Our United States of America is about "TRUST IN GOD" 

By  D. C. Liberty, Staff Writer

As I held my best friend in my arms, the warmth of his blood soaked my uniform, he was half coherent, as he mumbled to me, “is there a God”, I pressed my cheek against his, whispering “There is only one way to Heaven Bud” my heart throbbed with pain as I felt him take his last breath, as he said, “thank you”.

To this very second, the avenues of tragedy and personal loss, family friends, honor of my Country, the integrity of our Nation. All gather heavy on me, Our Country and the Spirit of America needs us to come together once more.


Those who profess to be of higher intellect carry their lives, as if each has never done one thing, wrong, they will never experience the loss of one’s brother, bleeding to death in their arms.  

This Nation’s quest to preserve Liberty has been breached.  When individuals such as the Secretary of State roll in the beds of COMMUNISM and  Press print pictures of our President standing with the Queen of England wide mouthed with arms dangling wide eyed expressions roll thru the air waves professing our Great grand children will pay the debt, when the facts show and prove America is becoming a slave nation to the New world Order of Corporacracy.  

Every Soldier who ever lived and died has served in vain.  All which was taught of our great history has been twisted by the scribes of Attorneys working for the Political, forcing regulation solely for the benefit of the Aristocracy,  leading America to where it is being buried this very day. 

The dream of Freedom is gone and the Debt of Oppression is carrying our Nation to its Grave. We cannot hold Liberty close and save the spirit of freedom, because there is no salvation for evil which possess no SPIRIT. Corporations live beyond the life of mankind and their possessor dwells within.

I know my beloved friend went to Heaven. I thank God every day, for spearing him the experience of seeing and hearing what is being done to our Country. For sure my Great Great Grandfather who was a soldier in the Civil War, didn’t need a Harvard Education to know “If he is in so much Debt to creditors that he cannot pay his bills and produce a reserve to fall back on, that is the time to cut costs of operation”. 

knowledge passed down thru generations in my family.  I cannot recall one of my relatives being in financial trouble deciding to go buy a new tractor or a new car to get out of debt to produce a reserve for a Rainey day. 

Is it a requirement to get a college degree to discover a new way to be debt free?  Does it require a person who has done many things wrong but just managed to keep it off the record one way or another to be a quality Leader of “The Republic of the United States of America” or is America a Nation which stands for FORGIVENESS? 

Just as we all were forgiven publicly when a man was Crucified on a Cross on a hill in Israel, this is documented FACT… So All American Soldiers where do you stand?     




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