DIME Bomb for Perfect Crowd Control. Voila! No crowd.
(San Francisco) A true Cancer Bomb is the Holy Grail of the US Military. Bingo! The Dense Inert Metal Explosive Bomb with a carbon fiber shell is a real contender for the coveted military title of – The Cancer Bomb.
The carbon fiber shell turns to dust, though, it is still deadly. It does not add sharp irregular pieces of metal or plastic shrapnel to the blast.
The D.I.M.E. innards, or ballast, are the contribution of the US Air Force Research Labs and the Lawrence Livermore Nuclear Weapons Lab (the Lab.) They have been on the hunt for an ill defined Cancer Bomb for 65 years.
The D.I.M.E.Bomb results look like a “Bingo” for the Air Force and the Lab. It will do what it is supposed to do – Kill a lot of people – and take the International spotlight/PR heat off of the always useful, long acting, population destroying uranium oxide based munitions.
The D.I.M.E. bomb or Cancer Bomb’s claim to fame is a near universal development of cancer, the Big C, by those civilians exposed to the tungsten, nickel, cobalt, iron and any “Magic Metal” ingredients in the on-board ballast. Of course, any grunts who might come in contact with the GBU-39s insides are high cancer probables, too.
The utterly spectacular result from the Bomb Innards Study is that all, as in 100% of the exposed rats, developed a fast growing, aggressive cancer in their muscles with a long, hard to pronounce name called “rhabdomyosarcomas”. The doctors tell us that it is detectable as a hard knot in muscle tissue. Its aggressive and it kills you.
This is no small thing. A finding of 100% cancer in the studied rat population is rare indeed. If any grunts reading this were at or near any points where the GBU-39s were used, you or your Honey had better be checking you out for hard knots in your muscles. Yea, it could be anywhere.
Of special note is the simple fact that the study’s authors did not say “no other cancers were found in the target population of Rats.” Maybe there were, maybe there were not. We’ll try to find out and report back to you in another article to follow up this one.

D.I.M.E. Bomb Questions
The big time research questions are: What other cancers does this stuff cause? What happens to human cells when the 100% Cancer Bomb’s guts are mixed with radiation from tiny ceramicized uranium oxide particles?
Or, F344 Rat’s cells?
As the WWII RW Committee (Radiation Warfare, formerly the WWI Poison Gas Committee) member said of irradiated South Pacific Islanders: “… humans are better than lab rats [for subjects]…” … grunts count, too.
Embedded Weapons-Grade Tungsten Alloy Shrapnel Rapidly Induces Metastatic High-Grade Rhabdomyosarcomas in F344 Rats
John F. Kalinich1, Christy A. Emond1, Thomas K. Dalton1, Steven R. Mog2, Gary D. Coleman3, Jessica E. Kordell1, Alexandra C. Miller1, David E. McClain1
1 Heavy Metals Research Team and, 2 Veterinary Sciences Department, Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute, Bethesda, Maryland, USA, 3 Division of Veterinary Pathology, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, Silver Spring, Maryland, USA
Continuing concern regarding the potential health and environmental effects of depleted uranium and lead has resulted in many countries adding tungsten alloy (WA)-based munitions to their battlefield arsenals as replacements for these metals. Because the alloys used in many munitions are relatively recent additions to the list of militarily relevant metals, very little is known about the health effects of these metals after internalization as embedded shrapnel. Previous work in this laboratory developed a rodent model system that mimicked shrapnel loads seen in wounded personnel from the 1991 Persian Gulf War.
In the present study, we used that system and male F344 rats, implanted intramuscularly with pellets (1 mm × 2 mm cylinders) of weapons-grade WA, to simulate shrapnel wounds. Rats were implanted with 4 (low dose) or 20 pellets (high dose) of WA. Tantalum (20 pellets) and nickel (20 pellets) served as negative and positive controls, respectively.
The high-dose WA-implanted rats (n = 46) developed extremely aggressive tumors surrounding the pellets within 4–5 months after implantation. The low-dose WA-implanted rats (n = 46) and nickel-implanted rats (n = 36) also developed tumors surrounding the pellets but at a slower rate. Rats implanted with tantalum (n = 46), an inert control metal, did not develop tumors. Tumor yield was 100% in both the low- and high-dose WA groups. The tumors, characterized as high-grade pleomorphic rhabdomyosarcomas by histopathology and immunohistochemical examination, rapidly metastasized to the lung and necessitated euthanasia of the animal.
Significant hematologic changes, indicative of polycythemia, were also observed in the high-dose WA-implanted rats. These changes were apparent as early as 1 month postimplantation in the high-dose WA rats, well before any overt signs of tumor development. These results point out the need for further studies investigating the health effects of tungsten and tungsten-based alloys.
Keywords: cobalt, embedded fragment, nickel, rat, rhabdomyosarcoma, tungsten, tungsten alloy.
Citation: Kalinich JF, Emond CA, Dalton TK, Mog SR, Coleman GD, Kordell JE, et al. 2005. Embedded Weapons-Grade Tungsten Alloy Shrapnel Rapidly Induces Metastatic High-Grade Rhabdomyosarcomas in F344 Rats. Environ Health Perspect 113:729-734. doi:10.1289/ehp.7791
Received: 24 November 2004; Accepted: 14 February 2005; Online: 15 February 2005
Address correspondence to J. F. Kalinich, Heavy Metals Research Team, AFRRI, 8901 Wisconsin Ave., Bethesda, MD 20889-5603 USA. Telephone: (301) 295-9242. Fax: (301) 295-0292. E-mail: kalinich@afrri.usuhs.mil
This work was supported in part by U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command grant DAMD17-01-1-0821.
The views and opinions expressed in this report are strictly those of the authors and should not be construed as official U.S. Department of Defense policy.
The authors declare they have no competing financial interests.
Copyright 2010 – Bob Nichols. Feel free to distribute with attribution and Notes. Sources and Notes are an integral part of the article. Include when distributing.
- Ecological Development Biology: Intergrating Epigenetics, Medicine and Evolution Scott F. Gilbert and David Epel, December 2008, 459 pages, 182 illustrations, Sinauer
- Embedded Weapons-Grade Tungsten Alloy Shrapnel Rapidly Induces Metastatic High-Grade Rhabdomyosarcomas in F344 Rats
Kalinich JF, Emond CA, Dalton TK, Mog SR, Coleman GD, et al. 2005 Embedded Weapons-Grade Tungsten Alloy Shrapnel Rapidly Induces Metastatic High-Grade Rhabdomyosarcomas in F344 Rats. Environ Health Perspect 113(6): doi:10.1289/ehp.7791 - Small Diameter Bomb pictures from Defense Industry Daily dot com.
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Bob is a long-standing senior fellow with VT Foreign Policy since 2010. He is also a Project Censored Award winner, a former correspondent for the San Francisco Bay View newspaper, and a frequent contributor to various online publications.
He reports on war, politics, and the two nuclear weapons labs in the Bay Area. Nichols is writing a book based on 20 years of nuclear war in Central Asia. He is a former employee of an Army Ammunition Plant.
Follow Bob on his YouTube channel, Nichols on Nuclear, Twitter, and visit his website YourRadiationThisWeek.org.
You are encouraged to write Nichols at duweapons@gmail.com –
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