Tag: Allen L Roland
A Spiritual Conspiracy Is Alive And Growing
We are slowly creating a New World Order where our minds are driven by our hearts, social cooperation and altruism, and not by the ego's need to dominate and control.
Interstellar Connection is Love
This interstellar connection is not that farfetched if we consider that the speed of light is not the one constant of the universe and may well be a condition of state within a greater constant, a Unified Field of love and soul consciousness that exists beyond time and space as well as beneath our deepest fears.
The 7th Stage of Relationship is Singing Your Own Song
The path to the soul is always through doors of fear and most of those fears appear in relationship. You don’t realize those fears are illusions until you stop denying love and go through them. Only then can you truly claim the greatest gift ~ yourself.
Three Brilliant Minds – One Spiritual Solution
Where else could we bring together three great minds, two on them deceased, and show how their thinking, many years ago, could well be leading to a grand Unified Field or, as Hawking once said, there has to be something simple and profound about a grand unified field ~ and what could be more simple, yet profound than love.
Only Love Truly Heals
You don't need to see a therapist to understand this phenomenon, you don't need to attend a workshop to see this magic in action ~ all you need to do is see and understand your life as a quest, versus a struggle, to realize that not only are we all loved but that we are all part of a loving plan in action and gratefulness is the key to this magic kingdom ~ God only reveals itself to a grateful heart.
2013 – The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
So there you have it, the Good, the Bad and the Ugly as the tide of change erases 2013 but voices are being raised, and true leaders of the people are emerging as America faces a mid-term election in 2014 as well as another opportunity to return to our true moral values, and very possibly change history.
Finding the Christ in Christmas
Thus, finding the Christ in Christmas means finding the Christ within ourselves and letting that light shine forth to all others throughout the year.
The World's Longest Festering Truth – Israel is an Illegal Garrison...
Now there are over 650,000 illegal Israel settlers living in Palestinian territory but the world continues to turn a blind eye to Israel's blatant disregard for Human rights ~ where 35 laws privilege Jews over Palestinians and apartheid continues to rule.
The World’s Longest Festering Truth – Israel is an Illegal Garrison...
Now there are over 650,000 illegal Israel settlers living in Palestinian territory but the world continues to turn a blind eye to Israel's blatant disregard for Human rights ~ where 35 laws privilege Jews over Palestinians and apartheid continues to rule.
Proles Unite – Protective Stupidity is Orwell's Crimestop
Now we all have to watch President Obama go on the offensive selling his OBAMACARE sellout to the Health Care Insurance Industry...
Proles Unite – Protective Stupidity is Orwell’s Crimestop
Now we all have to watch President Obama go on the offensive selling his OBAMACARE sellout to the Health Care Insurance Industry...
The World’s Last Hero – Nelson Mandela
Nobel Laureate Nelson Mandela, the courageous Black Pimpernel, has conquered fear and in the process has become a beacon of light to a world that is still blindly groping for its moral bearings.
The World's Last Hero – Nelson Mandela
Nobel Laureate Nelson Mandela, the courageous Black Pimpernel, has conquered fear and in the process has become a beacon of light to a world that is still blindly groping for its moral bearings.
Ticking Mass Extinction Time Bomb Is Not Fukushima – It's Methane
Experts say methane emissions from the Arctic have risen by almost one-third in just five years, and that sharply rising temperatures are to blame...
Ticking Mass Extinction Time Bomb Is Not Fukushima – It’s Methane
Experts say methane emissions from the Arctic have risen by almost one-third in just five years, and that sharply rising temperatures are to blame...
Seeing my Life as a Quest Versus a Struggle
But there is one particular memory which became the foundation of my lifelong quest to share a great truth and make a profound difference on the planet .
Fukushima Is Here To Stay
Fukushima is a wake up call to the planet to either cooperate with one another, which is the driving force of evolution, or eventually perish.
PTSD is Really Post Traumatic Heart Disorder ~ Only Love Heals
PTSD is a form of Post Traumatic Heart Disorder and many people suffer the same symptoms when they have been rejected, abandoned or hurt in a love relationship.
Search For love Eventually Leads To Our True Self
Love is the transmutation agent by which we eventually break free from the suffocating cocoon of ego consciousness and emerge into the freedom and delight of soul consciousness ~ and relationship is the vehicle we ride to that self-fulfilling destination
Search for God Eventually Leads to Love
The external search for God is the ego's yearning for spiritual validity but doomed to failure ~ for God is only revealed from within by surrendering to love.
VA Low Balling Vets Daily Suicide Rate
Supposedly every day in the United States at least 22 veterans commit suicide but this stark figure is obviously a low ball number because three of the largest states did not make data available to the VA for this report.
Oakland A’s are Team to Beat in Baseball Playoffs
In late 2012, I moved to the East Bay and within 9 months this life time Giant fan became an avid Oakland A's fan. This rambunctious group of baseball players have captured not only my heart but the true spirit and fun of baseball .
