Tag: bush
‘US legitimacy waning over 9/11 hoax’
America’s legitimacy, in the eyes of the world and its own people, is being terminally sapped by the festering boil of the 9/11 big lie.
We’re Watching You, Barack – 9/11 Memo To The President
Patriotism is our last refuge as it is for all scoundrels ~ so wave the flag on 9/11 and praise our human sacrifice on that day and also pray that no one looks to deeply into that black hole of American history.....
Did Bush Move America's Presidency Offshore?
- Sources now tell us that “handlers” kept George W. Bush medicated and sober to guarantee no unfavorable action against Israel and international gangsters.
Retarded Suicide Bombers R US
Did a retarded American youth recently blow himself up in Syria?
That's the breaking story at SyrianPerspective.com.
Too Classified to Publish: Bush Nuclear Piracy Exposed
The report below is taken from an intelligence dump by Russian sources. As the origin is from an intelligence agency in the form of a "leak," there are always questions.
‘MH370 call exposing 9/11 cover-up?’
The claim that Barbara Olson called her Bush administration husband from hijacked Flight 77 is not just false; it is preposterous.
‘Mossad, Bush planned, executed 9/11’
Recent revelations published on the Press TV website, the New York Post and VT have changed history.
Bush Copied Hitler’s Propaganda Technique
The "preventive war" propaganda used by President Bush to justify his attack on Iraq in 2003 copied that used by Hitler when he invaded Russia in 1941.
Bush Copied Hitler's Propaganda Technique
The "preventive war" propaganda used by President Bush to justify his attack on Iraq in 2003 copied that used by Hitler when he invaded Russia in 1941.
Behind the Bush: Aleister Crowley, Yeats, the Anti Christ and Armageddon...
The Radicalism of the American Revolution by Gordon S. Wood, one of Americas most respected historians, lays out the facts in just how Masonic elements orchestrated the whole revolution and birth of America.
Behind the Bush; Aleister Crowley, Yeats, the Anti Christ & Armageddon...
By 1115 Bernard had already become a Catholic icon that would be hailed posthumously as; Saint Bernard of Clairvaux.
Behind the Bush; Aleister Crowley, Yeats, the Anti Christ & Armageddon...
By 1115 Bernard had already become a Catholic icon that would be hailed posthumously as; Saint Bernard of Clairvaux.
Mainstream Journalists Expose 9/11 Hoax
Seymour Hersh says the US government's claim to have killed Osama Bin Laden on May 2nd, 2011 is “a big lie. There is not one word of truth in it.” Other top mainstream journalists say 9/11 was an inside job - but can't get the story into print.
Behind the Bush: Aleister Crowley, Yeats, the Anti Christ & Armageddon
There are 9 parts to this essay. If you read all nine of them you will know what you were never meant to know or at least what they meant for you to never know.
Behind the Bush: Aleister Crowley, Yeats, the Anti Christ & Armageddon
There are 9 parts to this essay. If you read all nine of them you will know what you were never meant to know or at least what they meant for you to never know.
President Bush Begs Laura's Forgiveness
Just minutes before undergoing urgent heart surgery, the "Globe" reports in a cover story, ex-President George W. Bush begged his wife, Laura, to forgive him for his affair with Condoleezza Rice, his Secretary of State.
President Bush Begs Laura’s Forgiveness
Just minutes before undergoing urgent heart surgery, the "Globe" reports in a cover story, ex-President George W. Bush begged his wife, Laura, to forgive him for his affair with Condoleezza Rice, his Secretary of State.
Bush to Congress – Patriot Act or Martial Law
Since the United States government won't allow me to pay my repatriation civil income taxes, apparently the ony way to receive my personal income and property is to go through Austria where I am a taxpayer in good standing.
NSA a Waste of Money, a Garbage Intellience Agency (video)
Senior Editor, Gordon Duff speaking on the NSA spying scandal:
"Breaking the Set:" Bush & Cheney Knew About 9/11 Months Before...
Abby Martin is one of the best interviewers I have ever encountered in the corporate media.
The Suicide of Daniel Somers (Video)
The fact is, for as long as I can remember my motivation for getting up every day has been so that you would not have to bury me.
$100 Billion Gift to Israel — $83 Billion Cut To American...
U.S. Congressman Steny Hoyer (D-MD) second highest ranking member in the House of Representatives, Minority Whip, while visiting Israel along with 26 other Democratic Representatives as part of AIPAC’s “educational” tour to Israel program went out of his way to comfort the Jewish State that despite America’s current economic crisis, aid to Israel will continue as usual.
