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Tag: canada

Police kill shooter and lose suspect in Ottawa — Canada’s 911?

I live in Canada's capital city Ottawa, walking distance from where a Canadian soldier was murdered at the War Memorial on the morning of October 22, 2014.

The Jewish Takeover of Canada: The Case of Arthur Topham

- Has Canada been taken over by Jews? It would seem so, if the relentless persecution of Canadian patriot & freedom fighter Arthur Topham is anything to go on.

Rogue Courts in Canada Trample Self-Represented Litigants

In this article I describe the phenomenon in Canada of systemic and often egregious judicial and legal system bias against self-represented litigants.

How Canada’s NDP enables and seeks to participate in the Israel...

It is no longer a question of serious debate whether Israel's intentions and actions constitute genocide, versus less serious crimes against humanity, or simple war crimes [1].

The Intended Roles of the Israel-Lobby and of Israel in the...

Several misguided commentators have advanced that Canada's unconditional support for Israel is the result of Christian Zionist ideology.

Israel’s attempted genocide must fail — Lessons from Canada’s genocide

The Zionist Project is to eradicate all Palestinians who make claim to a home in Palestine. The Zionist Project is exactly what Israel has...

The Canadian Museum and the Giant Picnic on June 7, 2014

The Canadian Museum and the Giant Picnic to commemorate D Day were enjoyable events.

Criticize Israel – Go to Jail!

Recently Prof. James Fetzer invited me to contribute to The Real Deal radio platform on a regular basis. The Real Deal has been one of the most distinguished venues for discussions about all the censored subjects that have been of import in recent years. Canada's Prime Minister Harper is surrounded by members of the Canadian Federation of Chabad Lubavitch in Ottawa

PressTV: Confirmed – Canada 2011 polls fraudulent

The Canadian Federal Court has confirmed that the country’s 2011 federal election, which led to the victory of Stephen Harper's government, was fraudulent. The court emphasized in a Thursday ruling that it has found in no uncertain terms that widespread election fraud took place during the vote.

CANADA: Judging an Anti-Aboriginal Ruling of BC’s Chief Judge

This essay, together with a series of earlier articles highlighting Idle No More and the case of Kwitsel Tatel, have helped draw international attention to the accelerating assault by the government of Canada on Indigenous peoples and their remaining Aboriginal estate.

Judging an Anti-Aboriginal Ruling of BC’s Chief Judge

This essay, together with a series of earlier articles highlighting Idle No More and the case of Kwitsel Tatel, have helped draw international attention to the accelerating assault by the government of Canada on Indigenous peoples and their remaining Aboriginal estate.

Doug Christie – Rest in Peace

Doug Christie was a veritable star in various Canadian court venues - the likes of which the Lobby that plagues us all with all their lies.

Shame on Canada – Israel’s Boot Heel

- Canada warns Palestinians against taking Israel to ICC

Anti-Imperialist Syrians Speak Out

Over the past couple of weeks I've had the pleasure of acquainting myself with a segment of the vast Syrian community who oppose the ongoing covert interventions in Syria and who generally think their current government is doing a good job, all things considered.

Fixing Elections Through Fraud

The declining credibility of elections in many countries is creating a crisis of legitimacy severing bonds of trust that once linked citizens to the institutions that govern us.

To Avoid Being Locked Up in Canada Cheney Stays Locked Up...

Dick Cheney Opts for House Arrest Rather Than Face the Ire of Canada's Citizen Jurists.

Game Over For Planet If Keystone Pipeline Built

One of America’s foremost climate scientists says that if the proposed Keystone XL oil pipeline is built to tap the tar sands of Alberta, Canada, the impact on the Earth’s climate will be devastating.

NFL Ignores Coming North American Union, Fumbles Growth Ball

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell represents an NFL business that seeks massive growth. However, they are looking into the wrong markets just as the rest of our business community. In short, we're missing the growth boat!

Cheney In The Bunker; Cheney in Canada

Former US Vice-President Dick Cheney met a large and extremely committed contingent of citizen jurists who assembled by the many hundreds at the Vancouver Club on September 26, 2011.

