Last Battle to Remember World War I in DC NOW

Frank Buckles
Soldiers in WW1

by Denise Nichols


Today has been a sad day but the battle is not over!  If the VSO’s would express themselves in unison and if the veterans and civilians continue the battle for a few more days maybe the Representative of WW1 will lay in honor in the Capitol Rotunda.

Remember this was the first group of soldiers that faced gas warfare and then would be fired upon during the Bonus March in DC!  Burial is set for Tuesday so we have the last battle being raged to continue thru the weekend.  It could still happen if we rage this battle for the Rotunda honors until Monday AM.

It is unfanthomable that Speaker of the House and Senate Majority Leader are refusing without reason.  As time goes on more have joined the battle a grandson of Winston Churchill, congressman that are veterans, and Former Senator Dole!

So keep the battle going with your phone calls, emails, and faxes to Senate Majority Leader, Speaker of the House, and all elected Representatives and Senators and especially Veterans that are Senators and Representatives.  Also shout out to leadership of VFW and to Vietnam Veterans of America to add their statement of support.

This is the Last Battle for WW1.  How Dare this happen, everyone knew that he was going to die and all of this should have been planned in advance!

Please all Veterans and Citizens make tomorrow and Monday the call in days of all call ins.  Do the Emails and Faxing and keep those humming thru the weekend.  Remember WW2, Korea, and Vietnam you will be next to be denied the last honors of a Grateful Nation if you let this stand!

Thompson urges Boehner to honor World War I Veteran

Frank Buckles

North Coast Congressman Mike Thompson, D-St. Helena, went to bat for a fellow veteran Wednesday.

Thompson, co-chair of the Military Veterans Caucus and a veteran of the Vietnam War, sent a bipartisan letter Wednesday urging House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, to allow the last surviving American veteran of World War I to lie in honor in the Rotunda of the U.S. Capitol.

Frank Buckles, believed to be the last of 4.7 million Americans who served in World War I, died Feb. 27 at the age of 110. His family is pushing to have him lie in the Rotunda in a public viewing — an honor historically limited to elected officials and distinguished military officers that has occurred only 30 times since 1852.

In a statement to the Associated Press, Buckles’ daughter, Susannah Buckles Flanagan, said she is not pursuing the matter as a personal honor for her late father but as a way to honor all World War I veterans. Her father wanted it that way, she said.

”He looked upon this as his final duty, which he took seriously,” she said. “If the last American soldier surviving is not suitable to serve as a symbol around which we can rally to honor those who served their country in the Great War, then who can serve that purpose?”

Thompson agrees.

”It’s important to let Mr. Buckles lie in honor not only because of who he was, but what he represents,” he said in a press release. “Mr. Buckles was a living link between America’s past and present — an important reminder of the service and sacrifice of nearly 5 million American World War I veterans. Allowing Mr. Buckles to lie in honor would be a fitting tribute to an entire generation of American war heroes and their families.”

Boehner and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., have discretion over who receives the honor of lying in the Rotunda and have so far denied requests to do so for Buckles, without explanation. Instead, they suggest a ceremony be held at Arlington National Cemetery — itself a high honor.

In the letter sent Wednesday, which was also signed by Rep. Gus Bilirakis, R-Fla., and Rep. Collin Peterson, D-Minn., Thompson urges Boehner to reconsider his decision.

”This is our last chance to properly thank all these brave Americans and their families for their sacrifices, by allowing Frank Buckles, the last living American doughboy, to lie in each of their honor in the Capitol Rotunda,” Thompson wrote in the letter.

President Barack Obama has already ordered that government building flags fly at half-staff on the day Buckles is buried.


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