry's "evidence" on the chemical weapons attack is classified - and its source is Israel.

World Awakens Against War on Syria

"There's an old saying in Texas, or Tennessee...fool me once, shame on...shame on you...fool me...you can't get fooled again."

Syrians In Ghouta Claim Saudi-Supplied Rebels Behind Chemical Attack

Rebels and local residents in Ghouta accuse Saudi Prince Bandar bin Sultan of providing chemical weapons to an al-Qaida linked rebel group...

SYRIA: U.S. Secretary of State Kerry Makes Colin Powell-like Case to...

U.S. Secretary of State Kerry makes case to attack Syria. No evidence! Just believe us because we said so!

Urgent! Stop World War III – here's how

Make phone calls, save the planet.

Urgent! Stop World War III – here’s how

Make phone calls, save the planet.

Zionist loses it on-air: "Shut it Mr. Barrett!"

Zionist Charlie Wolf - who reacted to Rachel Corrie's murder by calling her "scum" - got very angry with me on Press TV's "The Debate" yesterday.

Zionist loses it on-air: “Shut it Mr. Barrett!”

Zionist Charlie Wolf - who reacted to Rachel Corrie's murder by calling her "scum" - got very angry with me on Press TV's "The Debate" yesterday.

US military intervention in Syria can lead to WWIII: Analyst

“This is a dangerous move because we’re really on the edge of a potential World War III in Syria."

Syria Chemical Mayhem: Another Israeli false-flag?

After big Israeli false-flags, Israeli leaders incriminate themselves by knowing too much too soon.

Syria invites U.N. chemical arms chief, but access is in doubt

Syria invites U.N. chemical arms chief, but access is in doubt --- From www.DefenseWeb.Co.Za --- The government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad invited chief U.N. chemical weapons investigator Ake...

Dipping Our Military Toes In Very Murky Water

After resisting for more than two years hawkish political pressures to intervene militarily in Syria’s bitter civil war, the Obama administration apparently has decided that now’s the time.

Why Do They Frighten Us With Syrian Chemical Weapons?

Recent statements by senior officials of the United States and other countries concerning Syria’s possible use of chemical weapons against opposition fighters have raised a legitimate question — who do the statements benefit, and why are they being made?

Soldier to Plead in Massacre, U.S. Troops to Syria?

Five years ago, the Veterans Affairs Department made finding homes for all homeless veterans a top priority.

Chemical Duel

Israel is not yet Bhopal. Israel attacks Syria. Israel becomes Bhopal?

US Eyes Iran Proxy War through Israel

Strangely, western and Israeli media aggrandize the military prowess of Israel to the skies and underestimate that of Iran.

AP Cites Israel in Murder of CIA Asset in Syria, Massive...

Were the name a different one, such a document would likely reside along with photographs, informant statements and tape recordings.

Syria Moving Parts of Chemical Arsenal Says U.S.A.

“The truth is, we just don’t know,” said one American official who has been monitoring intelligence reports since the Syrians began moving the chemical weapons in recent days.