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Jewish Mother of Slain Son Reveals a Reason For Religious Violence

Ms. Fraenkel said that the shedding of innocent blood is against the Torah and Judaism. She is wrong.

The New Jewish Prophet

It is the Israeli rather than the Jew in Shlomo Sand, Gideon Levy, Israel Shamir and Israel Shahak that made them into outspoken critics of Israel, the Jewish people, Judaism and Jewish ID.

Kosher Slavery

Gentile slaves of Jews were to be slaves to the Jews "for ever."

Israel Has No Right to Exist

Israel is doomed, the state has no right to exist and it's identity politics are all based on false assumption, hyperbole, a false history of persecution.

All Authority Flows from Barrel of Gun

No one has any authority over another, this idea can be easily demonstrated by looking to the person next to you, do you have...

Billy Graham – Possessed by the Memes

Billy Graham is considered to be a holy man, a man of God, is probably the best known Evangelist in the world today. He was an adviser to ten presidents, he has written 27 books, and is considered to be "world's most influential Christian leader".

Pat Robertson Warns US Not to Pressure Israel Or Else!

Millionaire televangelist son-of-a-senator Pat Robertson has given warning to America and Americans not to pressure the Jewish state of Israel in peace talks to end its illegal occupation of Palestinian East Jerusalem.

Netanyahu Upset That the Goyim Aren't Getting It!

Netanyahu's temper tantrum must have been caused by the Europeans not rolling over for him like the American politicians regularly do.

Netanyahu Upset That the Goyim Aren’t Getting It!

Netanyahu's temper tantrum must have been caused by the Europeans not rolling over for him like the American politicians regularly do.

Amalek Hits Israel

What is the worst insult a religious Jew may use?* What is the most violent act permitted to a religious Jew? Is rabbinical Judaism related to the Biblical one?

Zionist Christian Pat Robertson Wins Churchill Award

Zionist Christian, televangelist and faith healer Marion "Pat" Robertson has won the first ever Winston Churchill Life Time Achievement Award from fellow Zionist Christian Ralph Reed's Faith and Freedom Coalition last Friday.

Back to the Future: Israel Accelerates Heritage Program

Those working in a date-orchard own a well kept secret. The best dates hide at the very top of the tree, where they are mercilessly scorched by the sun. They can't be sold because they are extremely wrinkled; yet, they are the sweetest. While arduously cutting the commercial fruit branches, the better ones are enjoyed by the sweating workers.

War Criminals From WW II Probably Living in Israel

A recent Associated Press article reveals that about 500,000 Jews were part of the Communist Soviet Union's Red Army and that about 7,000 of them are now living in Israel.

Pillar of Biblical Cloud

Seemingly, the current Israel murderous assault against civilians is consistent with the Zionist secular interpretation of the Old Testament. " …then you must destroy them totally. Make no treaty with them and show them no mercy.” (Deuteronomy 7:1-2).

Israel’s PM Netanyahu Pushes For War With Iran

Judaism, which Israel is founded upon as a Jewish state, is a very warlike aggressive religion. Just objectively look at the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament for an abundant amount of evidence to prove this.

Judaism: A Threat to Humanity

Judaism, like all of the “revealed”/hearsay man-made religions, breaks the people of the world down to “us versus them.”

Billy Graham: Vote to Support Israel

World famous Christian evangelist Billy Graham is encouraging voters to vote for a candidate who supports Israel. In a public statement Graham said.

Taliban Attack on Malala Proves “Belief in a Cruel God Makes...

The cowardly and brutal attack last week on the 14-year-old girl Malala Yousafzai by the Islamic terrorist group the Taliban shows the truth to this statement by the American founder and Deist Thomas Paine, "Belief in a cruel god makes a cruel man."

Israel’s Netanyahu Pushes For War With Iran

Yesterday, September 27, 2012, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gave an impassioned speech that was full of half-truths and lies to the United Nations.

Barack Obama Lied About Religions

n Barack Obama's weekly address he spread lies about religions. He said, “But there is never any justification for violence. There is no religion that condones the targeting of innocent men and women.” This is a lie.

The Ultimate Battle – Jerusalem Against Athens

A battle is being waged for the minds of humanity. The two opposing sides are Jerusalem and Athens. Jerusalem represents alleged revelations and actual superstition.

