Tag: bush
Syrian Dissidents Reach Out. Yes, Assad is Killing Children
"Yes, Children are being Killed the dissidents say"
by Ken Smith
I admitted upfront in an earlier post that I know even less than...
Prosthetic’s for Peace. The costs of Land Mines and War.
A friend of mine called and said: We should try to find ways to advance ourselves with our allies and even our perceived enemies by sharing our knowledge of prosthetics.
Israel and the Blame Game
I admit upfront that I know even less than you do (the reader), about the twisted and fragmented history of Israel and it's interactions with Arab and non-Arab neighbors in the middle east.
Veterans Support Organization
I was searching the internet the other day and came across a story online about a group collecting money for homeless Veterans outside a shopping center.
America and Pakistan – Questions and Answers
Two VT columnists, one from America and one from Pakistan exchanged ideas, concepts and concerns. This posting reflects questions and answers that are important to both of our countries.
“Occupy HUD” Movement Gains Traction
Forget about Occupy Wall Street. My readers and other Veteran Advocates nationwide say "Occupy HUD" and ask How many Iraqi or Afghanistan Combat Wounded Veterans Live in HUD Subsidized or Disability Housing?
Tribunal That Should Have Been Reported By Your Press, But Wasn’t
Bush, Blair found guilty of war crimes in Malaysia tribunal. Some proclaim there isn't a snowball's chance in hell that an international court would charge, much less convict, an American or British leader.
Hundreds Sign Up 4 Veterans Hotline
As my readers already know, I volunteer once a month for the Veterans Hotline. This is a two-hour commitment and I will be "On Station" from 5am to 7am, the third Monday of each month.
Britain’s Controversial Holiday Video
On a personal note, next year I want to see the same commercial with an added 3 on 3 basketball team, Bush "W," Cheney and Mr. Blair. Now that would really be something to celebrate. Wonder how they would do against Netanyahu, Murbarak and Merkel?
Veterans Hotline Seeking Volunteers
A new Veterans nonprofit, "Veterans Workshop" has begun their nationwide recruitment for Volunteers who can assist with answering calls from American Veterans via a new Veterans911 hot-line.
You Will Die From The Nuclear Lie
The Fantasy of Nuclear Lies…the Who, What and Even the Whys.
The Crisis of Misdirection, Time to Get Off the Bus
For the past two weeks, I have had out feelers in the intelligence community, trying to verify stories about secret deals between Israel and Iran.
Sarkozy Says It All – A Netanyahu Truther?
Today we learned that many had been wrong about France all along, that Sarkozy has been independent and may have some guts.
Amerika Uber Alles: Our Zionazi Nation
Recent events support the Judeophobes over the Judeophiles, and warrant the coining of a new word, Judeopathic, to describe the actions of the self-proclaimed Jewish Nation. They either are preparing to start a war with Iran, or are running a bluff to push the West into a stronger anti-Iran position to avert war.
VT Accused Of Thwarting Israeli Plan
There were so many leaks, Israel, Iran, Ukraine, US, that we hardly had time to talk to them all. Why the leaks? Seldom in history has there been a war so few people actually want to fight
A Veteran Commits Suicide Every 80 Minutes
A veteran commits suicide every 80 minutes, according to a study published Monday.
Stephen Colbert and Presidential Candidate Buddy Roemer do OWS
Today, long-shot GOP presidential candidate, Governor Buddy Roemer held a Town Hall meeting at Florida Southern College in Lakeland, Florida. This reporter who has become a candidate from Florida, for US House of Representatives in 2012, seized the opportunity to hand deliver paper copies of questions that I emailed to Roemer's staff three times since September 26th...
American Prosthetic Sharing Program
"Used Prosthesis should be brought to foreign military veterans."
21 True Facts About Gaddafi You Weren’t Told
Libya’s tyrant Muammar Gaddafi is dead and buried but his pimps around the world don’t seem to have got the message yet.
“When Jane & Johnny Come Marching Homeless”
There are hidden wounds soldiers have always experienced upon returning home from every war- this documentary will shed Light and Healing on these many issues through the Voices of Veterans and their Families.
San Antonio 10-19-11 Terror Plot
It's a story that bears chilling similarities to the terror attacks conducted against Oklahoma City and New York City, but the Wednesday morning arrest of five Moroccan terrorist suspects in San Antonio quickly passed from the lurid to the ludicrous in media descriptions.
