The Right Wing Loonies Here Are Cowards


As a veteran of the United States Marine Corps, I take very much to heart the well being of the republic, not just for my own best interests but for every one elses as well, not the lunatic fringe element how ever that I read about who seem bent on burning down the country now that the People have voted the GOP out of office and continue to at every level.

It seems rather apparent that the GOP have decided to attempt to impose a scorched earth policy if they cannot get their way. For example the Duckworth nomination? Mz Duckworth was as worthy of a VA position as any veteran but Burr of Carolina had some animus he said was related to questions he had? So far as I am concerned he was lying, I spoke to his staff person myself by phone in order to report to you here, and it didnt take long to realize he could not answer me in truthfull terms.





In the Coleman Franken example where the People of Minnesota are not represented because the GOP has declared war on the Franken victory by stalling the People’s prerogative speaks historical volumes as to how far the GOP and its operatives are willing to go to see to it that if they cannot win then no one will.

Today at VT we read once again the insane violence laced seditious remarks from the same kool-aid drinking crowd who time after time call for anti government action that appeals to a greater audience of demented flag wavers who threaten the lives of lawmakers and their families that lead to the recent investigation in Iowa involving yet another veteran who posts here, Jerry Beere. While Beere ducked a warrant for his arrest that time, it is only a matter of time before he finally catches one that sticks in a court of law regardless of his intentions to address grievences such as he sees them.

It is also just a matter of time before rickthorne2 garners the attention of the authorities if he hasnt already, and every single person who exchanges emails with him in support of his call to subvert the rule of law and the pillars of the constitution are a part of the cabal and will surely be listed amongst the roles of the criminal complaint sure to come sooner than later.

VP Cheney as of late has sensed the winds of change are swirling about him and the tide is not in his favor nor the others like Messers Yoo and Addington who signed on to torture and other criminal war activities that now rest on the steps of the oval office, and as the file grows larger and larger and the DOJ is considering a course of action the din from the right increases in response to the impending doom and the once untouchable adminsitration now also falls prey to the rule of law. The torture memos once put forward where as  one swore to it, and another signed it manner, have now come to haunt a federal judge who may well be impeached over the sodomy like opinion of the law he practiced in his position of the 9th circuit and there is nothing the rabble mob on the right can do to stop the midnight express coming down a mounatin like a freight train!

Its over for the crazies who hijacked the party of Lincoln and Reagan, its over for the federal building bombers, its over for the torturers who let e-3s go to prison as America inches closer and closer to the real criminals and its over for the cowardly right wing extreme violent anti American rebellious lot who would rather attempt to destroy the constitution that they were once sworn to uphold and protect (from enemies both foreign and domestic) when they entered the US military, because the rest of us are watching them.

Even here at VT.



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