Tag: Aid Flotilla
The urgency of this moment
An American college student gets her eye shot out by the Israeli Army in the West Bank. Israel kills nine, including one American in the...
Israel Deliberately Murdered Civilians Aboard Freedom Flotilla
The assault on the Freedom Flotilla was not a mistake or a "completely mishandled" situation (NYT). Nor was it "folly" or "bad mistakes." (Ameircan...
Video: Israelis Cheer the Massacre at Turkish Embassy in Tel Aviv
Update: Israel deports human rights activists, Batch of Freedom Flotilla passengers reach Jordan as Israel drops plan to prosecute activists.
This comes via Steve Clemons...
Updated-Israel Sails Into Insanity
Update: Coverage of Israeli state terrorism:
- Gaza Inquiry Pushed
- Gaza Flotilla Attack: Guns and Blood
- Gaza aid flotilla: Israeli sabotage suspected
- Irish aid boat,...
Financial Times Says Massacre Damages Israel’s Legitimacy; White House: U.N. Position...
Update: Israel deports human rights activists, Batch of Freedom Flotilla passengers reach Jordan as Israel drops plan to prosecute activists.
A political meme—a set of...
World Condemns Israel’s Massacre; U.S. Reaction Muted; Activists Send New Ship...
News is activists are sending a new ship to challenge the Gaza blockade by Israel as the U.N. Security Council calls for a probe amid global...
Gaza Freedom flotilla carried world-renowned names and veteran activists
- Gaza Freedom flotilla carried world-renowned names and veteran activists -
Inclusion of human beings on relief missions is not necessarily a deterrent to state murder....
Glenn Greenwald on “Heinous and Repugnant Crime” of Israel
As we remember the fallen today, one thing is clear: Our troops and Marines did not die for the vicious, hateful state of Israel.
Updated – Israel Kills Nine Human Rights Activists on Route to...
- Massacre at Sea - ABC News Report: White House 'Working to Understand' Israeli Attack; scheduled meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu cancelled.