Did the Oklahoma City Bombing Involve Foreign Terrorists?


Introduction by Mike Griffith, Staff Writer

A recent government report cited the 1995 bombing of a federal building in Oklahoma City as justification for the suggestion that veterans are more likely to get involved in domestic terrorism than other citizens.  Among other things, this controversial report has reopened debate about the OKC bombing itself.  The following extracts discuss evidence that Islamic extremists were invovled in the OKC bombing.


Victims’ Families Demand Action on "Foreign Link"

       Survivors and families of victims of the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing are pressing lawmakers on Capitol Hill to take action on a congressional report that offers evidence of possible Islamic and foreign ties to the terrorist attack and concludes unanswered questions remain that could affect national security.

       One victim advocacy group, VOTIVES, urges the new Congress to "take a serious stance against those in the FBI and the Department of Justice who impeded the original investigation" of the attack, which killed 168 people and wounded another 684.

       VOTIVES spokeswoman Gloria Chipman, whose husband Bob Chipman was killed by the blast at age 51, told WND she was "ecstatic" about the release of the report Dec. 27 by Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, R-Calif., but now she wants something done about its conclusions, including accusations of obstruction by the FBI and the Department of Justice. (http://wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=39682)

Feds’ ‘McVeigh Excuse’ Prompts Response: David Schippers Contends OKC Bomber Part of Islamic, Not ‘Right-Wing,’ Plot

       Responding to the Obama administration’s attempt to justify a controversial "right-wing extremism" report by citing Timothy McVeigh, a counter-terrorism group has posted a video statement by a prominent Democrat investigator who contends the Oklahoma City bomb plot was hatched not by right-wingers but by Islamic jihadists.

       David Schippers, the chief counsel for the 1998 impeachment trial of President Clinton, probed the bombing with investigative reporter Jayna Davis, author of "The Third Terrorist: The Middle Eastern Connection to the Oklahoma City Bombing", by WND Books. Davis asserts McVeigh and Terry Nichols were not the lone conspirators but part of a greater scheme involving Islamic terrorists and at least one provable link to Iraq. The explosion April 19, 1995, at the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building killed 168 people, including 19 children, and injured another 684.

       In the video, released by America’s Truth Forum, Schippers says there’s "no question the Oklahoma City bombing was a part of a state-sponsored attack on the heartland of the United States."

       "I have been asked about the Oklahoma bombing and whether there was any kind of federal cover-up. The simple and direct answer is yes," he said. "Unquestionably, a federal cover-up beginning in 1995 and continuing to today". . . .

       Epstein said the Schippers video was produced several years ago, but it has been publicly released for the first time. Schippers, a Chicago-based attorney, recently affirmed that he stands by the statements, Epstein said.

       Schippers says in the taped interview the FBI inexplicably closed its probe into the infamous "John Doe No. 2" suspect despite numerous witnesses he interviewed who identified a "foreign-looking man" with McVeigh immediately before the bombing.

       Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, R-Calif., who produced a report two years ago on the alleged foreign-link to the bombing, told WND he experienced a "high level of frustration" during his own investigation "with how many people, from local newspapers to the FBI, to just even other members of Congress, who are just anxious not to even give another look at this monstrous crime that really appears to be unresolved."

       Rohrabacher attributes some of opposition to people in a bureaucracy trying to cover up incompetence and bad decisions. But his report offers insight into the mindset of the Clinton administration, suggesting the former president did not want to confront the possibility Islamic terrorists – and ultimately a Middle Eastern state – were involved.

       It’s now clear, Rohrabacher told WND at the time, that the Clinton administration had "an aversion to any type of efforts by our government that would in some way require the use of force against foreign enemies, and especially in the Middle East."

       Schippers points out McVeigh partner Nichols made several trips to the Philippines prior to the bombing, and there is evidence he met with Islamic jihadists tied to al-Qaida.

       Former Clinton counter-terrorism official Richard Clarke notes in his book Against All Enemies that Nichols was in the Philippines in the same city at the same time as Ramzi Yousef, who was convicted of participation in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.

       "We do know that Nichols’ bombs did not work before his Philippine stay and were deadly when he returned," Clarke writes.

       Schippers also points out Yossef Bodansky, the director of the Congressional Task Force on Terrorism and Unconventional Warfare, issued a warning two months prior to the Oklahoma City bombing that Iran-sponsored Islamist terrorists had recruited ‘two lily whites’ – people like McVeigh and Nichols – to carry out the bombing of an American federal building. (http://www.worldnetdaily.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=95917)

Probe of Islamic Ties "Obstructed" by Feds 

       Federal officials were "outrageously obstructive" during a congressional probe examining possible Islamic terrorist and foreign ties to the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, according to a congressman who disclosed to WND some of the highlights of a subcommittee report scheduled for release next week.

       "The public would be outraged if they knew the extent of obstruction, or lack of cooperation, that has been given to this investigation," said Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, R-Calif., who led the probe as chairman of the International Relations’ Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations.

       One example was the Justice Department’s handling of a lead Rohrabacher received from an independent investigator concerning a Muslim figure with suspected ties to the Oklahoma City bombing whose name curiously shows up on the list of unindicted co-conspirators in the 1993 World Trade Center attack. 

       The report will document a series of correspondence between the subcommittee team and Justice officials that concluded with a refusal to turn over information about the suspect. (http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=53485)



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