Is Canada a Safe Haven For War Criminals?

Canadian Lawyers lead charge to force Canadian authorities to arrest George W. Bush upon entry into Canada on Oct. 20 when George W. Bush is schedueled to appear at Surrey BC meeting.

George W. Bush Visits Canada Panel Discussion

Canadian leadership meets to discuss what action to take when George W. Bush makes his scheduled stop in Vancouver, Canada.

Canadian Politician Says Dick Cheney Must NOT Be Alllowed to Enter...

Finally, an elected Canadian politician has the balls to take on Dick. In a calm and measured voice, Vancouver Kingsway MP Don Davies today (September 23) declared that former U.S. vice president Dick Cheney should be barred from entering Canada.

Bush’s Toronto Visit Cancelled Amid Mass Public Pressure for Arrest

Canadians give Bush the boot! University event rudely cancelled. U.S Mainstream media ignores the story!

New Moves to Curb Criticism of Israel In US and Canada

New legislation in the US threatens to conflate campus criticism of Israel with anti-Semitism.

Basal Cell and Squamous Cell Skin Carcinomas

Skin Cancer: Death by Sun. Skin cancer is the most commonly diagnosed form of cancer.

Canada offered to aid Iraq invasion: WikiLeaks

The same day Canada publicly refused to join the 2003 U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, a high-ranking Canadian official was secretly promising the Americans clandestine military support for the fiercely controversial operation.

Are Americans Really That Dumb?

WELL, PRETTY MUCH....YUP! Notes:  GDuff For those Americans who would like to say this group is atypical, I beg to differ.  I will avoid any political...

Head of Agent Orange probe appointed

Toxicology expert Dr. Leonard Ritter will lead an independent panel that will investigate Ontario's use of the now-banned herbicide 2,4,5-T over three decades, the government announced Friday.

The Contaminating Effects of Reaganite Conservatism as Imported into Canada from...

The conservative revolution initiated when Ronald Reagan became the US president in 1981 is going off the rails. Reagan’s mantra of business deregulation set loose such kleptocratic excesses among Wall Street insiders that, almost three decades after the Hollywood president’s inauguration, taxpayers woke up to find Big Brother had put knives to our throats. We were informed that the global economy would collapse unless we handed over trillions of dollars of our own and our descendant’s future earnings in order to finance the transfer of trillions of dollars to the very white-collar criminals that caused the economic debacle in the first place.


COMMONWEALTH MILITARY CEMETERY By Gordon Duff STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor I had spent the evening before in Verona, half an hour east of Vicenza.  Venice is only...


  The Explanation We Never Heard By Dr. Shiraz Dossa, St. Francis Xavier University, Nova Scotia, Canada Originally Published in the Literary Review of Canada Six months after...

The Oil Game They’re Playing In Our Oceans Ain’t “Beanbag”

Oil giant Chevron, in the wake of one of the world's worst environmental disasters in the Gulf of Mexico is dragging its corporate feet over Canadian requests for increased safety procedures at a deep water well off the coast of Newfoundland. The company's Lona O-55 exploratory well is about 258 miles northeast of St. John's, in the Orphan Basin.

Canadian commander accused of murders and sex attacks

One of Canada's most senior military figures has been accused of being a sexual predator responsible for up to ten murders. By Nick Allen in...


INFAMOUS "BLOWHARD" GROUP OF FASCISTS AND NEO-FEUDALISTS ATTACK AMERICA AS "LESS FREE" By Gordon Duff STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor There are few ways Americans can tell things...

Regional Veterans’ News 2/20/10

Regional stories on veterans' health, education and other benefits and issues today from Moundville, Alabama, Amherst, Massachusetts, Ontario, Canada, Lorain, Ohio, Tampa, Florida, Lynchburg, Virginia, Salt Lake City, Utah, Long Beach, California, Aurora, Colorado, and Hanson, Kentucky

Former Mexican foreign minister calls for ‘North American union’, unified currency

Prolific Mexican politician and intellectual Jorge Castañeda believes that a greater North American community -- a "North American Union" -- with economies tied together...