Why Does Israel Hate Gentiles?

Gentiles in general and Gentile children in particular are targets of Judaism. For example Psalm 137:9 reads, Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones.

Is There a Plan to Reduce US Nuclear Weapons While Israel...

It's a known fact that Israel has a stockpile of nuclear weapons and is actually mass producing them.

We Don’t Need No More Religion: We Need A Greater Awakening

"I said, you are gods: you are all children of the Most High God."-Psalm 82:6

The Stages of the Soul and How Religiosity-Fundamentalism is Holding up...

"I said, you are gods: you are all children of the Most High God."-Psalm 82:6...The first mention of Israel in the Bible is in Genesis 32, when Jacob wrestled, struggled and then clung to the Divine being and was then renamed Israel.

U.S. Politicians’ Resolution For Israel May Actually Upset Israel!

One of the ways for a U.S. politician to kill their political career is to upset Israel and the very powerful Israel lobby.

Some Major Holes in the Current Case For War With Iran

Casually listening to the established media (for an insightful articleabout the media's handling of the push for a war with Iran read this article) it...

Hanukkah: A Celebration of Superstition Over Widsom

Tonight is the start of the Jewish celebration of Hanukkah. Hanukkah is a celebration, we are told, of the Jews rebelling against an evil Syrian king.

Billy Graham Reveals the Source of Bible Authority

In the November 13, 1995 issue of Christianity Today, page 31, we read, "Questions about the authority of Scripture had been troubling the young preacher (Billy Graham) for weeks.

An Israeli Rabbinical Court Finds a Woman Guilty of Witchcraft

It's always best to go directly to the root of a problem. The root of the problems of Christianity and Islam is Judaism. Both Christianity and Islam sprang out of Judaism.

Know the Truth, and the Truth Shall Set You Free

And God must have loved this magnificent church the minister headed--the choir alone in this ornate house of God was larger by a factor of three than the entire membership of the little church I'd grown accustomed to, and the choir pit was twice as large as the room where we held Sunday school.

A Lifelong Pastor Sees Where He Was Wrong

There is a book, available at Amazon.com, written by Glenn L. Hill, a Pastor for most of his active life; this is a book dripping with sincerity, that is truly a vital read in America today.

Family Affair

VT includes many posts regarding Israeli/Arab/Palestinian conflict. The venom expressed in some of the posts struck me as worth time and effort devoted to research on what motivates people – to take a position on Middle Eastern warfare. Of course this topic could and does fill libraries.

DR. ASHRAF EZZAT: Muslims Dare Not Put the Bible on Trial

Muslims will dare not burn the bible back in return. But they’d rather die than witness the sanctity of their Koran violated. Muslims dare not judge the bible for it is equally sacred to them as the Koran is.

The Palestinians are descendants of the ancient Israelites

The Jews now living in Israel and other places in the world are not at all descendants of the ancient people who inhabited the so called Kingdom of Judea. the Jewish people's exile from its land never happened.

The American Selective Sensitivity to the Mosque and to Israel

But then why did not the same sincere and patriotic Americans accuse a long line of politicians and presidents of the united states of being Zionists and cover up accomplices to a 60 year of committing war crimes and genocide against Palestinians? Where have the American sensitivity and wisdom been all those years? Or could the American sensitivity be the selective type?

Israel and the authoritarian side of the Bible

The point that the God of the Bible was trying to make of the story of the Binding of Isaac, was totally outdated and...

Surrounded by imaginary enemies

THE brutal raid on the freedom flotilla carrying humanitarian supplies that was trying to break the blockade of Gaza was bound to provoke outrage—and...

We are tired of paying the price.

documented in records for anyone examine. Bloodletting after Bloodletting … two books and barrels of oil, now that is one hell of an environmental disaster. #2 is to take a stand against the corporate rulers stop buying their shit ….tell your wife’s, husbands, children,

Bible Belt Bravado: The Beat Goes On

Tennessee has thrown caution, and reason, to the wind, deciding to use taxpayer dollars to indoctrinate children in public schools in the ways of Jesus Christ. The quaint notion of separating Church and State be damned. A curse on the prohibition of governments establishing religion. Who needs the First Amendment when we have the Lord?