Oakland A's are Team to Beat in Baseball Playoffs
In late 2012, I moved to the East Bay and within 9 months this life time Giant fan became an avid Oakland A's fan. This rambunctious group of baseball players have captured not only my heart but the true spirit and fun of baseball .
Obama Hypocrisy Busted by Hedges, Masri and Roland
We can only be exceptional as a country if we truly live according to the values of our constitution, all our constitution, inclusive of the amendments, of course, and recognize that exceptionalism can only be obtained through morality, through legality, through legitimacy, and not through hypocrisy and not through violence.
All Gov’t lies Stem From The Mother of all Lies ~...
President Obama will desperately play that rusty 9/11 card in a nationally televised speech next Tuesday, September 10th in a vain attempt to once again fan the flames of fear in order to maintain the 9/11 bamboozle, the status quo as well as America's image as the world's most deeply mistrusted and trigger happy policeman.
All Gov't lies Stem From The Mother of all Lies ~...
President Obama will desperately play that rusty 9/11 card in a nationally televised speech next Tuesday, September 10th in a vain attempt to once again fan the flames of fear in order to maintain the 9/11 bamboozle, the status quo as well as America's image as the world's most deeply mistrusted and trigger happy policeman.
In The Gathering Darkness, a Light goes out – Seamus Heaney...
The important point here is that Nobel Laureate Seamus Heaney not only saw through different eyes but he also had the courage to dig for and share what he discovered through his poetic heart.
Eulogy For My Beloved Twin
Bobby is now in a state of soul consciousness and gloriously happy for I felt his joyful presence the morning he passed and actually saw his childlike playful presence, at a much younger age, much like I felt and saw our mother's youthful loving presence when she suddenly passed away in 1987 ~ when she lovingly appeared in my bedroom 3000 miles away joyfully exclaiming to me ~ Allen, I know, Allen, I Know
Requiem For Children of Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan
It was a strange summer day, that humid 6th day of August in 1945, while I was sitting by myself just across the street from my home in Nahant, Massachusetts.
Fukushima Deadly Update – Silence Remains Supreme
The Fukushima Genie that was released over two years ago is still spouting and leaking forth deadly radiation while silence remains supreme among the worldwide media.
The Battle of Britain Anniversary
But the RAF Spitfire, powered by a Rolls-Royce Merlin II inline piston engine of 1175 horsepower, enjoyed a faster rate-of-climb and more agility over its adversary of that time - the Messerschmitt Bf 109E
Too Low and Too Slow – SF Commercial Plane Crash
You can well imagine the panic of the flight crew when the application of full power had no effect on altitude ~ for they had apparently passed the bottom of the thrust, power and drag curve and they stalled before crashing.
Mark Twain – America's Spirit of Independence Day
Mark Twain's fierce independence and homespun humor personified the true American spirit before it was eventually diminished by greed, lies, unjust wars and apathy.
Mark Twain – America’s Spirit of Independence Day
Mark Twain's fierce independence and homespun humor personified the true American spirit before it was eventually diminished by greed, lies, unjust wars and apathy.
Bill Hicks – Outlaw Comic and Patriot
You'll be shocked at how clearly Bill Hicks saw the whole political game and how it was played ~ and that was over 20 years ago. With a few minor updates for today, he'd still be ahead of the cutting edge.
Fade To Black – James Gandolfini 1961 – 2013
So once again, watch the final scene of The Sopranos and admire the end of a finely crafted David Chase masterpiece as well as a brilliant actor prophetically suddenly fade to black at the peak of his career.
PRISM – NSA’s Privatized Retrieval and Information Spectrum Manipulation
To fully understand PRISM, you must first think global for we are talking here about a growing global security state which will be an integral part of the fast approaching New World Order.
PRISM – NSA's Privatized Retrieval and Information Spectrum Manipulation
To fully understand PRISM, you must first think global for we are talking here about a growing global security state which will be an integral part of the fast approaching New World Order.
It's 2013 but still 1984 – We're Not Free and Resistance...
George Orwell's 1984 revealed that the key to social control is a never ending war, such as the War on Terror; for it keeps the masses fearful, silenced and obedient as their freedom and civil liberties gradually vanish. We're not free and resistance is victory.
It’s 2013 but still 1984 – We’re Not Free and Resistance...
George Orwell's 1984 revealed that the key to social control is a never ending war, such as the War on Terror; for it keeps the masses fearful, silenced and obedient as their freedom and civil liberties gradually vanish. We're not free and resistance is victory.
Prophet For A Dying Empire – Chalmers Johnson
Chalmers Johnson was a truth teller and prophet in a political environment where few would stand up to the interests and secrecy of the Pentagon and the intelligence community...
War Is Hell And Don't Forget It
War is big business ~ and it operates in the service of big business regardless of the lives that are sacrificed.