Demagogue – Word of the day from


Obama as Roman.This is what I recieved in my email today. It is a routine email I get daily.

"Demagogue  (noun)

Pronunciation:  [‘dem-uh-gog]

Definition: Leader of commoners, most often in a bad sense.

Usage: If you’re a demagogue, even you should be afraid of you! Your wit and appeal have gained you the attention of many, but at what cost? Can you deliver on your promises? Aren’t you just stringing people along with your winning smile and your attractive, but ultimately devious plans? We’ll be honest, if you’re looking for the answer to that question on YourDictionary, you’re probably out of luck. Try relaxing for a change, you.

     Suggested Usage: Although today’s definition deviates slightly from the original meaning of the term, the idea of a demagogue as being a dynamic leader of the people has not changed. A demagogue is not just a leader, but a great orator, one who can convince and persuade. While the classical demagogue fought for the rights of common people, the modern demagogue is more interested in gaining support and power.

Etymology: The Greek dēmagōgos means "to lead the people," derived from demos (people) and agōgos, to lead or guide. In the original Greek, the word δημαγωγός (demagogos) meant either popular leader or mob leader, one who persuades."

Who does this remind you of?  Is power simply being exercised for its own sake?

CWO3 Tom Barnes, USCG (Ret.)


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