Boston: Time to Call them “Pigs” Again
The demonstrators who are in the streets across America, the "99%" that really represent the people of the United States, what the Tea Party should have been, are there for us. Against them is the "1%" with their congress, with their unconstitutional laws, with their crooked courts, with their rigged elections and with their police departments whose only real purpose anymore is looking the other way.
OCW: Targeted, But Who Is The Enemy?
We have recognized the enemy of humanity. For 60 years we fought communism and woke up in a nightmare, slaves in our own country. Now it is America building the gulags, millions in prison, half of America facing poverty, hundreds of thousands sent off to endless wars. Even Orwell never imagined this.
Bush’s Actions In Middle East Typified American Policy
President Bush’s “preventive war” strategy in the Middle East not only “comported with what most Americans believed to be desirable at the time” but followed a bipartisan American tradition in such actions, historian Melvyn Leffler writes in the current “Foreign Affairs” magazine.
Bloomberg to Demonstrators: Parasites Are Meant To Rule
Today, New York's mayor Bloomberg, whose rampaging police force has brought combat veterans and union members to New York to defend the constitution, has totally flipped his lid.
A Note to Petraeus
As you look through the staff and contributor list at VT, you will see the CIA's "rogues gallery." I think you already know the names you see and many you know are behind them are also "rogues" out of loyalty and honesty when such things had become "unpopular."
A Marine Discusses the Wall Street Protest and NYPD
Now we have NYPD, a police force I have always admired, where I have more than a few friends, playing the "petty thug" for Wall Street.
I am ashamed
Was the “War on Terror” Really a Cover For a New...
American criminals are now, not only above the law, they constitute our government itself.
“9/11 Was Good For Us.” — The Case Against Israel
The Zionist/Globalist bogey man, ridiculed as Al-CIA-duh by the free-thinking Internet Intelligentsia, remains the gang that not only can't shoot straight, but that inevitably shoots the Muslim world in the back. As a former Army Opposing Force's (OPFOR) Controller, I view Al-Qaeda as a nominally red (enemy) force that inevitably acts in support of blue (allied) strategic objectives. If there were no Al-Qaeda, then we would have to create one to keep the Global War going.
America: More Than a Failed Dictatorship
In America, you can pick any period and decide that's the one, where we became like Russia, that the press quit digging for the truth and started playing "lapdog" to a government that, itself played "lapdog."
Straight Talk on Jews and 9/11
There is some evidence that Bush himself believed he was helping form a "Jewish plot" whether one really existed or not anywhere but inside his own mind.
Murder and Torture: The Lasting Legacy of America
So many Americans still think torture, murder, gang rape of children is "fair and balanced" as a way of, of what? Waging war? Afghanistan is a war? Oh come now. Its an occupation, no more.
CIA Opens Books with Surprises for Lee Wanta, Libya and More
The fist interviews ...will outline relations between President Reagan and Emil Lee Wanta, letting a few into the dream world of White House insiders.
Israel: The Real Victim of 9/11 Street Theatre?
Israel, their rich, loaded with bucks, controlling 40% of the world's cash while Jews in Israel are unemployed and live in tents.
Candidate for Congress Calls for Deeper Investigation into Events of 9/11
I am a Citizen of CONSCIENCE for House of Representatives 2012 and if elected my second act of congress will be to call for a new investigation into the events of that day we call 9/11.
9/11 Is History Now
“Believe it or not 9/11 belongs to history now and this fact is in itself even scarier than what we know happened on that awful day, or what we did not know for that matter.”
9/11: Cover and Deception, the Phony Hijackers
Ten years after 9/11, with the Pentagon missile proven, with the controlled demolition of Building 7 proven, the media, as instructed, is following a "cover and deception" story that began long ago, the mythology about the 9/11 "hijackers."
Ten Years After 9/11: What We Know and Where Do We...
"All the evidence indicates that Palestine was the factor that united the conspirators. One of the organizers of the attack believed it would make Americans concentrate on ‘the atrocities that America is committing by supporting Israel’.
Chatter: Obama Sought Arrest of Bush and Cheney for 9/11...
With GOP/Pentagon/CIA rogue muscle to rent, the insurance and pharmaceutical industry, "clean coal" and nuclear power could suddely order "hits" like on the Sopranos, could and, were we to look more carefully, do.
9/11 Lies: Infiltration and Deceit, the Continuing Tragedy (Press TV...
The annivesary of 9/11 is being turned into a carnival, a celebration of crime, a celebration organized by those responsible for planning and executing the greatest attack on American soil yet.
Bought Blair, Why Britain Fell
Wendi Deng reveals link in a magazine interview where she describes the ex-PM as one of her husband's 'closest friends'