Private Prisons and the Enslavement Society
What more time-honored practice in the long history of state sponsored servitude than the institutionalization of prisoners? Incarceration for offenses against government laws is a cornerstone for power and survivability of any regime.
Keystone Pipeline Blockage
Prior to the environmental cohorts starting a run on shorting railroad stocks, opponents move to stop Keystone pipeline, altogether.
The Obama Exodus to the Promised Land
Barak Obama’s journey to the Holy Land hardly resembles the trek of Moses through the wilderness. Nonetheless, his flee from accountability does remind of that often professed transparency.
Ignoring Whistleblowers
A government whistleblower, disclosing classified secrets, risks criminal charges. Defining restricted material usually includes a broad scope of information that casts officials or agencies in a compromising embarrassment.
Refuse to Buy or Sell with the Federal Government
If only, there was an easy and uncomplicated method for boycotting any business with the federal government.
John O. Brennan: CIA Drone Director
Well, Barak Obama got his wish on the second try. With the confirmation of John Owen Brennan by the Senate, the CIA has a new director from their own ranks.
NYSERDA – Agenda 21 Sustainability in Action
With all the caustic New World Order climate change and land use plans, and in spite of public outrage stemming from the global warming fraud, the bureaucratic juggernaut rolls on.
Government Subsidizes and Bankrupt Companies
There are many forms of government subsidies. Ambitious politicians ingeniously design schemes to expand their power.
Cultural Relativism and Ethical Obscurity
If you wonder, why the world is so confused and incoherent, look no further then the concept that All Truth Is Local. "Cultural Relativism is the view that moral or ethical systems, which vary from culture to culture, are all equally valid and no one system is really "better" than any other.
Currency Wars – Race to the Bottom
The lack of stability in fiscal confidence certainly abounds, but the schemes to paper over the mountain of liability obligations, develop at even a more rapid pace.
Defense Cuts and the Global Empire
The fundamental distinction between a legitimate national defense and an aggressive global garrison imperium, escapes the political elites.
Bond Bubble Expectations
Bonds are loans that have the expectation of payback with interest. Government bonds are viewed as the safest financial instrument since the primary fiscal obligation of the state is to honor the terms of their own notes.
Drone Wrath for a Compliant Society
The military has transformed warfare into a deadly computer game with drone weapons. Media programs like Weaponology or Future Weapons on the Military Channel provide detailed examples of the lethalness of autonomous technology.
Low Interest Rates Impoverish Savers
The macro analysis of ivory tower academics seldom reflects the struggle of ordinary consumers or retirees.
The Gang of Eight Immigration Constituency
The illegal immigration invasion has been ongoing for decades. All efforts to shut the door on unrestricted entry are "all hat no cattle".
Chinese Takeover with Free Trade Zones
The performance designed to distract and confuse really has the destruction of Western economies as the climax.
A $14 Trillion Extortion for a Global Warming Scam
The latest megalomaniacal threat from the financial globalists wants to saddle the world economy with a cost of trillions of dollars that benefits favorite corporatists. The phony global warming cult has a core purpose.
The state-owned Bank of North Dakota
Fiscal conservatives often are blind when it comes to alternatives to the so called commercial banking system.
NeoCon Personal Attack on Chuck Hagel
The vocal smear coming out of the orchestrated Zionist media and corridors of orthodox foreign policy on Chuck Hagel, leaves bare the myth that the Israel-First proponents have the best interests of our country at heart.
The Economics of Sequestration
Senatorial magic escapes any semblance of facing up to the obvious.
Gun Confiscation – Last Refuge of the Tyrant
Few polarizing subjects are more hotly debated than gun control.
Statist Philosophy the Scourge of Christianity
The normal condition of man ruling over men resorts to the practice of coercive force. Statism so aptly reflects this system of compliance.
Swan Dive of 2013 Economy
Hold your breath, the race to the bottom is ready to escalate. The consequence of the corporate consumerism economy has reached the tipping point....
Democratic Socialists vs. America First Populists
How many times do you have to hear that going off the financial cliff is a failure of controlling spending as opposed to a lack of revenue? Systemic deficits exist because government is too big, not because taxpayers are not paying their fair share.
Popular Culture Promotes the Police State
he New World Order, designed around a functional police state that is encouraged by continuous popular cultural messages, is apparent to even the most avid establishment apologist. Liberty and freedom, hardly ever mentioned in a positive light by the mass media, is a direct threat to the ruling class.
Rogue Terrorism for a Greater Israel
Most peoples that resist the power politics of Zionism condemn aggressive actions of the outlaw Israeli state regularly. Yet most of the western democracies that are under the control of Talmud media and Khazar finance continue to defend the apartheid policies that are designed to purge any prospect of Palestinian, right to return, to the land of their forced removal.
Secession Movement Ready to Take Hold
All the buzz in the aftermath of the last election is that secession is in the air.
Political Socialization in the Absence of Reason
Culture is the fabric that binds society. Socialization or the lack thereof, is a cognitive operation of acceptance. What a person recognizes as valid is a process of giving consent to the underlying principles and norms that make up a value system.
Bludgeon Constitution Replaced By Fiat Edicts
The rule of law is an empty memory of the past. The powers that rule are globalists that control governments and use their media outlets to write the first version of history.
Voter Fraud Inevitable from Digital Elections
Technology changes, while human nature remains constant. Voter fraud is a repetitive part of the election experience.
The “Other” Debate, Candidates Chosen by the People
The reason why nothing changes to reverse the foreign policy of the imperial empire is that international globalists control the country.
Political Partisan Psychological Disorders
These broad based viewpoints have distinctions, sometimes subtle, often dramatic. The reason why partisan politics is a blood sport is that it is waged to achieve a false party line.
Media Coverage of Identity Politics
By any traditional standards of accomplishment, Barack Obama has failed miserably. This assessment is not based upon any particular ideology or partisan politics, just on straight pragmatic results.
The Demonic False Flag October Surprise Option
The world continues to spiral out of control, as the foreign policy of greed and hubris ratchets up for the next episode of destruction.
The Sovereign Man is the Real Prisoner
According to establishment officials, the concept of the Sovereign Man philosophy is a direct threat to the authority of the State.
How to Correct the Course of America
For every person, answering the question how to correct the course for America, there is a personal viewpoint that often varies upon circumstance. However, the underlying premise is that something is wrong that needs fixing.
Jackals of Jekyll Island – Federal Reserve Audit
The supreme illicit fraud of central banking embodied in the Federal Reserve, acts as a private piggybank for favored cartel thieves.
Rewarding Idiots with Democratic Totalitarianism
Now that the Democrat Party convention concluded their class warfare rally, those with saner minds are left with the task of identifying the magnitude of the sociopathic disease that infects the vast mindset of the worship government sect.
The Republican Convention and the Ron Paul Revolution
The 2012 Republican Party convention in Tampa, designed to sell a filtered image of a country club version of conservatism, begs the historic substance of a traditional embodiment of true timeless values.
The Romney and Netanyahu Brotherhood
The NeoCons are delighted with their new imperialist firebrand, Mitt Romney. Just look to all the familiar faces and names that surround the presumptive GOP nominee for dictator in chief.
Chicago Gangster – Obama the Tyrant
Chicago’s claim of infamy - their gangster culture - deeply embedded in their political style of ruthlessness is exemplified in Barack Obama.