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Tag: al-Nusra

Obama Throws Gasoline on Mideast Fire

Motorists know that if a fire breaks out at a petrol station, you cannot put it out by spraying it with gasoline.

Rabbi Schneerson, Terrorism, and Talmudic Metaphysics

"a non-Jew should be punished by death if he kills an embryo, even if the embryo is non-Jewish, while the Jew should not be, even if the embryo is Jewish."

NEO – The West’s War on Middle East Christians

- Ulson Gunnar rips Time Magazine's lungs out for their hit piece on Syrian Christians...that by supporting Assad they brought doom on themselves.

‘Al-Qaeda, asset of Zionism in destabilizing Mideast’

"George are you a former US diplomat? You sound more like you are a former Israeli diplomat! "

Takfiri terrorists strangulate Syrian girl in public

- Western supported religious terrorism replaces Valentines Day for this brave young girl

Growth of International Terrorist Threat from Syria

- New Eastern Outlook - The 100,000 dead in Syria will all agree they did not enjoy their brief flirtation with Western demoracy

Al Qaeda Surges Ahead in Syria

While the major powers behind the proxy civil war in Syria go through the motions of working out a diplomatic solution, rebel forces have begun fighting each other, rather than the Assad regime.

West Has Unleashed Devil's Spawn Upon Us All

- I am not sure that burning prisoners alive was part of the Western training course for Syrian rebels

West Has Unleashed Devil’s Spawn Upon Us All

- I am not sure that burning prisoners alive was part of the Western training course for Syrian rebels

West Becomes Al Qaeda – Was it Always?

- We lost the fight, because we were not fishermen, as we thought, but bait dangling from a hook - Arthur Koestler

Al-Qaeda pigs out on US taxpayer ice cream

US military contracts for al-Qaeda - including provisions of ice cream - raise questions about the so-called "war on terror.":

Jim Dean Debates Choudary – Radical Salafist Cleric

- They have been blowing up and slaughtering innocent civilians without any bad publicity by people like Mr. Choudary

Western War of Terror Comes Out of the Closet

- The world public is going to have to get proactive on this growing state sponsored terrorism threat. The UN has shown itself totally useless

Breaking -Turks Catch al-Nusra with Two Kilos of Sarin gas

- Who was going to be set up for this false flag chemical attack?

Israel, Al-Qaeda Ties Out in The Open

Al-Qaeda and Israel have joined forces in Syria. Is that just a coincidence? Or have they always been on the same side?

Aborting the “Arab Spring”

One thing for sure, the “secularist/nationalists” and the “salafi/islamist” in Egypt and in Tunisia all conspired willingly or unwillingly to abort the “Arab Spring” or what is left of it. Both are unfit to lead let alone govern.

Aborting the "Arab Spring"

One thing for sure, the “secularist/nationalists” and the “salafi/islamist” in Egypt and in Tunisia all conspired willingly or unwillingly to abort the “Arab Spring” or what is left of it. Both are unfit to lead let alone govern.

"Al-CIA-duh" in Clash of Civilizations

The correct translation of "al-Qaeda" is "The CIA Database."

“Al-CIA-duh” in Clash of Civilizations

The correct translation of "al-Qaeda" is "The CIA Database."

Israel, US Arm Al-Qaeda to Break Syria Into Pieces

Why is the US government arming and training al-Qaeda?