Uncle Gordy and Jeffy on Government Crimes (Video)
VT editors Gordon Duff and Jeff Rense in 18 carefully selected minutes of clarity from a caffeine ridden "late night" rant session.
US dictatorship and its free fall
"New information on the 2000 election, information now in the hands of top military officials in the US, conclusively proves that America’s government is in “free fall.””
America's Unspoken Civil War
The treasonous group, calling themselves “right wing patriots,” a bizarre combination of adherents to the “Dominionist” apocalypse death cult, “middle management” of the drug cartels and Bolshevik “Neocons” totalitarians, have proven themselves willing and capable of any outrage.
The Boston Terrorist Attack II
Even after further arrests the media are still not getting it. Terrorism is a state-sponsored phenomenon and terrorists rarely act alone.
Internet "Wingnuts" Hoaxed on Foodstamps for "Illegals"
In the latest of a series of hoaxes, "source and fact-free" wingnut internet sites have again been suckered or bought into attacking President Obama, this time over a Bush era Food Stamp program.
The CIA's "Founding" of Al Qaeda Documented
The Muslim Terrorist Apparatus was Created by US Intelligence as a Geopolitical Weapon.
Sticking it to Vets
We knew the Bush/41 administration hated vets. What government would cut funding for veterans in the middle of a war? Bush and Cheney, themselves notorious draft dodgers during the Vietnam War, led by Senator McCain, kept out of prison by a secret presidential pardon, used their wartime "moral authority" to label vets as "freeloaders."
America's Iraq Monsters: Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Petraeus and Their Toadies
This week, the Guardian released the feature film, James Steele, America's Mystery Man in Iraq.
Bush and Cheney Dishonored War Dead (November 2009 Story by Demand)
President Bush and Vice President Cheney claimed they had repeatedly visited Dover AFB to honor American war dead. Their claim that this was done quietly, with no cameras and no publicity is now proven to have been a total lie.
Iraq Peace Option- Classified and Damning
Most of you know I was the chief U.S Asset covering Iraq at the United Nations, who got arrested on the Patriot Act, locked up on Carswell Air Force Base and threatened with forcible drugging when the Bush cabal decided to blame Pre-War Intelligence for their catastrophic decision to go to War.
A Message to George W. Bush and Dick Cheney From a...
- I write this letter on behalf of those veterans whose trauma and self-revulsion for what they have witnessed, endured and done in Iraq
9/11 Interview with Gordon Duff, Sahar University (video)
Never before broadcast interview with Gordon Duff on the subject of 9/11. Interview date, 11/9/2012...
Robbing East Jerusalem
Governments adore lies. No parliament legislates laws forbidding governments to tell them. George W. Bush wasn't requested to resign for telling WMD lies; the same is true for Tony Blair. Israel Police was not shy of admitting in Court that lies and tricks are its main entrapment tools.
The White House Black Ops: CIA for CYA
The shoo-in confirmation of Deputy National Security Adviser for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism John Brennan as director of the CIA was supposed to be low-key nonevent, fading out into oblivion the very first nanosecond it was announced.
It Is Only $60 Billions – Nothing Honorable About It
If one is to look at facts on the ground in Iraq and Afghanistan one can see the biggest international failures and fraud in US history. Not only did the military failed big time but the “rebuilding” of Iraq and Afghanistan was a total disaster.
After Bush Era Decline, US Now World’s Top Oil Producer
America is now the top oil producer in the world, nearly a 45% increase today over the worst dip in production during the Bush market crash.
After Bush Era Decline, US Now World's Top Oil Producer
America is now the top oil producer in the world, nearly a 45% increase today over the worst dip in production during the Bush market crash.
Duping the Truthers
A careful and systematic investigation of the 9/11 Truth Movement by intelligence professionals has categorically found "footprints" of multiple police and intelligence agencies that now actively direct many if not most activities.
Lords of War and the Birth of a Multipolar World
American corporations have to beg for capital from the cash-rich Sovereign Wealth Funds in the Persian Gulf. By invading Iraq, President George W. Bush grossly undermined American credibility in the international arena and irrevocably weakened Washington’s diplomatic clout. Now what?
More Than 30 Top U.S. Officials Guilty of War Crimes
More than 30 top U.S. officials, including presidents G.W. Bush and Obama, are guilty of war crimes or crimes against peace and humanity “legally akin to those perpetrated by the former Nazi regime in Germany,” the distinguished American international law authority Francis Boyle charges.