


By Gordon Duff, Staff Writer

Old accusations of “Nazi” and “Fascist” flood the conservative blogs as angry and, truth be told, racially threatened, “conservatives”, rural, undereducated, underemployed and disenfranchised by a modern world lash out.

Recent attempts to label President Obama as “Fascist” have been made by pundits popular among this crowd.  These confused utterances go unchallenged too often as so many of the followers of this journalistic genre tend to lack “schoolin’,” especially in the area of political science and history.

Nazi is an interesting term.  In America, Nazi’s have generally been white, southern and rural.  Thus far, none I know of have been black.  Obama is going to be a big surprise to my skinhead, KKK buddies.

The term Nazi, itself, refers to a political belief under the broader term of Fascism.  Fascism began in Italy before it took root in Germany.  Fascism moved to Germany, largely with financial assistance from Americans who wanted Germany protected from Communism.  These Americans, every one a Republican, led by Prescott Bush, George Herbert Walker, Henry Ford, John D. Rockefeller and dozens of other business leaders nearly as well known, helped the German Nazi party formulate its racial views based on the pseudo-science of Eugenics, a near religion to Americas wealthy elite.

These Republicans helped establish a government in Germany that was friendly to big business and would outlaw labor unions of any kind.  Business and government could work together to make new laws, and help develop conservative Christian moral values.  Hitler was a strong supporter of conservative Christian beliefs and hated liberals, union members and socialists of any kind.  The really funny part is that NAZI stands for National Socialist, a trick meant to fool workers into supporting something that would eventually enslave them.  These were smart folks as far as vicious sadistic freaks go.

Here in America, Hitler was supported, not only by bankers and industrialists who poured millions into building up Nazi Germany but by conservative Republicans all over the country.  Republicans continually held up the accomplishment of Hitler’s Germany as a model.

When the war began, Republicans felt betrayed by President Roosevelt who they felt tricked America into war against Nazi Germany, a country they loved.  World War 2 was called “Mr. Roosevelt’s War.” They wanted no part of the war.

Over the years, Americans became more and more ashamed, especially when they learned about the concentration camps and the millions that were killed.  The war against the Japanese began quickly, but the war with Germany built slowly, first with landings in North Africa in 1942, then moving to Italy.  It wasn’t until D Day that Americans began unlimited war against Nazi Germany.

The government, with prominent Republicans like Charles Lindberg, close friend of Hermann Goering, pushing for American support of Nazi Germany right up until Pearl Harbor, took total control of every resource possible to convince Republicans who had supported Hitler that our war was just. (or that collaborating would lead to jail time)

This is why the Frank Capra series of films, Why We Fight, were made and the FBI constantly spied on anti-war groups, something they have continued to this day.

I know all of this political mumbo jumbo can be confusing to most.  Fascists are Republicans, Democrats are Communists, all Jews are rich, all Arabs are terrorists, Christians eat babies, all black people love Chicken.

Are we clear on this?

Gordon Duff is a Marine combat vet and regular contributor on political and social issues.gduff_02


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Gordon Duff posted articles on VT from 2008 to 2022. He is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War. A disabled veteran, he worked on veterans and POW issues for decades. Gordon is an accredited diplomat and is generally accepted as one of the top global intelligence specialists. He manages the world's largest private intelligence organization and regularly consults with governments challenged by security issues. Duff has traveled extensively, is published around the world, and is a regular guest on TV and radio in more than "several" countries. He is also a trained chef, wine enthusiast, avid motorcyclist, and gunsmith specializing in historical weapons and restoration. Business experience and interests are in energy and defense technology.