Impact of IMF SDRs for Commercial Trade
The global corporatist economy works differently from business transactions at your neighborhood convenience store. Ostensibly, the International Monetary Fund was set up to allow the G20 nations to umpire the ground rules to play nice in macro trade.
Inevitability of Financial Bubbles
Financial instruments are inventions of gnomes from investment houses and exchanges. There is nothing intrinsic about profitability or guarantee that over time such transactions...
Another Secret Trade Agreement – TISA
The significance of the TPP -Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement and the TTIP - Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership Agreement has your head spinning already, now...
FATCA Reporting and Drug Money Laundering
FATCA targets tax non-compliance by U.S. taxpayers with foreign accounts. Get informed before its too late!
Individual Wealth in Perspective
A quaint comparison of what money can buy in today’s market has Bill Gates being able to afford every home in Boston.
The Wealth Divide Never Wider
The Robber Barons of the 19th and 20th century had nothing over the elites of today’s globalist transnational financial conglomerates.
Power in Military Black Budgets
The top five military contractors by sales are Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Northrop Grumann, General Dynamics and Raytheon. In addition to the Department of Defense...
Internet 2 Corporate Governance
With the FCC policy to allow a two-speed internet, the die is cast that corporate favoritism is the focus of government, as Internet 2...
The Japanese Debt Economy
What does the United States have in common with Japan’s economy? Demographics of an aging population have consequences for both countries. As Japan News reports, National debt hits record high.
Corporate Inversion Relocation
Leave it to the corporatist tax attorneys, re-incorporating a company overseas in order to reduce the tax burden on income earned abroad, by having a foreign company buy its current operations.
Technology and the Future of Jobs
Quite a stir occurred with the academic presentation, How Technology Is Destroying Jobs, by Brynjolfsson, a professor at the MIT Sloan School of Management, and his collaborator and coauthor Andrew McAfee.
Repeal of Glass-Steagall and the Too Big To Fail Culture
During the 1990’s the conventional economic wisdom supported the repeal of Glass-Steagall. However, “10 years later, the end of Glass-Steagall has been blamed by some for many of the problems that led to last fall’s (2008) financial crisis.
High-Frequency Insider Trading
No one has ever claimed that the financial markets are a level playing field. Equities, bonds, currencies, options and futures are not arenas that...
Corporate Profits and Tax Loopholes
Americans for tax fairness for 2013 report on 10 Companies and Their Tax Loopholes!
Underground Commerce is the Real Economy
As the deadline for filing yearly income taxes is rapidly approaching, businesses especially hard pressed to make a profit in a depressed economy struggle with their tax compliance.
IMF and EU Capture of Ukraine
It should be obvious that the recent putsch and regime change in the Ukraine inspired and backed by the U.S. shadow government, benefits the international banksters.
Transnational Opposition to Russian Sanctions
The vast gulf between corporate economic interests and political gamesmanship is vividly made clear with the calls for sanctions against Russia. Now that the...
Does a 100 Trillion Debt Total Matter?
Debt is everywhere but it just does not seem to matter. Thanks to the folks at Zero Hedge, you get the account Global Debt...
Missing Military-Industrial-Complex Money
When Major General Smedley Butler made his case, ”War is a Racket” he did not pull any punches. “The normal profits of a business...
Obamacare as a Jobs Killer
Economic illiteracy is a hallmark of most political policies.
No Bid Government Contracts
Bipartisan acquiescence to this fascist model for pillaging the national treasury is an incontrovertible fact of this continuation of abuses.
The Selling of Energy Independence
Any analysis of domestic fossil fuel production and use must acknowledge that independence for U.S. energy has not been the national goal. Contrary to...
China Becomes Largest Trading Nation
The globalists put their plan into motion decades ago. The proper meaning of the headline is not that China is an economic miracle, but...
Sex, Drugs and Derivatives
Derivatives can be confusing, My good friend Gustavo Laframboise-Pierre and I will achieve the hitherto impossible feat of making you an expert on derivatives while simultaneously making you laugh
Twenty Years of NAFTA Sucking Sound
With the rush to the bottom, the commemoration of the NAFTA 20th anniversary is a most hollow celebration.
The World According to Monsanto
Corporate monopolies are not new, but ownership of patented grain seeds connotes that the control of the food supply is in the grasp of a private company.
The Business of the Christmas Season
Commercialism, long criticized, as a distortion of the true celebration of Christmas, has become a crucial profit component for the corporate economy. Very little...
When Saving Interest Rates Go Negative
What is more frightening, then the loss of your money. Since most people have, some meager amount held in some form of a financial...
Transfers excluded, JP Morgan Chase is Wired
Both domestic and international wires are no longer available to be sent from a business savings account.
IMF Proposal to Tax Bank Deposits
The IMF has set off shockwaves this week in Washington by suggesting countries fight budget deficits by raising taxes.
Obama Zombies are Alinsky Fanatics
- Tavis Smiley states: "Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama."
Rehypothecation of Collateral
What is Rehypothecation of Collateral? Find out through this article.
Renminbi Soon to Be a Reserve Currency
The doom and gloom predictions that the dollar is finished gets a rebuttal argument.
Conservative Civil Liberties
- "It is better to cherish virtue and humanity, leaving much to free will...than to make men machines and instruments of political benevolence" - Edmund Burke
House Republicans Defund Obamacare Showdown
- A good old-fashioned brash knucklers fight gets everyone juiced up.
Obama's Tipping Point and Implosion
- With a failed Presidency, Barak Obama is on the verge of becoming a perpetual buffoon in a skit on Saturday Night Live.
Financial Meltdown Five Years After
So appropriate that the architect of banking deregulation, Larry Summers pleads that he is not the right person to head up the Federal Reserve....
Forecasts of a Doomed Economy
Contrary investing used to be a profitable endeavor. Things have changed. The doom business is in full swing as many financial prognosticators seek to...
Descartes and Western Civilization Individualism
- The philosophical condemnation of the supremacy in individual liberty ...is a primary cause for the destruction of Western Civilization principles.
Syria: Another Zionist War for Suckers
Just like a broken clock, it tells correct time twice a day. Barack Hussein Obama’s promise to have Congress vote upon his Syria’s strike force plans is a first since the historic constitutional betrayal in the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution.