Tag: 9/11 commission
9/11-Warren Commission on Race in America?!
The most utterly clueless two sentences ever published in the New York Times?
9/11 debate challenges: Truth wins by default
Refusal to debate = concession of defeat.
Henry Kissinger Implicated in 9/11 Attacks!
Henry Kissinger - the cover-up expert and war criminal originally selected to head the phony 9/11 Commission "investigation" - implicated himself in the attacks before the World Trade Center dust had settled.
To Congress and AIPAC Regarding The Trees and The Children
On Tuesday AIPAC "applauded" The House's passage of the U.S.-Israel Enhanced Security Cooperation Act of 2012—which the Senate approved on 29 June 2012.
When Did the Soviet Socialist Republic of America Begin?
A careful study of world terrorism shows it to be part of a destabilization plan aimed to destroy several Muslim nations, destabilize the world monetary system, take over American politics
Orwell Was Correct – Ignorance Is Strength
Maybe you need to take another hard look at the official 9/11 conspiracy story to fortify your ignorance ~ before you finally succumb to the rapidly emerging and unsettling truth that you have been bamboozled ~ as Orwell predicted.
9/11 Is History Now
“Believe it or not 9/11 belongs to history now and this fact is in itself even scarier than what we know happened on that awful day, or what we did not know for that matter.”
9/11 Film The Government Does Not Want You To See
Americans are no longer satisfied with the discredited 9/11 Commission’s airbrushed official version of events, where both Cheney and Bush were never questioned under oath, and are now seemingly ready to face the brutal truth of that day as well as the true criminal perpetrators and enablers of 9/11.
Falling Man Of 9/11 Cries Out For Truth And Justice
Every abuse of power by the Cheney/Bush administration can be traced to the 9/11 false flag operation and cover up and we, as a nation, will not be free until we fully investigate, uncover the evidence and prosecute the perpetuators of America's greatest bamboozle ~ no matter how difficult it may be to acknowledge this evil deed.
The FBI “Kamikaze Pilots” Case
In a public statement issued on Monday, January 31, members of the 9/11 Family Steering Committee demanded a prompt response from the former Chairman and the...
Why the Fuss? Bizarre Call to Arms Against UN Rapporteur Richard...
“What seems most disturbing about the 9/11 controversy is the widespread aversion by government and media to the evidence that suggests, at the very...
Richard Falk Reponds to The Lobby’s Vilification
By Richard Falk in Foreign Policy Journal
Because my blog prompted by the Arizona shootings has attracted many comments pro and con, and more recently...
Updated: Richard Falk Is Right on 9/11—Will Obama and Friends Forsake...
Richard Falk, UN Special Rapporteur on human rights in Occupied Palestine, is under fire for writing what is obviously true about the U.S. government and...
The Exceptionally Redacted 9/11 Commission Interview
Newly Released 9/11 Commission Files at Cryptome.Org
Last week John Young’s information site Cryptome.Org began publishing documents related to the interviews conducted by the 9/11...
Gov. Jesse Ventura Proves 9/11 Cover-Up: Will America’s Government Fall?
TV host, Jesse Ventura, former Navy Seal, former Governor of Minnesota, on a one hour documentary on prime-time American television, makes an open and shut criminal case tying Cheney, Rumsfeld and officials throughout the US government with complicity in the planning, execution and subsequent cover-up of the 9/11 attack on the Pentagon.
Thank You Australia For Supporting 9/11 Truth
By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor
"76.7% of Australians cite 9/11 government conspiracy in poll. How can a government get...
Do Majority of Americans Blame Bush for 9/11?
By Gordon Duff , Senior Editor
I learned about 9/11 from the news. Before the second plane had crashed, people in the crowd...