Representation, Secession and Taxation
Now that the Super Congress drops any vestige of equal representation within the House or the Senate, many people ask what is next.
Federal Government Declares War on the Nation
The recent debt limit congressional circus must be a new Twilight Zone episode written by a computerized program straight out of central casting. Rod Serling must be turning in his grave. A twenty-first century rewrite of his exceptional Seven Days in May screenplay is certainly in order, this time with a different ending.
Monetary Revolution and Alternative Money
When libertarian and investment guru Harry Browne wrote, HOW I FOUND FREEDOM IN AN UNFREE WORLD, the prospects for a global monetary dictatorship was an imminent nightmare.
Slavery: The NWO Plan For Your Family
The enslavement of humanity is replete throughout history. The reason is simple. The nature of societies allows corrupt sociopaths and malicious methods of domination to rule
How Media Covers Bilderberg Meetings
As the government education experiment achieved undisputed success in destroying independent and coherent thought, the Bilderberg overlords felt confident that there would be little blowback to their totalitarian collectivism.
Political Toadies and a Broken Down System
All the Statesmen are dead. The worst of society rise to the top of the food chain. Habitual liars run for civic office and the most skilled prevaricator gain seniority.
NOVO ORDO SECLORUM – NeoCon Hell on Earth
The 20th Century was the most destructive era in history. Deaths from all the wars and the genocides estimated at 160 million may seem small if the planet descends into the approaching holocaust.