10 Things I think! Get Ready for Pres. Barack Obama!


A New Day is Coming!  Can the Future of America be brightened by a social and political revolution?

Forces of Change vs. Forces of Failure

by John P. Allen, General Manager of VeteransToday.com

Ladies and Gentlemen, our country has just witnessed what is, in my personal view, a political huricane that will be felt all the way to the heart of Americans and will shake the beltway in ways that will ultimately make America stronger. 

But first, we are in store for a major internal revolution that will depose the current political thought and will sink the Neo-Con ideology into the history books as a massive failure.  Agree?  Disagree?

Consider these 10 things:

  • Almost two-thirds, 65 percent, say the country is headed in the wrong direction.  It’s about time the masses woke up to what has now proved to be the failed political doctrine.  To me, this performance is the very worst loss of power and clout in the history of the USA.  In my view, the Bush doctrine will go down into our history as colossal failures who’s ideology produced a net loss for America and it’s people.
  • Over 50% polled say NEW ORLEANS should be moved to higher ground and rebuilt.   That makes “cents”.  Americans don’t want to invest in a failure waiting to happen.  They want our investments to make cents.  Tradition yes!  But in a new way!
  • FEMA is run by a political appointee with no disaster experience.  What an embarrassment!  This colossal failure will get back to President Bush as it should!
  • The Black vote will be the most important vote in the upcoming presidential election.   Get ready for President Barack Obama!
  • The U.S. has lost its luster worldwide and is no longer revered.  This is ALL the Bush Administration Doctrine in what is fast becoming the worst adminstration in our modern history.
  • China is the next great empire because they are doing it is smarter and quietly.  So stop yelling at me and look at the facts!  Are we really still the greatest country in the world?  In my view, the myopia must stop so we can get on solid ground here and live in the real world – not the marketed Leo Strauss world of a planet where America dominates the worlds’ values.  It’s just not going to happen!  So the faster we recognize this new world order, the better we will be able to fit right in and do it effectively and successfully as Americans who lead in a world full of all god’s children and not just ours!


  • Disney is opening a park in China.  The businessmen see the money writing on the great wall!
  • SUV’s are out!  Small Cars with awesome gas mileage will be the rage in America smart cars – and an eco-economy will be the rage.  Vulgarity will be out as Americans get fed up with such things as it has produced nothing of value for the country.
  • In the New Eco-Economy for the 21st century  the young will be considered very kewl if they conserve and use alternative fuels as a backlash against oil that has ruined our way of life this will be the next mantra for our youth.  It will be a movement to save America from the 20th century’s oil gluttony and those robber barons who rake the country over the proverbial coals.  It’s over!  Invest in the new economy and become wealthy and add value to our country!  A win/win!
  • America is facing a labor market that has relatively low wage jobs in an inflationary economy.  The poor will get poorer, the rich will continue to pillage, and the middle classes will dwindle to adjust to market conditions.  The borrowing for war and the massive Katrina repercussions will have consequences on America over the next 2 -3 years and will defeat the Neo-Cons at their soul.  With strong new leadership, America will overcome.  With a weak leadership, America is heading for recession and massive problems.  It’s hard to tell right now what will happen as the forces of change are now at war with the forces of failure.  Time will reveal who we choose to become!

Something is brewing here!  Something big!  Americans are NOT happy with our direction!  How will this frustration translate and affect our country?  How will it affect our veterans community?  

I strongly encourage you to opine on this subject.  Post your comments below.  And more, get into our forums and file your strong opinions.  Be clear, concise, direct, and do it with passion so that our democracy can work for all of us. 

A New Day is Coming!

John P. Allen is General Manager of VeteransToday.com.  He can be reached at gm@veteranstoday.com



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